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0 Views · 5 months ago

Spent 2 years creating a 21-hour, high-quality course that covers everything about Tableau. And yes, everything is FREE!

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📖 Table of Content
00:00 Intro
03:20 Tableau Course Structure
08:35 #1 Section: Tableau Basics
08:37 Big Data Terms
00:16:54 What is Business Intelligence (BI)
00:19:34 What is Data Visualization
00:22:50 Excel vs BI-Tools
00:31:28 Top 3 BI-Tools
00:32:22 What is Tableau
00:34:50 Why Tableau
00:39:54 #2 Chapter: Tableau Products
00:39:54 Tableau Development Products
00:43:36 Tableau Sharing Process
00:54:26 Tableau Hosting (OnPrem, IaaS, SaaS)
01:00:24 Tableau Sharing Products
01:12:03 #3 Section: Tableau Architecture
01:12:46 Live vs Extract
01:14:48 Tableau File Types
01:19:16 Tableau Desktop Architecture
01:26:39 Tableau Server Architecture
01:48:37 #4 Section: Prepare the Environment
01:48:44 Download & Install Tableau Public
01:50:06 Create Tableau Public Account
01:51:26 Get Training Datasets
01:57:18 Publish First Viz
01:59:33 Tour into the Tableau Interface
02:13:01 #5 Section: Combining Data
02:13:51 Basics Data Modeling
02:19:57 Logical & Physical Layers
02:25:07 Joins
02:33:59 Union
02:40:54 Relationships
02:57:28 Data Blending
03:15:57 Summary: Combining Methods
03:28:46 #6 Section: Tableau Metadata
03:29:42 Data Types
03:48:35 Geographic & Image Roles
03:53:18 Dimensions & Measures
04:10:57 Discrete vs Continuous
04:25:34 Summary: Tableau Metadata
04:27:16 #7 Section: Renaming & Aliases
04:27:50 Naming Conventions
04:38:28 Renaming
04:48:46 Aliases
04:57:26 #8 Section: Organizing Data
04:58:13 Hierarchy
05:16:03 Groups
05:28:57 Cluster Group
05:38:37 Sets
06:02:25 Bins & Histograms
06:12:55 #9 Section: Filtering & Sorting Data
06:13:40 Understand Tableau Filters
06:25:11 How to Create Filters
06:48:05 Customizing Filters
08:03:50 #10 Section: Tableau Parameters
08:32:09 #11 Section: Tableau Actions
09:05:56 #12 Section: Tableau Calculations
09:31:33 Types of Tableau Calculations
09:53:53 Number Functions
10:04:12 String Functions
11:27:55 Date Functions
12:17:31 Null Functions
12:30:33 Logical Functions
13:16:13 Aggregate Functions
13:35:24 Attribute Function ATTR()
13:59:29 Fixed
14:08:55 Exclude
14:14:26 Include
15:02:51 #13 Section: Tableau Charts
17:55:35 #14 Section: Tableau Dashboards
18:22:08 #15 Section: Tableau Project

#tableau #data #analytics #datascience
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**All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for**

1 Views · 5 months ago

🔥Enroll for the Data Analytics Course:

#PowerBIFullCourse2024 #PowerBITutorialForBeginners #PowerBICourse #Intellipaat

As organizations struggle with the challenge of transforming raw data into actionable insights, Power BI emerges as a powerful tool. In this Power BI course 2024, we will learn how Power BI has changed the way of doing Data Analytics.

This particular Power BI Course For Beginners has been taught by our top industry experts associated with companies like Google, Meta, and Microsoft. So, stay until the end of this video, you will understand Power BI from Fundamentals To Data Visualization in Power BI.

With this Power BI Course 2024, we will give you the Fundamental idea of what is Power BI, Power BI Installation, Power BI Interface, Power BI Basics, Power BI with MySQL, Power BI Power Query Editor, Shaping Data in Power BI, Data Modelling in Power BI, DAX Function in Power BI, and Data Visualization. We will also highlight some of the important Power BI interview questions.

🔵 Following topics are covered in this Power BI Course 2024
00:00:00 - Introduction to Power BI Course
00:02:17 - What is Power BI?
00:06:15 - Power BI Installation
00:29:41 - What is Business Intelligence?
01:01:14 - Why Power BI?
01:07:01 - Power BI Components
01:25:52 - Architecture of Power BI
01:32:12 - Creating a Report in Power BI
02:18:22 - Overview of Power BI Desktop
02:20:31 - Data Sources in Power BI
03:41:28 - Power Query Editor
04:02:19 - Shaping Data
04:32:12 - Formatting Data
05:56:53 - Combining Data
07:16:51 - Power BI Data Model
08:14:03 - What is DAX?
11:00:02 - Power BI Interview Questions

✅Can I learn Power BI myself?
How to learn Power BI and get certified. Power BI has a friendly graphical interface, but there's a lot of complexity beneath the surface. It's easy to watch videos or read tutorials and assume that you've learned Power BI. But to pass the exam and get job-ready, you'll need hands-on skills.

✅Can we learn Power BI in 10 days?
It generally takes four to six weeks to learn the basics of Power BI, with the process involving seven specific stages, including installing, integrating data sources, handling data, creating basic visualizations, using DAX functions, making dashboards and reports, and publishing data findings.

➡️ About the Course
Enroll in this advanced certification by IITM Pravartak (The Technology Innovation Hub of IIT Madras) and Intellipaat and learn under the expert guidance of the IIT Madras faculty. The program is designed by industry experts to help you master AWS, cloud computing, VPC, etc., through real-time hands-on projects.

➡️Who should take this course?
☑️Non-IT Professionals in HR, banking, marketing, sales, etc.
☑️BI Professionals
☑️Data Analytics Professionals
☑️Project Managers
☑️Software Developers
☑️Information Architects
☑️Freshers and Undergraduates can apply for the course

✅ Key Features
👉🏼50+ Live sessions across 7 months
👉🏼218 Hrs Self-paced Videos
👉🏼200 Hrs Project & Exercises
👉🏼Learn from IIT Madras Faculty and Industry Practitioners
👉🏼One-on-one with Industry Mentors
👉🏼Resume Preparation and LinkedIn Profile Review
👉🏼24*7 Support
👉🏼No-cost EMI Option

What’s Covered in This Program?
✅Data wrangling with SQL
✅Introduction to Data Science and Statistics
✅Business Problem Solving, Insights and Storytelling
✅Optimization Techniques
✅Statistics and Machine Learning using R Programming
✅Predictive Modeling
✅Time-Series Forecasting
✅Feature Engineering
✅Advance Machine Learning Techniques
✅Data Science Execution Strategy
✅Business Case Studies
✅Visualization using Power BI
✅Data Science Capstone Project

📌 Do subscribe to Intellipaat channel & come across more relevant Tech content:

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🚀 Intellipaat Advanced Certifications
🌕 Advanced Certification in Cloud Computing:
🌕 Advanced Certification in Data Science:
🌕 Advanced Certification in Full Stack Web Development:
🌕 Advanced Certification in UI UX Design:


📚For more information, please write back to us at or call us at IND: 7847955955 / USA: 1-800-216-8930

0 Views · 5 months ago

Enrol in Odin School Data Science Bootcamp

Link to the resources

List if the companies
Moody's analytics
Citicorp Finance
Tiger Analytics
ANZ Bank

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00:00 - 01:28 Recap
01:29 - 01:49 Introduction
01:50 - 02:33 What all companies did you crack and what were the CTCs?
02:34 - 03:01 Did you face rejections?
03:02 - 03:25 When did you plan to switch?
03:26 - 05:26 Strategy to switch/hunt for a job
05:27 - 05:49 Do you use same resume everywhere?
05:50 - 06:15 How to check ATS score?
06:16 - 08:51 Next steps towards applying job
08:52 - 09:49 Referral tricks
09:50 - 10:31 Any other tips regarding job search
10:32 - 11:18 What to prefer referral/direct apply?
11:18 - 11:51 How did you get a call from Amazon?
11:52 - 13:04 Number of companies you apply and got the call
13:05 - 14:17 Topics frequently asked in every interviews
14:18 - 15:38 Tricky topics that companies ask
15:39 - 16:35 Time management and preparation strategy
16:36 - 17:44 Platforms to use for preparation
17:45 - 20:15 Interview rounds in Amazon
20:16 - 21:14 Is there any specific way to answer scenario based questions?
21:15 - 21:47 Total time taken for the whole interview process
21:48 - 22:17 Feeling after cracking Amazon
22:18 - 22:46 Conclusion

✨ Hashtags ✨
#GoogleSde #Tech #SoftwareEngineering #Jobs #Career #ComputerScience #FAANGM #FAANG #DTU #engineering #internship #college #DSA #Freshers

0 Views · 5 months ago

تقدر تشترك في مخيم تحليل البيانات مع العسال عن طريق الرابط ده
موقع تعلم كورسات تحليل البيانات و حاجات تانيه كتييير
عشان تجيب من عليه قواعد بيانات , mostaql
مواقع عشان الشغل الاونلاين من البيت

لو شايف اني بفيدك و حابب انك تدعمني و تنضم لاعضاء القناه الداعمين لها تقدر تشارك و تشوف برامج الاعضاء المختلفه من الرابط ده 👇
تابعوني علي تيك توك عشان تتعلم أكسل اكتر
و علي انستجرام

0 Views · 5 months ago

This Video is about my career journey into Data Analytics.

We are starting a community on Whatsapp for Data Folks !!

If you are someone who is in studying or working,
being curious or enthusiast about Data Science & Analytics, Welcome Home !!

We will be sharing/helping Data contents to empower you into this field.

Please click on the link below and join the community.

#DataAnalyst #DataAnalytics #CareerTips #DataScience #TechCareers #HowToBecomeADataAnalyst #DataAnalystJourney #DataSkills #DataTools #DayInTheLife

0 Views · 5 months ago

قد تسمع أحيانا كلمة
Data Analysis
Data Analytics
وقد تتسائل هل الكلمتين لهم نفس المعنى أم أن هناك اختلاف ، ولو يوجد إختلاف فما هو؟؟
هذا هو ما سنعرفه في هذا الفيديو.

وللأسف هنا الترجمة العربية لا تفرق كثيراً بين الكلمتين فالأولى تُترجم :"تحليل البيانات" وأما الثانية فتترجم:"تحليلات البيانات" وقد تفترض أن المعنى واحد.

0 Views · 5 months ago

Data cleaning is essential for successful analysis. If a piece of data is entered into a spreadsheet or database incorrectly, or if data formats are inconsistent, the result is dirty data. Let's go through why and how to clean data.

0:00 Getting Started with Data Cleansing
3:20 Why Data Cleaning is Important
9:05 Identify Dirty Data
14:31 Starting the Data Cleansing Process
20:51 Cleaning Data from Multiple Sources
26:37 Data Cleaning Features
34:43 Optimize the Data Cleaning Process
48:50 Data Perspectives
59:12 Even More Data Cleaning Techniques

This video is part of the Google Data Analytics Certificate which teaches learners how to prepare, process, analyze, share, and act on data.

The program, created by Google employees in the field, is designed to provide you with job-ready skills in about 6 months to start or advance your career in data analytics.

Take the Certificate HERE:

Subscribe HERE:

#GrowWithGoogle #GoogleCareerCertificate #DataAnalytics

Why earn a Google Career Certificate?
► No experience necessary: Learn job-ready skills, with no college degree required.
► Learn at your own pace: Complete the 100% online courses on your own terms.
► Stand out to employers: Make your resume competitive with a credential from Google.
► A path to in-demand jobs: Connect with top employers who are currently hiring.

0 Views · 5 months ago

"🔥Data Analyst Masters Program (Discount Code - YTBE15) -
🔥IITK - Professional Certificate Course in Data Analytics and Generative AI (India Only) -
🔥Purdue - Post Graduate Program in Data Analytics -
🔥Caltech - Data Analytics Bootcamp (US Only) -
🔥IITG - Professional Certificate Program in Data Analytics and Generative AI (India Only) -"

Advanced Excel Full Course 2024 by Simplilearn is complete Excel tutorial that helps aspiring data analysts with excel data analytics fundamentals. This Microsoft Excel Tutorial For Beginners will cover basic topics of excel like data validation, conditional formatting, spreadsheet fundamentals to advanced excel topics like time series analysis, filters, slicers, excel dashboarding, data visualization, and much more.

This Excel Full Course will cover the following topics:
00:00:00 introduction to Microsoft Excel Full Course
00:01:52 Excel Basic Knowledge
00:18:45 How To Change Lower Case To Upper Case In Excel?
00:19:58 How To Add Rows In Excel?
00:21:32 How To Add Columns In Excel?
00:24:29 How To Select Entire Column In Excel?
00:27:16 How to Compare Two Columns In Excel?
00:34:36 How To Convert Rows To Columns In Excel?
00:36:13 How to Group Rows in Excel?
00:37:55 How To Remove Blank Rows In Excel?
00:41:44 How To Freeze Row In Excel Tutorial
00:44:12 How to Convert Numbers to Words in Excel?
00:46:59 Combining Data From Multiple Cells In Excel
00:49:27 How To Merge Cells In Excel
00:54:12 How to Add Date in Excel?
00:55:48 How To Change Date Format In Excel (dd/mm/yyyy) To (mm/dd/yyyy)
00:59:55 How To Calculate Age In Excel From A Date Of Birth?
01:01:37 How To Calculate Time Difference in Excel?
01:03:15 DAX In Excel Explained
01:08:20 Checkboxes In Excel
01:12:31 How to Insert Excel in PPT?
01:14:40 How To Insert Image In Excel?
01:18:05 How To Insert PDF in Excel Sheet?
01:21:40 How To Convert PDF To Excel
01:26:05 How to Insert Tick Mark in Excel?
01:29:05 How to add Watermark in Excel?
01:32:00 How to Increase Cell Size in Excel?
01:34:50 How to create Barcode In Excel
01:38:08 Excel Flash Fill
01:43:00 How to Add Hyperlink In Excel
01:55:44 Excel Round-Off Formula
01:58:18 How To Calculate Standard Deviation In Excel?
02:04:50 Index Match In Excel
02:09:10 How to Sort by Date in Excel?
02:10:40 How to Use AutoSum In Excel
02:13:47 How To Sort Data In Excel?
02:23:56 Slicer and Filter in Excel
02:27:49 How to Add Filters in Excel
02:29:20 Goal Seek In Excel
How to Create Drop-Down List In Excel?
02:44:46 Data Validation In Excel
02:44:50 How To Lock(Protect) Cells In Excel
03:17:55 How To Calculate Average In Excel?
03:18:43 Excel Print Page Setup
03:36:47 Page Break In Excel For Beginners
03:08:53 Conditional Formatting In Excel
03:41:56 How to Count Colored Cells in Excel?
03:47:54 DateDif In Excel Explained
03:51:08 Remove Duplicates In Excel
03:55:05 SUMIFS Formula in Excel
04:02:40 How To Create Pivot Tables In Excel
04:07:00 Autofill In Excel Explained
04:10:22 How to Calculate Percentage In Excel
04:12:08 How To Highlight Duplicates In Excel?
04:16:04 Charts In Excel
04:21:56 Progress Tracker In Excel
04:25:50 Excel Gantt Chart Tutorial
04:28:48 Pivot Tables In Excel
04:57 Pivot Charts in Excel and How to Create a Pivot Table Using Multiple Sheets in Excel
06:45:02 Time Series Analysis in Excel
07:37:00 Excel Dashboard Design
08:47:00 Excel Power Query Tutorial For Beginners
09:44:44 Excel Budget Template
09:51:37 Excel Interview Questions And Answers

⏩ Check out the Excel tutorial videos:

#HowtoGroupRowsinExcel #ExcelTutorial #ExcelGrouping #ExcelTips #MSExcel #Excel #ExcelTraining #LearnMSExcel #ExcelBasics #ExcelTutorialForBeginners #simplilearn

➡️ About Post Graduate Program In Data Analytics
This Data Analytics Program is ideal for all working professionals and prior programming knowledge is not required. It covers topics like data analysis, data visualization, regression techniques, and supervised learning in-depth via our applied learning model with live sessions by leading practitioners and industry projects.

🔥🔥 Interested in Attending Live Classes? Call Us: IN - 18002127688 / US - +18445327688

1 Views · 5 months ago

Interested in Data Science? Start with learning SQL to query data. You'll need it no matter which part of the data science pyramid you're interested in:


0 Views · 5 months ago

Google Data Analytics Professional Certification details.
Discussed these points in this video: How to start, cost, time, skills, projects and placement/job guide.

Course Link:

#DataScience #Google #GoogleDataAnalytics

Overall structure of the course :
Course 1 is foundations
Course 2 which is about asking effective questions how to make data driven decisions
Course 3 is how to Prepare data for exploration which includes types of data and also how to use spreadsheet and SQL with database and data set
Course 4 : is about Processing data from Dirty to clean which basically means converting unstructured data into structured data using SQL
Course5 is Analyze data to answer Questions
Course 6 Share data Through the Art of Visualization
Course 7 is Data Analysis with R programming
Course 8 is a case study which is optional called Google Data Analytics Capstone

00:00 Intro
01:06 Google Course Overview
05:50 Course 1
06:40 Course 2
07:08 Course 3
07:43 Course 4
08:31 Course 5
09:00 Course 6
09:54 Course 7
10:29 Course 8
11:30 FAQs
14:22 Outro

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Useful videos:

■ Data Analyst RoadMap:

■ Complete Excel Tutorial:

If you like this video I highly suggest you to check out some other fun videos on this channel 😉

■ How to Become Data Analyst in 2022 | Data Analyst Roadmap

■ Business Analyst Vs Data Analyst - Job, Salary, Qualification, Skills & Career Path

■ 5 Minimum Skills to Get a Data Analyst Job || Skills to Become Data Analyst


If this is the first ever video you're watching allow me to introduce myself, Hey I'm Rishabh Mishra and currently working as Senior Data Analyst at Bangalore. On this channel I like to guide and help my juniors and data science aspirants regarding Data Science jobs and useful tips for college students.
Have a great day buddy!

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0 Views · 5 months ago

Enroll in the full SPSS course for just $49:
Buy all our courses (SPSS, STATA, KoboToolbox, PowerBI, Excel and more) for just $199:

Practice dataset and reporting document:

Download trial version of SPSS:

0 Views · 5 months ago

SPSS Statistics is a software package used for interactive, or batched, statistical analysis. Learn how to use it in this full course.

💻 Download course files here:

✏️ Course created by Barton Poulson from
🔗 Check out the YouTube channel:
🔗 Watch more free data science courses at

⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
(0:00:00) Welcome
(0:02:33) Versions, Editions, & Modules
(0:08:10) Taking a Look
(0:15:20) Sample Data
(0:19:10) Graph board Templates
(0:28:17) Bar Charts
(0:34:00) Histograms
(0:37:30) Scatterplots
(0:44:30) Frequencies
(0:53:00) Descriptives
(1:01:00) Explore
(1:12:00) Labels & Definitions
(1:23:00) Entering Data
(1:26:00) Importing Data
(1:37:00) Hierarchical Clustering
(1:48:00) Factor Analysis
(2:03:00) Regression
(2:15:00) Next Steps


🎉 Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters:
👾 Wong Voon jinq
👾 hexploitation
👾 Katia Moran
👾 BlckPhantom
👾 Nick Raker
👾 Otis Morgan
👾 DeezMaster
👾 Treehouse


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0 Views · 5 months ago

What exactly is data science - A question many beginners ask. This video will answer this question and will teach you exactly what data science is in laymen's terms.

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►Python Complete Course In Hindi -

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►Django Complete Course In Hindi -

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Comment "#HarryBhai" if you read this 😉😉

0 Views · 5 months ago

#powerbi #lokeshlalwani #learnwithlokeshlalwani
Here is a link to my Free Masterclass

In this video, I have explained how you can apply for multiple job titles being a Data Analyst

Watch this video till the end and Please Like, Share & Subscribe to my channel.

0 Views · 5 months ago

"🔥Data Scientist Masters Program (Discount Code - YTBE15) -
🔥IITK - Professional Certificate Course in Data Science (India Only) -
🔥Caltech Post Graduate Program in Data Science -
🔥Brown University - Applied AI & Data Science -

This What is Data Science Video will give you an idea of a life of Data Scientist. This Data Science for Beginners video will also explain the steps involved in the Data Science project, roles & salary offered to a Data Scientist. Data Science is basically dealing with unstructured and structured data. Data Science is a field that comprises of everything that is related to data cleansing, preparation, and data analysis.
Below topics are explained in this Data Science tutorial:
00:00 Introduction
00:10 Life of a Data Scientist
Steps in Data Science project
00:21 Understanding the business problem
00:37 Data acquisition
00:51 Data preparation
01:29 Exploratory data analysis
01:52 Data modeling
02:20 Visualization and communication
02:43 Deploy & maintenance
03:11 Roles offered to a Data Scientist
03:53 Salary of a Data Scientist

To learn more about Data Science, subscribe to our YouTube channel:

Download the Data Science career guide to explore and step into the exciting world of data, and follow the path towards your dream career:

Watch more videos on Data Science:

#DataScience #WhatIsDataScience #DataScienceForBeginners #DataScientist #DataScienceTutorial #DataScienceWithPython #DataScienceWithR #DataScienceCourse #BusinessAnalytics #DataScience101 #MachineLearning

➡️ About Caltech Post Graduate Program In Data Science
This Post Graduation in Data Science leverages the superiority of Caltech's academic eminence. The Data Science program covers critical Data Science topics like Python programming, R programming, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Data Visualization tools through an interactive learning model with live sessions by global practitioners and practical labs.

✅ Key Features
- Simplilearn's JobAssist helps you get noticed by top hiring companies
- Caltech PG program in Data Science completion certificate
- Earn up to 14 CEUs from Caltech CTME
- Masterclasses delivered by distinguished Caltech faculty and IBM experts
- Caltech CTME Circle membership
- Online convocation by Caltech CTME Program Director
- IBM certificates for IBM courses
- Access to hackathons and Ask Me Anything sessions from IBM
- 25+ hands-on projects from the likes of Amazon, Walmart, Uber, and many more
- Seamless access to integrated labs
- Capstone projects in 3 domains
- Simplilearn’s Career Assistance to help you get noticed by top hiring companies
- 8X higher interaction in live online classes by industry experts

✅ Skills Covered
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Descriptive Statistics
- Inferential Statistics
- Model Building and Fine Tuning
- Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
- Ensemble Learning
- Deep Learning
- Data Visualization

👉 Learn More At:
🔥🔥 Interested in Attending Live Classes? Call Us: IN - 18002127688 / US - +18445327688

0 Views · 5 months ago

لأي تفاصيل عن دوراتنا ولأي تساؤلات .. نتشرف بتواصلكم على واتس آب

0 Views · 5 months ago

Data Analysis Project | Advanced Excel Full Course | Excel Tutorial for Beginners | Excel Course | Excel Data Analysis Project

Data Analysis Project in Excel: Layoff Trends Dashboard

In this video, we’ll walk you through a comprehensive data analysis project using Excel. The objective of this project is to analyze the layoff data of a company and create an interactive Excel dashboard with Macros that provides comprehensive insights into layoff trends.

The project involves several steps:

1. Data Collection: We’ll obtain the layoff dataset from Kaggle, a well-known platform for sharing and discovering datasets. We’ll guide you on how to access Kaggle, search for the relevant dataset, evaluate the datasets, and download the suitable one for further analysis.

2. Understanding the Dataset: The chosen dataset contains key fields such as Company, Location_HQ, Industry, Percentage, Date, Funds_Raised, Stage, Date_Added, Country, Laid_Off_Count, and List_of_Employees_Laid_Off. We’ll explore the dataset which has 2739 rows and 12 columns, and discuss the data types and missing values in the dataset.

3. Data Pre-processing: This step involves transforming raw data into a format that is more suitable for analysis. We’ll show you how to convert the date column to datetime, extract information of each unique type, check for duplicates and null values, and reduce unwanted data.

4. Data Visualization and Dashboard Creation: Finally, we’ll design a visually appealing dashboard with charts and slicers. The dashboard will include a pie chart showing layoffs by Year, a bar chart depicting layoffs by Industry, and a line chart illustrating layoffs trend by Month.

By the end of this video, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of how to perform advanced analytics on a dataset using Excel, and how to create an interactive dashboard that allows users to explore layoff patterns visually.

Join us as we delve into the world of data analysis with Excel!

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#ExcelCharts #DataVisualization #LineCharts #BarCharts #ColumnCharts #ChartTypes

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0 Views · 5 months ago

At Digiperform, we're proud to witness the incredible journey of Ishwar, who has successfully completed his Data Science course with us. Equipped with valuable skills like Python, MySQL, and Data Analysis, Ishwar has already secured a position as a Data Engineer at Genesis Pvt. Ltd. 🎉

But his learning doesn’t stop there! He’s now diving into Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Generative AI, continuing his growth and pushing his career to new heights.

Ishwar, your dedication and passion inspire us all! We're thrilled to have been part of your journey, and we know even greater opportunities await you. 💪

Thank you for trusting Digiperform, and a huge shoutout to our amazing mentors and tutors who make this possible every day! 🌟

1 Views · 5 months ago

This gives information about polars package in python for data analysis.

#python #pandas #polars

0 Views · 5 months ago

For more details explore:

Embark on a journey into the realm of data analysis with our comprehensive course! 🚀 Learn to harness the power of Power BI, SQL, Python, and Azure Cloud Storage for insightful data analysis and visualization. Here's what you'll dive into:

Project Architecture:

Data Collection: Gather data from various sources and store them securely in Azure Cloud Storage.
Data Processing: Utilize SQL for efficient data processing, cleaning, and transformation.
Analysis and Visualization: Employ Power BI to create interactive visualizations and gain valuable insights.
Advanced Analytics: Dive into Python for advanced statistical analysis, machine learning, and predictive modeling.
Deployment and Automation: Deploy your analysis pipelines and automate tasks for seamless integration into business workflows.
Software Installation Guide:

Power BI: Install and set up Power BI Desktop for creating stunning visualizations.
SQL Server: Configure SQL Server for data storage, querying, and manipulation.
Python: Install Anaconda or Miniconda for Python and set up essential libraries like Pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib.
Azure Cloud Services: Create an Azure account, set up storage services like Azure Blob Storage, and integrate them into your analysis pipeline.
Join us in unraveling the intricacies of data analysis and unleash the potential of your data! 💡 #DataAnalysis #PowerBI #SQL #Python #AzureCloud #DataVisualization #MachineLearning #installationguide

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0 Views · 5 months ago

"🔥Business Analyst Masters Program (Discount Code - YTBE15) -
🔥CBAP® Certification Training -
🔥Purdue - Post Graduate Program in Business Analysis -

This video, Power BI Full Course 2023by Simplilearn, will help you learn the basics of Power BI and the reasons to learn it. In this Power BI tutorial for beginners, you will understand the different components of Power BI, how to use Dax functions to derive value from your data, and how to publish dashboards on to the power bi service.
Below are the topics we will be discussing in this Power BI Course:

00:00:00 Introduction to Power BI
00:05:00 What is Power BI
00:05:20 Why Power BI?
00:06:23 Features of Power BI
00:07:48 Componentsof Power Bi
00:09:30 Power Bi Service
00:10:48 Power Bi Dashboard
00:11:50 Power Bi Architecture
00:12:25 Power Bi Use case
00:34:00 How to become a Business analyst
00:34:14 Who is a business analyst
00:34:35 Roles and responsibilities of a business analyst
00:37:00 Business analyst skills
00:41:10 Business Analyst Roadmap
00:42:30 Salary of a business analyst
00:43:00 Companies hiring Business analyst
00:48:50 Connecting data sources
00:57:00 Data Models in Power Bi
01:03:10 DAX functions
01:05:39 Types of DAX Functions
01:06:04 Project in Power Bi
05:05:00 Power BI Dashboard

Dataset Link -

✅Subscribe to our Channel to learn more about the top Technologies:

⏩ Check out the PowerBi training videos:

#PowerBiFullCourse #PowerBiTutorialForBeginners #PowerBiCourse #LearnPowerBi StepByStep #PowerBi #TableauTrainingVideos #PowerBiTutorial #simplilearn

➡️ About Post Graduate Program In Data Analytics

This Data Analytics Program is ideal for all working professionals and prior programming knowledge is not required. It covers topics like data analysis, data visualization, regression techniques, and supervised learning in-depth via our applied learning model with live sessions by leading practitioners and industry projects.

✅ Key Features

- Post Graduate Program certificate and Alumni Association membership
- Exclusive hackathons and Ask me Anything sessions by IBM
- 8X higher live interaction in live online classes by industry experts
- Capstone from 3 domains and 14+ Data Analytics Projects with Industry datasets from Google PlayStore, Lyft, World Bank etc.
- Master Classes delivered by Purdue faculty and IBM experts
- Simplilearn's JobAssist helps you get noticed by top hiring companies
- Resume preparation and LinkedIn profile building
- 1:1 mock interview
- Career accelerator webinars

✅ Skills Covered

- Data Analytics
- Statistical Analysis using Excel
- Data Analysis Python and R
- Data Visualization Tableau and Power BI
- Linear and logistic regression modules
- Clustering using kmeans
- Supervised Learning

👉 Learn More at:
🔥Caltech Data Analytics Bootcamp(US Only):

🔥🔥 Interested in Attending Live Classes? Call Us: IN - 18002127688 / US - +18445327688

1 Views · 5 months ago

complete course on R is here:


✅✅✅RoadMap to Data Analytics✅✅✅
Complete RoadMap to Become a Data Analyst in 2024.
Learn and Practice these skills and courses from our youtube Channel Codanics or our website

The complete Data Analytics Course can be accessed here:

You can also learn from our youtube channel following this sequence.

1. MS Excel:
2. ABC of Statistics for Data Analytics and Data Understanding:
3. Free Ebook written in Roman Urdu:
3. Mathematics for Data Analytics and Data Understanding:
4. Power BI for Data Visualization
5. Tableau for Data Visualization
6. SQL (Structured Query Language)
7. Python for Data Analytics and Data Science
1. The whole python ka chilla for data science (Free main) is at this link:
8. R programming:
1. Complete course on R is here:
9. Bonus Complete Course on AI and Data Science:
1. Six months AI and Data Science Mentorship program is uploaded here:
10. Markdown Language to Make Data Reports:

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0 Views · 5 months ago

Technology Expert Coach by Mr.Kakkar (Working in IT Industry since 2000)

Angular Questions

Java Questions

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Programming Languages Knowledge

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Objective C Questions

1 Views · 5 months ago

complete course on R is here:
The whole python ka chilla for data science (Free main) is at this link:


✅✅✅RoadMap to Data Analytics✅✅✅
Complete RoadMap to Become a Data Analyst in 2024.
Learn and Practice these skills and courses from our youtube Channel Codanics or our website

The complete Data Analytics Course can be accessed here:

You can also learn from our youtube channel following this sequence.

1. MS Excel:
2. ABC of Statistics for Data Analytics and Data Understanding:
3. Free Ebook written in Roman Urdu:
3. Mathematics for Data Analytics and Data Understanding:
4. Power BI for Data Visualization
5. Tableau for Data Visualization
6. SQL (Structured Query Language)
7. Python for Data Analytics and Data Science
1. The whole python ka chilla for data science (Free main) is at this link:
8. R programming:
1. Complete course on R is here:
9. Bonus Complete Course on AI and Data Science:
1. Six months AI and Data Science Mentorship program is uploaded here:
10. Markdown Language to Make Data Reports:

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0 Views · 5 months ago

Master Power BI with Ram Boyapati - Expert Data Analyst

Are you looking to advance your career in Data Analytics? Join Ram Boyapati, with over 13 years of expertise in SQL Server, MSBI, and Power BI as a Data Analyst. Whether you're a fresher or have years of experience, our tailored programs will equip you with the skills demanded by today's IT industry.

Program Details:

Power BI Essentials: Learn Power BI Desktop, Online Cloud, Report Server, and Mobile App usage.
Foundational Skills: Master SQL basics, Python essentials, and Azure Cloud fundamentals.
Real-Time Projects: Gain hands-on experience with industry-relevant projects.
Flexible Learning: Choose from regular weekday sessions or intensive weekend programs.
Support and Certification: Prepare for interviews with real-world project support and optional Microsoft certification (PL-300).
Why Choose Us?

Expert Guidance: Ram Boyapati brings real-world insights and practical knowledge.
Comprehensive Learning: Access daily class recordings, notes, and 24/7 doubt clarification.
Career Support: Enhance your employability with interview preparation and job assistance.
Program Fees:

Regular Program (Mon-Fri): Power BI or Data Analyst Track - Starting at ₹13,000/month.
Real-Time Weekend Program (Sat-Sun): Practical training at ₹15,000/month.
Contact Us:

Call: 7989781302
Free introductory sessions available!
Don’t miss out on transforming your career with in-demand skills in Power BI and Data Analysis. Enroll now and step into the world of data-driven insights!

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💡 Our Training Features:
🎈 Training with Real-Time Experts
🎈 Industry Specific Scenario’s
🎈 Flexible Timings
🎈 Soft Copy of Material
🎈 Share Videos of each and every session.

Contact :+91 7989781302, +91 7997457228
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2 Views · 5 months ago

#datascience #rprogramming
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In this video, we will talk about Statistics for Data Science using R programming language, more specifically about the types of Statistical methods, different statistical measures and categorization of Descriptive Statistics.

What is Statistics?
Statistics is a form of mathematical analysis that uses quantified models, representations and synopses for a given set of experimental or real-life data. Statistics studies methodologies to gather, review, analyze and draw conclusions from data.

There are many different types of statistics pertaining to which situation you need to analyze. Statistics are used to make better business decisions

Statistical Measures
Some statistical measures include the following:
• Mean
• Regression analysis
• Skewness
• Variance
• Analysis of variance

A mean is the mathematical average of a group of two or more numerals. The mean for a specified set of numbers can be computed in multiple ways, including the arithmetic mean, which shows how well a specific commodity performs over time, and the geometric mean, which shows the performance results of an investor’s portfolio invested in that same commodity over the same period.

Regression Analysis
The regression analysis determines the extent to which specific factors such as interest rates, the price of a product, influence the price fluctuations of an asset. This is depicted in the form of a straight line called linear regression.

Skewness describes the degree a set of data varies from the standard distribution in a set of statistical data. Most data sets, including commodity returns and stock prices, have either positive skew or negative skew.

Variance is a measurement of the span of numbers in a data set. The variance measures the distance each number in the set is from the mean. Variance can help determine the risk an investor might accept when buying an investment.

Understanding Statistics
Statistics is a term used to summarize a process that an analyst uses to characterize a data set. Statistical analysis involves the process of gathering and evaluating data and then summarizing the data into a mathematical form.

Statistics is used in various disciplines such as business, social sciences, etc. Two types of statistical methods are used in analyzing data: descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.

Descriptive statistics are used to summarize data from a sample exercising the mean or standard deviation. Inferential statistics are used when data is viewed as a subclass of a specific population.

What is Descriptive Statistics?
Descriptive statistics are brief descriptive coefficients that summarize a given data set, which can be either a representation of the entire or a sample of a population.

Descriptive statistics are broken down into measures of central tendency and measures of variability (spread).

Measures of central tendency focus on the average or middle values of data sets; whereas, measures of variability focus on the dispersion of data. These two measures use graphs, tables, and general discussions to help people understand the meaning of the analyzed data.

Measures of central tendency include the mean, median, and mode. Measures of central tendency describe the centre position of a distribution for a data set. A person analyzes the frequency of each data point in the distribution and describes it using the mean, median, or mode, which measures the most common patterns of the analyzed data set.

Measures of variability include the standard deviation, variance, the minimum and maximum variables, and skewness. Measures of variability, or the measures of spread, aid in analyzing how spread-out the distribution is for a set of data. For example, while the measures of central tendency may give a person the average of a data set, it does not describe how the data is distributed within the set.

Inferential Statistics:
P-Value in Statistical Hypothesis
Degrees of Freedom
Confidence Interval
Hypothesis Testing
Chi-square Test

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0 Views · 5 months ago

Are you aspiring to become a Data Analyst?
Prepare yourself to ace your next interview with our comprehensive guide! In this video, we’ll cover everything you need to know to succeed in a Data Analyst interview, from essential skills and key concepts to common questions and best practices.

Topics Covered:

Introduction to the Data Analyst role
Key skills and tools you need to master
Understanding data manipulation and analysis
Common interview questions and how to answer them
Real-world case studies and practical examples
Tips and strategies to stand out

0 Views · 5 months ago

🔥 Post Graduate Program In Business Analysis:
🔥Business Analyst Masters Program (Discount Code - YTBE15):

This Full Course video by Simplilearn is about Business Analyst Full Course.
Unlock the potential of data-driven decision-making with our comprehensive Business Analyst Full Course. Dive into the essential tools of the trade as we explore Excel, SQL, and Power BI in-depth. As a Marketing Analyst, you understand the critical role data plays in successful strategies. This course is tailored to enhance your analytical skills and empower you to extract valuable insights for lead generation, revenue generation, and overall business success.

🚀 Course Highlights:

Excel Mastery: From basic functions to advanced data analysis, we cover it all. Excel is your playground for creating impactful reports and visualizations.
SQL Fundamentals: Unleash the power of structured query language. Learn to manage and analyze vast datasets, a skill crucial for any business analyst.
Power BI Expertise: Transform data into compelling visual narratives. Dive into Power BI to create interactive dashboards that captivate stakeholders and drive decision-making.

✅ Subscribe to our Channel to learn more about the top Technologies:

⏩ Check out the Business Analytics training videos:

#BusinessAnalystCourse #BusinessAnalystFullCourse #Business Analytics #2024 #BusinessAnalytics #Simplilearn

✅ About Post Graduate Program In Business Analysis
This Post Graduate Program in Business Analysis is for professionals looking to pursue a Business Analysis career, understand business analysis techniques, get hands-on experience, and for experienced analysts looking to learn the latest tools and frameworks used by Agile teams.

✅ Key Features
- Certificate from Simplilearn in collaboration with Purdue University
- Become eligible to be part of the Purdue University Alumni Association
- Master Classes delivered by Purdue faculty
- Earn 35 PDs/CDUs post completion of the CBAP® module
- Harvard Business Publishing case studies of Pearson, CarMax, EvCard, etc.
- Capstone from 3 domains and 14+ projects
- Simplilearn's JobAssist helps you get noticed by top hiring companies
- Get mentored and network with Business Analyst from Amazon, Microsoft and Google

✅Skills Required
- Business Analysis
- Elicitation and Collaboration
- BRD FRD and SRS Document Creation
- Requirements AnalysisPlanning and Monitoring
- Requirements Life Cycle Management
- Strategy AnalysisWireframing
- More...

✅Tools Covered
- Excel
- Powerbi
- R

👉Enroll now:

🔥🔥 *Interested in Attending Live Classes?* Call Us: IN - 1800-212-7688 / US - +1-844-532-7688

0 Views · 5 months ago

المحاضرة الثانية:
دورة كاملة في تحليل البيانات باستخدام الاكسل
Full course in data analysis using Excel

0 Views · 5 months ago

Data Analysis with Python Pandas Full Course | Python Pandas Tutorial for Beginners to Super

Data Science for Beginners with Python Pandas: Performing Data Operations

Welcome to our beginner-friendly course on Data Science with Python Pandas, where you'll learn to perform a myriad of data operations using Python's most popular data manipulation library. Whether you're a student, a newcomer to the field of data science, or looking to enhance your Python skills, this course is designed to get you started on your data science journey.

In this course, we'll cover the essentials of Pandas, from setting up your Python environment to understanding the core data structures that Pandas provides: Series and Data Frames. You'll get hands-on experience with a variety of data operations, including:

🐼 Importing and exporting data from/to various file formats
🐼 Cleaning and preparing data for analysis
🐼 Selecting, filtering, and indexing data to extract relevant information
🐼 Performing mathematical operations and data transformations
🐼 Grouping and aggregating data to uncover patterns and trends
🐼 Merging and joining datasets to combine related information
🐼 Handling missing data and understanding its impact on analysis
🐼 Reshaping and pivoting data to optimize it for different types of analysis

Throughout the course, we'll work with real-world datasets, giving you practical experience that you can apply to your own data science projects. You'll also learn how to use Pandas in conjunction with other Python libraries to perform data visualization and more complex analyses.

By the end of this course, you'll have a solid foundation in using Pandas for data science tasks, and you'll be ready to take on more advanced topics in the field. Join us as we explore the world of data with Python Pandas and unlock the stories hidden within your data.

Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more data science and programming tutorials. Let's get started on your data science adventure!

In this video, we'll dive into the world of Python Pandas, a powerful library for data analysis and manipulation. We'll cover the basics of creating a Pandas data frame, selecting and filtering data, manipulating columns and rows, and more.

First, we'll start with an introduction to Pandas and how it can be used for data analysis tasks. Then, we'll cover the Pandas data structures, including the Series and Data Frame, and how to create and manipulate them.

Next, we'll delve into selecting and filtering data with Pandas. We'll show you how to use Boolean indexing to filter your data, how to select specific columns and rows, and how to use the lock and iliac methods to slice and dice your data.

We'll also cover data manipulation tasks such as merging, concatenating, and joining data frames. And we'll show you how to perform common data analysis tasks, such as sorting, grouping, and aggregating data.

Finally, we'll wrap up the video with some tips and tricks for working with Pandas, including how to handle missing data and how to apply custom functions to your data.

Whether you're a data analyst, data scientist, or just interested in learning more about Python Pandas, this video is a must-watch! So sit back, relax, and get ready to learn!


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#python #pythonpandas #tutorial #training #beginners #dataanalysis #datascience

2 Views · 5 months ago

The whole python ka chilla for data science (Free main) is at this link:


✅✅✅RoadMap to Data Analytics✅✅✅
Complete RoadMap to Become a Data Analyst in 2024.
Learn and Practice these skills and courses from our youtube Channel Codanics or our website

The complete Data Analytics Course can be accessed here:

You can also learn from our youtube channel following this sequence.

1. MS Excel:
2. ABC of Statistics for Data Analytics and Data Understanding:
3. Free Ebook written in Roman Urdu:
3. Mathematics for Data Analytics and Data Understanding:
4. Power BI for Data Visualization
5. Tableau for Data Visualization
6. SQL (Structured Query Language)
7. Python for Data Analytics and Data Science
1. The whole python ka chilla for data science (Free main) is at this link:
8. R programming:
1. Complete course on R is here:
9. Bonus Complete Course on AI and Data Science:
1. Six months AI and Data Science Mentorship program is uploaded here:
10. Markdown Language to Make Data Reports:

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0 Views · 5 months ago

Unlock the power of data in our latest video, where we delve into crucial strategies for improving your forecasting accuracy! Learn to understand your data by analyzing past trends and patterns, and identify key drivers such as seasonality and market trends that influence your forecasts. Discover the importance of using reliable tools and investing in specialized forecasting software to enhance prediction precision. Whether you're a business analyst or a data enthusiast, these insights are essential for mastering data-driven decisions.

#DataAnalysis #Forecasting #BusinessIntelligence #MarketTrends #PredictiveAnalytics
Don’t forget to like and share the video!

0 Views · 5 months ago

🔥 Purdue Post Graduate Program In AI And Machine Learning:
🔥Professional Certificate Course In AI And Machine Learning by IIT Kanpur (India Only):
🔥AI & Machine Learning Bootcamp(US Only):
🔥AI Engineer Specialist Program :

This video on the Artificial Intelligence full course video cover all the topics you need to know to become a master in AI and ML. It covers all the basics of Machine Learning, the different types of Machine Learning, and the various applications of Machine Learning used in different industries. This video will also help us understand the basics of artificial intelligence. We will look at the future of AI and listen to some of the industry experts and learn what they have to say about AI. Finally, you will learn the Top 10 Artificial Intelligence Technologies In 2022.

✅ Check out the honest Simplilearn reviews :

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⏩ Check out the Artificial Intelligence tutorial videos:

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#ArtificialIntelligenceFullCourse #AIFullCourse #AIAndMLFullCourse #MachineLearning #AIAndMachineLearning #ArtificialIntelligenceFullCourse #MachineLearningFullCourse #MachineLearningTutorial #AITutorial #AIAndML #Simplilearn

What is Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial Intelligence is a method of making a computer, a computer-controlled robot, or software think intelligently like the human mind. AI is accomplished by studying the patterns of the human brain and by analyzing the cognitive process. The outcome of these studies develops intelligent software and systems.

➡️ About Post Graduate Program In AI And Machine Learning
This AI ML course is designed to enhance your career in AI and ML by demystifying concepts like machine learning, deep learning, NLP, computer vision, reinforcement learning, and more. You'll also have access to 4 live sessions, led by industry experts, covering the latest advancements in AI such as generative modeling, ChatGPT, OpenAI, and chatbots.

✅ Key Features
- Post Graduate Program certificate and Alumni Association membership
- Exclusive hackathons and Ask me Anything sessions by IBM
- 3 Capstones and 25+ Projects with industry data sets from Twitter, Uber, Mercedes Benz, and many more
- Master Classes delivered by Purdue faculty and IBM experts
- Simplilearn's Job Assist helps you get noticed by top hiring companies
- Gain access to 4 live online sessions on latest AI trends such as ChatGPT, generative AI, explainable AI, and more
- Learn about the applications of ChatGPT, OpenAI, Dall-E, Midjourney & other prominent tools

✅ Skills Covered
- ChatGPT
- Generative AI
- Explainable AI
- Generative Modeling
- Statistics
- Python
- Supervised Learning
- Unsupervised Learning
- Neural Networks
- Computer Vision
- And Many More…

👉Learn more at:

🎓Enhance your expertise in the below technologies to secure lucrative, high-paying job opportunities:

🟡 AI & Machine Learning -
🟢 Cyber Security -
🔴 Data Analytics -
🟠 Data Science -

1 Views · 5 months ago

Data Enthusiast, siap upgrade skill kamu? 🤩
🔥🔥🔥🔥MINIBOOTCAMP SQL for Data Analyst 🔥🔥🔥🔥

langsung dengan mentor expert temen2nya.

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- Final Project Real Case Data Analyst
- Grup Belajar
- Certificate dan Learning Report
- Free Next Mini Bootcamp for Best Student


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#datascience #datanalytics #dataanalysis #python #marketing

2 Views · 5 months ago

#VJTECHNOWIZARD #pythonintamil #learnpython

In this video you are going to learn python in new way. I explained every concepts of python in line by line visualize execution along with practical and real time examples.

Time Stamp
00:00 Python Introduction
01:58 Python Indentation Block
02:09 Python Single Line Comments
02:22 Python Multiple Line Comments
02:37 Python Variables
04:44 Python Get The Type Of Variable
06:00 Python Casting
08:40 Python Variables Assign Multiple Values
08:50 Python Many Values to Multiple Variables
10:36 Python One Value to Multiple Variables
11:11 Python Unpack a Collections of Values From The List
12:33 Python Find Object and Memory of Variables
13:25 Python Delete Variable Using Del
14:12 Python Data Types
16:01 Python Integer
16:06 Python Float
16:10 Python String Literals
16:12 Python Single Line String
16:20 Python Multi Line String
17:38 Python Numeric Literal
17:44 Python Binary Literal
17:54 Python Decimal Literal
17:58 Python Octal Literal
18:09 Python Hexa Literal
18:19 Python Float Literal
18:30 Python Complex Literal
20:08 Python Boolean
21:08 Python Date and Time
25:50 Python Operators
26:12 Python Arithmetic Operator
28:56 Python Comparison Operator
31:26 Python Assignment Operator
33:34 Python Logical Operator
35:58 Python Membership Operator
38:14 Python Identity Operator
41:34 Python Bitwise Operator
45:55 Python Math Module
48:20 Python Conditional Statements
49:24 Python If Else
52:00 Python Nested If Else - If , Elif , Else
55:00 Python Ternary Operator or Conditional Expression
58:04 Python Looping Statements
58:11 Python While Loop vs For Loop
58:52 Python For Loop Through String
01:00:46 Python For Loop Through List
01:02:10 Python Nested For Loop
01:04:46 Python For Loop Range Function
01:07:35 Python Else In For Loop
01:09:04 Python Break In For Loop
01:11:30 Python Pass In For Loop
01:13:01 Python While Loop
01:16:14 Python Else In While Loop
01:16:45 Python Break In While Loop
01:17:32 Python While Loop Infinity
01:21:21 Python Continue In While Loop
01:23:37 Python Data Structures

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0 Views · 5 months ago

Discover how vital data is to the success of your YouTube and Google Ads campaigns. Learn strategies to harness data for increased accuracy and profitability. More data means better results—uncover the secret to optimizing your advertising efforts!

Full Video:

Keywords: engaged view conversion window, view though conversion window, how to setup a view through conversion, view through conversions on youtube campaigns, enaged view conversions youtube campaigns, engaged view conversions google ads, engaged conversion ppc campaigns

#YouTubeAds #GoogleAds #DataDrivenMarketing #AdvertisingSuccess #ProfitMaximization #CampaignOptimization #DigitalMarketing #DataAnalysis #AdStrategy #MarketingInsights

0 Views · 5 months ago

📈 Welcome to the "Mastering Power BI" playlist by Data N Science! 🚀 Whether you're a student aspiring to become a business analyst or data analyst, or a working professional aiming to enhance your career and boost your salary, this comprehensive Power BI course is your key to success. Our expert-led videos cover every essential topic, from the basics to advanced features of Power BI, ensuring you have all the skills needed to excel in business and data analytics.

Each lecture is designed to provide you with practical, hands-on experience in using Power BI to turn data into actionable insights. By the end of this course, you'll be proficient in creating compelling reports and dashboards that drive business decisions. Subscribe now and embark on your journey to becoming a Power BI expert with Data N Science! 💼📊
#powerbi #DataAnalytics #BusinessAnalytics #CareerGrowth #DataScience #DataNScience #LearnPowerBI

Download Power Bi Desktop :

Download From Play Store :

Download The Practice Data Set From Here :

Watch This Amazing Playlist :

Mastering Power BI: Complete Business & Data Analytics Course :

Mastering Tableau Complete Business & Data Analytics Course playlist -

Learn Data Science Playlist :

Deep Learning Mastery: Comprehensive Data Science & AI Course :

Advanced Excel Mastery: Complete Course for Business & Data Analytics :

Query Resolved :
Intro previous lectures
Visualization panel
Fields in Power BI
Formatting in graphs
How to change color of graph
How to Create Tree map
Data label
Card chart
How to apply filters in page

1 Views · 5 months ago

Unlock the secrets of data with our FREE masterclass on Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) using Python! Whether you're a beginner or looking to sharpen your data skills, this session is designed to help you understand how to extract valuable insights from raw data. Join Saumitra Biswas as he walks you through the powerful tools and techniques Python offers for data exploration.

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

1. The basics of EDA and its significance in data science
2. How to clean, visualize, and interpret data using Python
3. Practical steps to apply EDA in real-world scenarios

Don’t miss out—this could be the turning point in your data science journey!

0 Views · 5 months ago

Data Analytics Course Demo Video On 11th Sept 2024
Welcome to Isha Training Solutions.

To enroll for the “Data Analyst ” Course, pls WhatsApp me or call me on +91-8019952427.

For course content and further information, pls refer to below link

If you would like to get updates from "Isha Training Solutions" regarding upcoming courses, learning material etc...pls register using below link

Live project support is provided on any performance testing tools and also any protocols under the roof

Other Courses Offered by ISHA

1) Performance Engineering Course

2) Cloud Performance Engineering in DevOps - Core to Master Level

3) AppDynamics

4) Dynatrace

5) Jmeter Core to Master Level

6) Performance Testing using LoadRunner

7) Advanced LoadRunner

8) Web Services Performance Testing using LoadRunner

9) SAPGUI protocol - Performance Testing for SAP applications Using LoadRunner

10) TruClient Protocol Using LoadRunner

11) Mobile Performance Testing using LoadRunner and JMeter

12) Performance Testing using NeoLoad

13) Splunk


15) Datadog


17)Mobile Automation with Appium

18)Manual Testing

19)Automated Performance : End user experience , Monitoring and Jenkins Pipeline execution – Crash Course

20)Silk Performer

21)Infrastructure and Network Analysis for Performance Engineers

22)Chaos Engineering

23).NET Performance Engineering

24)Java for Performance Engineers

25)Performance Testing with Gatling

26)Monitoring Made Easy

27)Selenium for Performance Testers and Leads

28)Winning New Performance Testing Clients and Presenting Performance Test Proposals

29)Crash Course On Performance Monitoring – End User Experience of Web and Mobile Apps

30)Practical Crash course on “Live Performance Testing Project”

32)Linux for Performance Testers/Functional Testers/SDET

33)AWS Solutions Architect

For further details, pls contact me.
Contact : Kumar Gupta
Call : +91-8019952427/ Whatsapp : +91-8019952427

0 Views · 5 months ago

"🔥Data Scientist Masters Program (Discount Code - YTBE15) -
🔥IITK - Professional Certificate Course in Data Science (India Only) -
🔥Caltech Post Graduate Program in Data Science -
🔥Brown University - Applied AI & Data Science -

This Data Science Full Course Video will provide you with a learning path of Data Science in a correct manner. Filled with lots of Practical Examples, this Latest Data Science Course of 2022
will cover all the below-given topics required for a complete Data Science Tutorial:
00:00:00 Introduction to Data Science Full Course
00:01:26 Data science basics and Data science application - Data Science Full Course
00:42:00 Top 5 data science libraries - Data Science Full Course
00:57:16 Linear regression - Data Science Full Course
01:25:34 Logistic regression - Data Science Full Course
02:19:32 Decision tree - Data Science Full Course
02:44:13 Random forest - Data Science Full Course
03:14:15 KNN - Data Science Full Course
04:04:25 Clustering - Data Science Full Course
06:19:28 Deep learning - Data Science Full Course
09:56:38 Data science interview questions - Data Science Full Course

To learn more about Data Science, subscribe to our YouTube channel:

Download Datasets:

Download the Data Science career guide to explore and step into the exciting world of data, and follow the path towards your dream career:

Watch more videos on Data Science:

#datasciencefullcourse #DataScienceWithPython #DataScienceWithR #DataScienceCourse #DataScience #DataScientist #BusinessAnalytics #MachineLearning #Simplilearn #2022 #2023

➡️ About Caltech Post Graduate Program In Data Science
This Post Graduation in Data Science leverages the superiority of Caltech's academic eminence. The Data Science program covers critical Data Science topics like Python programming, R programming, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Data Visualization tools through an interactive learning model with live sessions by global practitioners and practical labs.

✅ Key Features
- Simplilearn's JobAssist helps you get noticed by top hiring companies
- Caltech PG program in Data Science completion certificate
- Earn up to 14 CEUs from Caltech CTME
- Masterclasses delivered by distinguished Caltech faculty and IBM experts
- Caltech CTME Circle membership
- Online convocation by Caltech CTME Program Director
- IBM certificates for IBM courses
- Access to hackathons and Ask Me Anything sessions from IBM
- 25+ hands-on projects from the likes of Amazon, Walmart, Uber, and many more
- Seamless access to integrated labs
- Capstone projects in 3 domains
- Simplilearn’s Career Assistance to help you get noticed by top hiring companies
- 8X higher interaction in live online classes by industry experts

✅ Skills Covered
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Descriptive Statistics
- Inferential Statistics
- Model Building and Fine Tuning
- Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
- Ensemble Learning
- Deep Learning
- Data Visualization

👉 Learn More At:
🔥 Data Science Bootcamp (US Only):

🔥🔥 Interested in Attending Live Classes? Call Us: IN - 18002127688 / US - +18445327688

0 Views · 5 months ago

In this comprehensive video course, you will learn the essential skills you need to use Excel to analyze data.
You will learn how to:
1. Import and clean data.
2. Use formulas and functions to calculate data.
3. Create pivot tables and charts.
4. Perform EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis).
5. Identify trends and patterns in data.
6. Make data-driven decisions.
This course is perfect for beginners and experienced users alike. Whether you are new to Excel or you want to learn more advanced techniques, this course will help you master the skills you need to analyze data with Excel.

0 Views · 5 months ago

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Others Playlist:
✅ Study in Germany from Bangladesh:
✅ 60 Days of Python:
✅ Statistics for Data Science & Complete Data Analysis with Python:
✅ Python For Everybody with Web Scraping:
✅ 5 Minutes to Pandas Full Course:
✅ Python & Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence Full Playlist:
✅ Python Django for Web Development:
✅ Django Rest API:
✅ MongoDB NoSql Database:
✅ SQL For Data Science:
✅ R Programming for Data Science:
✅ Learn Deep Learning & Artificial Intelligence Maths:
✅ Deep Learning Specialization:
✅ Learn Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence Full Course:
✅ Linux Bangla Tutorial Playlist:
✅ Prolog Bangla Tutorial Series:

Tags: machine learning, data science, machine learning bangla, data science bangla, python, machine learning tutorial, machine learning course, what is machine learning, what is data science, data science course, best data science courses, machine learning full course, linear algebra, statistics for data science, artificial intelligence, complete machine learning course, machine learning tutorial for beginners, machine learning algorithms, machine learning algorithms tutorial, sklearn, django, sql, big data, data engineering, web development, rest api, artificial intelligence, neural network, deep learning, python django, data analysis, powerbi, looker studio, excel, mysql, etc.

0 Views · 5 months ago

In this comprehensive video course, you will learn the essential skills you need to use Excel to analyze data.
You will learn how to:
1. Import and clean data.
2. Use formulas and functions to calculate data.
3. Create pivot tables and charts.
4. Perform EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis).
5. Identify trends and patterns in data.
6. Make data-driven decisions.
This course is perfect for beginners and experienced users alike. Whether you are new to Excel or you want to learn more advanced techniques, this course will help you master the skills you need to analyze data with Excel.

1 Views · 5 months ago

In this comprehensive video course, you will learn the essential skills you need to use Excel to analyze data.
You will learn how to:
1. Import and clean data.
2. Use formulas and functions to calculate data.
3. Create pivot tables and charts.
4. Perform EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis).
5. Identify trends and patterns in data.
6. Make data-driven decisions.
This course is perfect for beginners and experienced users alike. Whether you are new to Excel or you want to learn more advanced techniques, this course will help you master the skills you need to analyze data with Excel.

0 Views · 5 months ago

المحاضرة الخامسة (2):
دورة كاملة في تحليل البيانات باستخدام برنامج Excel
Full course in data analysis using Excel

0 Views · 5 months ago

Welcome to our comprehensive Power BI tutorial series, where you'll embark on an exciting journey to master the art of data visualization and analysis using Microsoft Power BI.

In this series, we'll walk you through everything you need to know to become proficient in Power BI, from the basics to advanced techniques. Whether you're a beginner looking to explore the fundamentals or an experienced user aiming to sharpen your skills, our tutorials have got you covered.

Join us on this journey to unleash the full potential of your data with Power BI. Subscribe now and empower yourself with the tools to turn data into actionable insights!

Topics Covered:
Funnel charts

Download File Here:

#datascientist #sharepoint #dax #microsoftexcel #dados #dataviz #analisededados #sqlserver #dataanalyst #ai #crm #powerplatform #programming #erp #tecnologia #microsoftdynamics #powerquery #qlikview #inteligenciadenegocios #indicadores #microsoftteams #artificialintelligence #powerbidesktop #powerpoint #n #qlik #onedrive #it #msdyn #stockmarket #nifty #banknifty #sensex #nifty50 #bhautorsekar #pratipaksh

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0 Views · 5 months ago

An Introduction to Data Analysis using Power BI, Excel & Python

Are you a Data enthusiast?

Are you interested in starting a career as a Data Analyst?

Are you looking to transition from your old career path into a new path?

If yes, this course is definitely for you.

#northstarinitiative #nsi #dataanalysis #data

0 Views · 5 months ago


1 Views · 5 months ago

Statistics for Data Science: Full Course for Beginners in 5 Hours | Probability and Statistics 2024

🎉 Flat 40% OFF for the first 50 seats! 🎉
🔴 Apply Now:

✨ Program Highlights:
👉 Get Mentored by Top Data Analysts of Microsoft, Amazon, KPMG, and Rapido
👉 Project Based Curriculum on Real Datasets
👉 Hybrid Mentorship with Mentor-led Live and Self-Paced Sessions
👉 Assured Placement Support with dedicated Pre Recruitment Prep Guidance


00:00:00 - Statistics for Data Science Course Intro
00:01:41 - Population & Sample
00:08:23 - Statistics (Descriptive vs Inferential Statistics )
00:20:03 - Measure of Central Tendency
00:47:45 - Measures of Variability
01:20:13 - Percentage and Percentiles and Quartiles
01:44:52 - Measures of Shape
02:03:41 - Probability
02:17:59 - Probability Distribution
02:39:21 - Covariance and Correlation
03:01:59 - Central Limit Theorem
03:20:09 - Hypothesis Testing
03:35:05 - Hypothesis Testing (practical)
03:50:48 - Z test & T test
05:03:37 - Chi Square Test

WsCube Tech is a Vernacular Upskilling platform revolutionizing the way you learn and develop your career skills.🚀

WsCube Tech stands out as a leading EdTech platform, offering comprehensive education in Python, Machine Learning, and various Data Science skills. Our approach involves both online and classroom training, featuring hands-on projects delivered practically by seasoned industry experts.

With WsCube Tech, you'll gain hands-on skills that make you globally competitive. Our courses are designed to prepare over 100 million career aspirants for the 'Bharat' of the future. 😊

👉 Want to learn and acquire skills in English? Visit WsCube Tech English channel:

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Watch Now our Trending App Development Playlist & Videos:
👉 Learn Python Programming in One Video -
👉 DSA Full Course -
👉 20 Python Projects in One Video -
👉 Excel Full Course for Data Analysis -

For any queries, call us on: +91-7878985501

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Connect with WsCube Tech on social media for the latest offers, promos, job vacancies, and much more:

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--------------------------------------| Thanks |---------------------------
#statisticsfordatascience #datascience #dataanalytics

0 Views · 5 months ago

Data Analytics Course Day 1 Video On 12th Sept 2024
Welcome to Isha Training Solutions.

To enroll for the “Data Analyst ” Course, pls WhatsApp me or call me on +91-8019952427.

For course content and further information, pls refer to below link

If you would like to get updates from "Isha Training Solutions" regarding upcoming courses, learning material etc...pls register using below link

Live project support is provided on any performance testing tools and also any protocols under the roof

Other Courses Offered by ISHA

1) Performance Engineering Course

2) Cloud Performance Engineering in DevOps - Core to Master Level

3) AppDynamics

4) Dynatrace

5) Jmeter Core to Master Level

6) Performance Testing using LoadRunner

7) Advanced LoadRunner

8) Web Services Performance Testing using LoadRunner

9) SAPGUI protocol - Performance Testing for SAP applications Using LoadRunner

10) TruClient Protocol Using LoadRunner

11) Mobile Performance Testing using LoadRunner and JMeter

12) Performance Testing using NeoLoad

13) Splunk


15) Datadog


17)Mobile Automation with Appium

18)Manual Testing

19)Automated Performance : End user experience , Monitoring and Jenkins Pipeline execution – Crash Course

20)Silk Performer

21)Infrastructure and Network Analysis for Performance Engineers

22)Chaos Engineering

23).NET Performance Engineering

24)Java for Performance Engineers

25)Performance Testing with Gatling

26)Monitoring Made Easy

27)Selenium for Performance Testers and Leads

28)Winning New Performance Testing Clients and Presenting Performance Test Proposals

29)Crash Course On Performance Monitoring – End User Experience of Web and Mobile Apps

30)Practical Crash course on “Live Performance Testing Project”

32)Linux for Performance Testers/Functional Testers/SDET

33)AWS Solutions Architect

For further details, pls contact me.
Contact : Kumar Gupta
Call : +91-8019952427/ Whatsapp : +91-8019952427

0 Views · 5 months ago

SPSS Statistics is a software package used for interactive, or batched, statistical analysis. Long produced by SPSS Inc., it was acquired by IBM in 2009. The current versions are named IBM SPSS Statistics. In this course you will how to use SPSS for data analysis. This #SPSS course is beginner friendly.

Along the way you will learn about the following topic:
Welcome - SPSS: An Introduction - 1.1 (0:00)
Versions, Editions, & Modules - SPSS: An Introduction - 2.1 (2:33)
Taking a Look - SPSS: An Introduction - 2.2 (8:10)
Sample Data - SPSS: An Introduction - 2.3 (15:20)
Graphboard Templates - SPSS: An Introduction - 3.1 (19:10)
Bar Charts - SPSS: An Introduction - 3.2 (28:17)
Histograms - SPSS: An Introduction - 3.3 (34:00)
Scatterplots - SPSS: An Introduction - 3.4 (37:30)
Frequencies - SPSS: An Introduction - 4.1 (44:30)
Descriptives - SPSS: An Introduction - 4.2 (53:00)
Explore - SPSS: An Introduction - 4.3 (1:1:00)
Labels & Definitions - SPSS: An Introduction - 5.1 (1:12:00)
Entering Data - SPSS: An Introduction - 5.2 (1:23:00)
Importing Data - SPSS: An Introduction - 5.3 (1:26:00)
Hierarchical Clustering - SPSS: An Introduction - 6.1 (1:37:00)
Factor Analysis - SPSS: An Introduction - 6.2 (1:48:00)
Regression - SPSS: An Introduction - 6.3 (2:3:00)
Next Steps - SPSS: An Introduction - 7.1 (2:15:00)


0 Views · 5 months ago

المحاضرة الرابعة (2):
دورة كاملة في تحليل البيانات باستخدام برنامج Excel
Full course in data analysis using Excel

0 Views · 5 months ago

In this comprehensive video course, you will learn the essential skills you need to use Excel to analyze data.
You will learn how to:
1. Import and clean data.
2. Use formulas and functions to calculate data.
3. Create pivot tables and charts.
4. Perform EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis).
5. Identify trends and patterns in data.
6. Make data-driven decisions.
This course is perfect for beginners and experienced users alike. Whether you are new to Excel or you want to learn more advanced techniques, this course will help you master the skills you need to analyze data with Excel.

0 Views · 5 months ago

In this video, you will learn how to use checkbox in Excel for Counting the Attendance.

Join my 30 Days Excel Course: *Limited Offer*
Tap on Link to Join Course:

-Live Online Classes
-AI Tools
-Get Excel Practice Sheets
-Doubt Clearing Sessions
-New Tricks and Tips
-Excel Templates
-VBA Codes
-Excel Basic to Advance Level
-All Class Recordings Provided

Join 5 Days Power BI course:

Join Telegram Channel to Get Excel Practice Sheets:

Join my Youtube Membership: Click on link below:

#exceltech #exceltips #exceltutorial #excel #exceltricks #excelhacks #excelformulas #excelfunctions #excelseries #day1excel #excellearn #learnexcel #excelforbeginners #microsoftexcel #msexcel #shortvideo #shorts #excelshorts #excelcourse #dataanalysis #analytics #dataanalyticscourse #analysis #checkboxes #attendancesheet

0 Views · 5 months ago

In this video, I am going to describe the new technology that has a high demand in the market.
We will build a Full End to End machine learning project using Snowflake, snowpark, and Streamlit.

join and subscribe to learn the fun way of achieving maximum output.

Dataset Link:
Things covered
1. snowsql connection
2. data upload from snowsql
3. stage exploration
4. data loading and error solving
5. Table creation and Exploration
6. Dashboard creation.

1 Views · 5 months ago

#SagarSinha #optionchainanalysis #optionchain #optionstrading #optiontrading #supportresistance #strikeprice #trading #intraday #intradaytrading

FREE Demat Account, SIP(Mutual Fund में Invest) करने के लिए फ्री Download करें Angel One

FREE Option Chain Analysis Course | सही Strike Price चुनना सीख लो | Support Resistance |SAGAR SINHA

Option Trading Course -

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Sagar Sinha’s Workshop(Seminar) Teaser

0 Views · 5 months ago

The course is an introduction to Python-based data analytics.

You will get a basic understanding of the workings of Python to the point where you can confidently find and manipulate data sources and use a Jupyter environment to derive insights from your data.

🔗 Course Website:
💻 Code:

✏️ Course developed by David Clinton.

⭐️ Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (06:50) Installing Python and Jupyter
⌨️ (09:35) Working with the Jupyter environment
⌨️ (12:05) Finding data sources and using APIs
⌨️ (16:35) Working with data
⌨️ (24:45) Plotting data
⌨️ (32:45) Understanding data

🎉 Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters:
👾 Wong Voon jinq
👾 hexploitation
👾 Katia Moran
👾 BlckPhantom
👾 Nick Raker
👾 Otis Morgan
👾 DeezMaster
👾 Treehouse


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0 Views · 5 months ago

►Python Tutorial Course:
►Click here to subscribe -

Best Hindi Videos For Learning Programming:

►Learn Python In One Video -

►Learn JavaScript in One Video -

►Learn PHP In One Video -

►Machine Learning Using Python -

►Creating & Hosting A Website (Tech Blog) Using Python -

►Advanced Python Tutorials -

►Object Oriented Programming In Python -

►Python Data Science and Big Data Tutorials -

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1 Views · 5 months ago

This is the first tutorial of the complete course on data science in Hindi. The course will be covered in an interesting manner. Prior programming knowledge is not required to start this course. All the concepts will be covered from basics.

0 Views · 5 months ago

Welcome to our comprehensive Power BI tutorial series, where you'll embark on an exciting journey to master the art of data visualization and analysis using Microsoft Power BI.

In this series, we'll walk you through everything you need to know to become proficient in Power BI, from the basics to advanced techniques. Whether you're a beginner looking to explore the fundamentals or an experienced user aiming to sharpen your skills, our tutorials have got you covered.

Join us on this journey to unleash the full potential of your data with Power BI. Subscribe now and empower yourself with the tools to turn data into actionable insights!

Topics Covered:
Waterfall Chart

Download File Here:

#datascientist #sharepoint #dax #microsoftexcel #dados #dataviz #analisededados #sqlserver #dataanalyst #ai #crm #powerplatform #programming #erp #tecnologia #microsoftdynamics #powerquery #qlikview #inteligenciadenegocios #indicadores #microsoftteams #artificialintelligence #powerbidesktop #powerpoint #n #qlik #onedrive #it #msdyn #stockmarket #nifty #banknifty #sensex #nifty50 #bhautorsekar #pratipaksh

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0 Views · 5 months ago

Unlocking the power of data knows no age limit. Dive into the world of data science and analytics at any stage of life!💫

Embrace the future with our Data Science and Analytics course. 🚀

Join us, conquer the learning curve, and unlock endless possibilities. 🌐 Your journey to success starts here – register now!

🔔 Subscribe to our channel and turn on notifications to stay up-to-date with our latest videos. Don't forget to like, comment, and share with fellow data enthusiasts!

Let us know your thoughts in the comments section or reach out to us on-

Contact : +91 7276326565
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0 Views · 5 months ago

🔥 Edureka Python Data Science Training (Use Code "𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐁𝐄𝟐𝟎"):
This Edureka Python For Data Analysis tutorial (Python Tutorial Blog: will help you learn how to use Python programming for data analysis using Pandas library. It also include a use-case, where we will analyze the data containing the percentage of unemployed youth for every country between 2010-2014.

This Python For Data Analysis tutorial video helps you to learn the following topics:
1. What is Data Analysis?
2. What is Pandas Python Library?
3. Python Pandas Operations
4. Use-case

Check out our Python Training Playlist:

🔴 𝐄𝐝𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐤𝐚 𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬

🔵 Python Online Training:
🔵 Data Science Online Training:

🔴 𝐄𝐝𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐤𝐚 𝐑𝐨𝐥𝐞-𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐬

🔵 Data Scientist Masters Program:
🔵 Python Developer Masters Program:

🔴 𝐄𝐝𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐤𝐚 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐬

🔵 Advanced Certificate Program in Data Science with E&ICT Academy, IIT Guwahati:

🌕 Artificial and Machine Learning PGD with E&ICT Academy
NIT Warangal:

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#Python #pythonfordataanalysis #pythonfordatascience #Pythononlinetraining #Pythonforbeginners #PythonProgramming #PythonPandas

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About the Course

Edureka's Python Online Certification Training will make you an expert in Python programming. It will also help you learn Python the Big data way with integration of Machine learning, Pig, Hive and Web Scraping through beautiful soup. During our Python Certification training, our instructors will help you:

1. Master the Basic and Advanced Concepts of Python
2. Understand Python Scripts on UNIX/Windows, Python Editors and IDEs
3. Master the Concepts of Sequences and File operations
4. Learn how to use and create functions, sorting different elements, Lambda function, error handling techniques and Regular expressions ans using modules in Python
5. Gain expertise in machine learning using Python and build a Real Life Machine Learning application
6. Understand the supervised and unsupervised learning and concepts of Scikit-Learn
7. Master the concepts of MapReduce in Hadoop
8. Learn to write Complex MapReduce programs
9. Understand what is PIG and HIVE, Streaming feature in Hadoop, MapReduce job running with Python
10. Implementing a PIG UDF in Python, Writing a HIVE UDF in Python, Pydoop and/Or MRjob Basics
11. Master the concepts of Web scraping in Python
12. Work on a Real Life Project on Big Data Analytics using Python and gain Hands on Project Experience
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Why learn Python?

Programmers love Python because of how fast and easy it is to use. Python cuts development time in half with its simple to read syntax and easy compilation feature. Debugging your programs is a breeze in Python with its built in debugger. Using Python makes Programmers more productive and their programs ultimately better. Python continues to be a favorite option for data scientists who use it for building and using Machine learning applications and other scientific computations.
Python runs on Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OS and has been ported to Java and .NET virtual machines. Python is free to use, even for the commercial products, because of its OSI-approved open source license.
Python has evolved as the most preferred Language for Data Analytics and the increasing search trends on python also indicates that Python is the next "Big Thing" and a must for Professionals in the Data Analytics domain.
For more information, Please write back to us at or call us at IND: 9606058406 / US: 18338555775 (toll free).


0 Views · 5 months ago

In this comprehensive video course, you will learn the essential skills you need to use Excel to analyze data.
You will learn how to:
1. Import and clean data.
2. Use formulas and functions to calculate data.
3. Create pivot tables and charts.
4. Perform EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis).
5. Identify trends and patterns in data.
6. Make data-driven decisions.
This course is perfect for beginners and experienced users alike. Whether you are new to Excel or you want to learn more advanced techniques, this course will help you master the skills you need to analyze data with Excel.

0 Views · 5 months ago

Excel Data Analysis 02 files:
This is a comprehensive and complete lesson in how to use Power Pivot & DAX Formulas to create reports and visualizations in Excel. It teaches the full process of building a Data Model, Building DAX formulas that you can use for dashboard reporting. This video teaches about the concepts that make Power Pivot work like star schema data modeling, filter context and context transition. If you want the how and whys of Power Pivot & DAX formulas, this is the right video for you.
1. (00:00) Intro and overview of Standard PivotTable and Data Model Pivot Table
2. (03:06) 5 Steps in the Data Analysis Process
3. (03:38) Step #1: Get Data using Power Query.
4. (06:12) Show Power Pivot Ribbon Tab.
5. (06:56) Power Query to import text “.CSV” files from a folder, including explanation of Applied Steps and automatic queries created.
6. (11:34) Loading data to the Data Model with Import Data dialog box and using the “Only Create Connection” and the “Add this data to the Data Model”.
7. (12:56) Look at data in Data Model. Preview of Power Pivot for Excel window
8. (13:20) What is a Columnar Data? See how Data is compressed to a small size so that the Data Model can handle Big Data.
9. (15:16) Import Excel Tables to the Data Model using Power Query.
10. (15:29) Decimal Power Query Type is the most consistent Power Query Data Type for numbers with decimals, if you want accurate calculations. If the numbers are whole numbers, use Whole Number Power Query Data Type.
11. (17:01) Step #2: Build Star Schema Data Model.
12. (17:17) Create a Power Pivot Date Table.
13. (19:29) Create One-To-Many Relationships between Fact Table and Dimension Tables.
14. (21:48) Create DAX Calculated Column in Date Table for EOMonth.
15. (24:17) First look at ROW Context to make a calculation in each row in a DAX Calculated Column (or DAX Iterator).
16. (26:05) Create Total Sales Measure with 2 Step Process: 1) DAX Calculated Column for Line Sales, then 2) Measure for Total Sales.
17. (28:56) Second look at ROW Context to calculate line sales in each row of the table.
18. (30:25) SUMX Function, Iterator Function, to create Total Sales Measure. This is 1 Step Method.
19. (32:43) Should you use DAX Calculated Column? Or SUMX Iterator function Measure? What are trade offs?
20. (33:37) Step # 3: Build Reports. Build First Data Model PivotTable to show Year Month Sales Report. Start PivotTable from within Power Pivot for Excel window.
21. (34:48) PivotTable Fields task pane for a Data Model PivotTable. Which table is from Data Model?
22. (36:37) What is Filter Context? Visuals and explanations.
23. (38:44) How Filter Context helps with Big Data.
24. (39:55) Why some columns are not needed in PivotTable list.
25. (39:55) Why Implicit Measures are inefficient and cause problems.
26. (41:50) Hide Fields. Hide From Client Tool. Hide in Report View.
27. (42:57) Sort Month Names in Data Model.
28. (43:41) Step # 4: Visualize. Create Line Chart for Year / Month Sales to see sales trends over time.
29. (45:27) Create Power Pivot Data Model PivotTable from Excel Data tab.
30. (46:39) Create Regions / Year Sales Report.
31. (47:02) Create DAX Formula for YOY % Change. Learn about the DAX functions: CALCULATE, SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR, DIVIDE, HASONEVALUE and IF.
32. (47:54) CALCULATE function. Calculate Total Sales for last year.
33. (53:41) Create DAX Formula for Average Monthly Sales by Product and Year.
34. (54:54) Learn about VALUES function to get a unique list and deliver a table.
35. (55:25) Create AVERAGEX formula.
36. (56:33) Context Transition explanation and diagrams to learn how AVERAGEX and VALUES and the Total Sales Measure calculates average monthly sales with a much simpler formula than in the Excel worksheet.
37. (59:07) Warning about Context Transition. Why aggregate formula yields wrong answer in Iterator function, but Measure yields correct answer.
38. (01:00:15) Hidden CALCULATE function in each Measure. CALCULATE performs Context Transition.
39. (01:01:00) Include Zero Values in average using the IF Function in the second argument of AVERAGEX.
40. (01:02:52) Create Cross Tab Report with Data Model.
41. (01:03:13) Create Frequency Distribution with YOY % Change.
42. (01:04:00) COUNTROWS DAX function. Super Charged COUNTIFS and FREQUENCY.
43. (01:04:50) Using Variables to DAX Formulas. YOY % Change for Number Transactions.
44. (01:07:45) DAX Formatter web site.
45. (01:08:08) Frequency Data Model PivotTable.
46. (01:08:39) Step # 5: Get New Data and Refresh.
47. (01:11:33) Publishing to Power BI Online and making Report from a blank Excel Workbook.
48. (01:13:46) Comparing a Power Pivot Data Model PivotTable to a Standard PivotTable.
49. (01:15:28) Summary.
50. (01:16:04) Next Video

0 Views · 5 months ago

5 Excel tricks to boost your productivity!
🔥 Take our Complete Finance & Valuation Course:

🆓 DOWNLOAD Free Excel file for this video:

In this tutorial we go over 5 genius Excel skills to boost your productivity. Firstly we have importing data from the web into excel so we can have a live connection. This allows us to import any website data into Excel. Secondly, cleaning data using Power Query, which is faster than using Excel formulas.
Thirdly, using Alt Key shortcuts to reach any part of the ribbon and get things done faster. Fourth, using pivot tables for data analysis instead of Excel functions. Lastly, using the what-if analysis tool's data table to create different scenarios. As a bonus, we have automating with Excel Macros.

👉 Excel for Business & Finance Course:
🔥Power BI for Business Analytics:
🚀 All our courses:


0:00​ -​ Skill 1
1:27​ - Skill 2
3:57​ - Skill 3
6:11​ - Skill 4
8:31​ - Skill 5
11:20 - Bonus Skill

1 Views · 5 months ago

Learn how to perform algorithmic trading using Python in this complete course. Algorithmic trading means using computers to make investment decisions. Computer algorithms can make trades at a speed and frequency that is not possible by a human.

After learning the basics of algorithmic trading, you will learn how to build three algorithmic trading projects.

💻 Code:

✏️ Course developed by Nick McCullum. Learn more about Nick here:

⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (0:00:00) Algorithmic Trading Fundamentals & API Basics
⌨️ (0:17:20) Building An Equal-Weight S&P 500 Index Fund
⌨️ (1:38:44) Building A Quantitative Momentum Investing Strategy
⌨️ (2:54:02) Building A Quantitative Value Investing Strategy

Note that this course is meant for educational purposes only. The data and information presented in this video is not investment advice. One benefit of this course is that you get access to unlimited scrambled test data (rather than live production data), so that you can experiment as much as you want without risking any money or paying any fees.

This course is original content created by freeCodeCamp. This content was created using data and a grant provided by IEX Cloud. You can learn more about IEX Cloud here:

Any opinions or assertions contained herein do not represent the opinions or beliefs of IEX Cloud, its third-party data providers, or any of its affiliates or employees.

1 Views · 5 months ago


You can access the datasets, code, quizzes and PDF notes for these lessons on our website:

This course is for anyone interested in learning R for data analysis.
Over 9 hours of instruction, you will:
• Learn to import, clean, transform, and summarize data.
• Create elegant data visualizations using the ggplot2 package.
• Publish your work as reports and presentations.
• Apply your new data analysis skills to health data questions and beyond.


Answers to R FOUNDATIONS LESSON 3 are here:


2:05 RStudio cloud
3:55 Windows
6:37 Mac
9:43 Wrap-up
13:40 Source/Editor & Data viewer
17:34 Console
18:41 Environment, History, Files, Plots, Packages, Viewer, Help
28:17 RStudio options
32:43 Cheatsheets
36:58 Comments, sections, R as a calculator
41:39 Formatting
44:52 R Objects
1:07:00 Functions, packages, pacman
1:23:53 Wrap-up
1:29:50 Intro
1:39:12 Data exploration, visdat
1:51:36 Analyze a numeric variable
2:06:38 Analyze a categorical variable
2:13:58 Question answering & why not Excel?
2:20:06 Wrap-up
2:24:35 Rstudio Cloud
2:25:53 Set up new project
2:38:44 Export data & plots
2:50:55 Wrap-up
2:56:18 YAML metadata & output formats
3:01:36 Visual mode & Markdown syntax
3:09:20 Options menu
3:10:19 Code chunks & code chunk options
3:17:03 Global options
3:19:09 Inline R code
3:21:26 Tables & Plots
3:26:51 Further resources, Quarto
3:29:34 Example analysis
3:37:13 Wrap-up
3:40:34 Example 1: quakes data
3:49:42 Example 2: varicella data
4:06:00 Excluding columns with !
4:09:19 Helper functions for select()
4:15:42 Change column names with rename()
4:18:27 Wrap Up
4:24:55 Relational operators
4:28:58 Combine conditions with & and |
4:33:10 Negate conditions with !
4:37:26 NA values
4:42:16 Wrap Up
4:53:16 Create a Boolean variable
4:58:51 Create a numeric variable based on a formula
5:02:04 Change a variable’s type
5:05:18 Wrap up
5:15:59 The TRUE default argument
5:18:41 Match NA’s with
5:21:02 Keep default values of a variable
5:25:30 Multiple conditions
5:35:39 Order of priority of conditions
5:47:28 Binary conditions: dplyr::if_else()
5:50:03 Wrap up
5:57:30 Grouped summaries
6:06:53 Ungrouping
6:10:31 Counting rows
6:18:08 Include missing combinations in summaries
6:26:30 Wrap-up
6:29:35 Arrange by group
6:35:01 Filter by group
6:40:29 Mutate by group
6:48:09 Wrap-up
6:55:31 Wide to long
7:01:27 Long to wide
7:06:53 Long data better for analysis?
7:15:26 Wrap up
7:21:16 The Grammar of Graphics
7:31:23 Modifying layers
7:34:59 Other aesthetic mappings
7:40:27 Fixed aesthetics
7:46:00 Wrap-up
7:54:36 Modify point aesthetics
8:03:08 Set fixed aesthetics
8:11:36 Add a trend line
8:20:21 Wrap-up
8:29:06 Fixed aesthetics in geom_line()
8:33:36 Map data to multiple lines
8:39:13 Modify continuous scales
8:53:04 Label plots
9:01:08 Wrap up

0 Views · 5 months ago

#dataentry #rhtech
In this video I am going to show, Data Entry Bangla Full Course 2024 | ডাটা এন্ট্রি টিউটোরিয়াল | Make Money Online | Rh Tech

Project Details:

Video 4 Resource:
I am looking for someone to collect and provide Investors from education and Advertising

Video 8 & 9 Resource:
I need someone to research on google or other sites to collect 100 Dentists from Newyork. You have to collect Business Name, Address, Phone, Email, Category, Social Media Link and Website and provide me on Excel Spreadsheet.

Video 11 Resource:
I need an assistant to do some minor research, collect and provide data in Google Spreadsheet. I have some clients who are planning to visit London on 12 Nov, 21 and want to book hotel rooms online, with a kitchen, free wifi, 1 bedroom, central london. The database should be clean and formatted.

Video 12 Resource:
I am looking for someone to collect and provide me linkedIn Profile URLs in provided Google spreadsheet:

Video 14 Resource:
I need someone capable of helping me. This is a very simple project and should take somewhere between 2-5 hours to complete:

1. You'll have to provide me with a list of 170 REAL ESTATE AGENCIES.
2. Geography: Florida, USA
3. Need: Business Name, Address, Contact Info, Website, Facebook Link
4. You have to put it in Google Spreadsheet.
5. Price: 35$ (Fixed)

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2 Views · 5 months ago

Learn Data Analysis in Python in this comprehensive course. Learn libraries like Pandas, Matplotlib, Numpy, and Sklearn.

This video is part of an 8-part course designed to give absolute beginners an idea of what Data Analysis looks like using Python.

What is Data Analysis? Data Analysis is the process of exploring, cleaning, transforming, and modeling data as a way to produce insightful conclusions or gather useful information. It is a field that is growing rapidly, along with Data Science, and one that is very high in demand. If you’re interested in taking that career route, or maybe just want to learn it as a skill, this course is for you!

Notebooks (In order)

Ep 1:

Ep 2:

Ep 3:

Ep 5:

Ep 6:

Ep 7:

Ep 8:




AI Global Index (Used for majority of series):

0:00 - Intro
4:51 - Dataframes/datasets
20:30 - Data Exploration
49:08 - Data Cleaning
1:13:41 - Data Visualization
1:39:43 - Stat Functions & Correlation
1:57:24 - Linear Regressions
2:23:10 - Example Project

0 Views · 5 months ago

Codebasics Data Analyst Bootcamp Link:
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Link for the Scenario based QnA in Power BI:

Link for the Power Bi Interview QnA playlist :

Link for the SQL QnA playlist :

Link for the Data Warehousing QnA playlist :

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2 Views · 5 months ago

Learn Data Analysis with Python in this comprehensive tutorial for beginners, with exercises included!
NOTE: Check description for updated Notebook links.

Data Analysis has been around for a long time, but up until a few years ago, it was practiced using closed, expensive and limited tools like Excel or Tableau. Python, SQL and other open libraries have changed Data Analysis forever.

In this tutorial you'll learn the whole process of Data Analysis: reading data from multiple sources (CSVs, SQL, Excel, etc), processing them using NumPy and Pandas, visualize them using Matplotlib and Seaborn and clean and process it to create reports.
Additionally, we've included a thorough Jupyter Notebook tutorial, and a quick Python reference to refresh your programming skills.

💻 Course created by Santiago Basulto from RMOTR
🔗 Check out all Data Science courses from RMOTR:

⚠️ Note: Instead of loading the notebooks on, you should use Google Colab instead. Here are instructions on loading a notebook directly from GitHub into Google Colab:

 ⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ Part 1: Introduction
What is Data Analysis, why Python?, what other options are there? what's the cycle of a Data Analysis project? What's the difference between Data Analysis and Data Science?
🔗 Slides for this section:

⌨️ Part 2: Real Life Example of a Python/Pandas Data Analysis project (00:11:11)
A demonstration of a real life data analysis project using Python, Pandas, SQL and Seaborn. Don't worry, we'll dig deeper in the following sections
🔗 Notebooks:

⌨️ Part 3: Jupyter Notebooks Tutorial (00:30:50)
A step by step tutorial to learn how to use Juptyer Notebooks
🔗 Twitter Cheat Sheet:
🔗 Notebooks:

⌨️ Part 4: Intro to NumPy (01:04:58)
Learn why NumPy was such an important library for the data-processing world in Python. Learn about low level details of computations and memory storage, and why tools like Excel will always be limited when processing large volumes of data.
🔗 Notebooks:

⌨️ Part 5: Intro to Pandas (01:57:08)
Pandas is arguably the most important library for Data Processing in the Python world. Learn how it works and how its main data structure, the Data Frame, compares to other tools like spreadsheets or DFs used for Big Data
🔗 Notebooks:

⌨️ Part 6: Data Cleaning (02:47:18)
Learn the different types of issues that we'll face with our data: null values, invalid values, statistical outliers, etc, and how to clean them.
🔗 Notebooks:

⌨️ Part 7: Reading Data from other sources (03:25:15)
🔗 Notebooks:

⌨️ Part 8: Python Recap (03:55:19)
If your Python or coding skills are rusty, check out this section for a quick recap of Python main features and control flow structures.
🔗 Notebooks:


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0 Views · 5 months ago

Limited Time Offer Enroll Now


Use code FZFACT for a limited time discount – get the full course for just ₹2,999! 🚀

FREE Resources link:

0 Views · 5 months ago

SQL for Data Analysis and Data Science in 2021
SQL by SQL example, SQL Challenges& SQL Final Exam using Real World SQL Database for Data Science & Data Analysis


⭕Course link:

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0 Views · 5 months ago

This video is part of an online course, Data Analysis with R. Check out the course here: This course was designed as part of a program to help you and others become a Data Analyst.
You can check out the full details of the program here:

0 Views · 5 months ago

Link to Free Data Analysis Class here at excelisfun YouTube channel:
This is a free educational resource for people how want to learn about the Basics of Data Analysis and Business Intelligence using Microsoft Power Tools such as, PivotTables, Power Query, Power Pivot, Power BI Desktop and more.
This video is an introduction to the Excel Data Analysis Basics, E-DAB Class, taught by Microsoft Excel MVP and Highline College Professor, Mike Girvin. This video shows you:
1. How to access the free class
2. How to navigate the class using YouTube’s new Learning Playlist.
3. How to download Excel files and free Data Analysis pdf notes.

0 Views · 5 months ago

Course review learnbay Data Analysis
#datascience #python #pune #practice

0 Views · 5 months ago

You will learn how to prepare Power BI report in only 5 minutes, without much expertise. I will explain you all 3 methods of creating visualisation in Power BI Desktop step by step.

Table of contents:
1. Welcome note 00:00
2. Contents Intro Video 00:25
3. Description of imported data in Power BI 00:33
4. Different techniques to prepare visualization in Power BI Desktop 01:15
5. How to use Q&A option to create chart and graph in Power BI desktop? 02:35
6. How to create Bar Chart in Power BI Desktop? 02:45
7. How to create Column Chart in Power BI Desktop? 03:26
8. How to create Line Chart in Power BI Desktop? 03:51
9. How to create Area Chart in Power BI Desktop? 04:49
10. How to create Waterfall Chart in Power BI Desktop? 05:42
11. How to create Funnel Chart in Power BI Desktop? 06:52
12. Summarization of what we learned 07:53
13. What we will learn in next video 08:18
15. Thank you note 09:00
Subscribe to my channel and take advantage of the upcoming videos in this data analysis series:

Fundamental video for Data Analysis:
Data Analysis Part1 (Fundamentals of Data Analysis and Data Analyst and Tools used in Data Analysis):

Data Analysis Part2 (Excel Tutorial for preparing Interactive Excel Sales Dashboard) :

Data Analysis Full Course Part-3 | Microsoft Power BI Tutorial for Beginners | What Is Power BI? | How to download and Install Power BI? | 2021:

Data Analysis Full Course Part-4 | Microsoft Power BI Tutorial for Beginners | How to transform data in Power BI Desktop | Learn Data Profiling:

Data Analysis Full Course Part-5 | Data Analysis Full Course Part-5 | Microsoft Power BI Tutorial for Beginners | Learn Data Modeling:

Data Analysis Full Course Part-6 | Master the Report View |Microsoft Power BI Tutorial for Beginners:

Please check out my other career development videos like resume writing video and most asked interview questions and answers video:

How to write an Impressive Resume (English + Hindi)

Top 10 Most Asked Interview Questions and Answers | Job Interview Tips | 2021
# powerbireport #powerbitutorial #PowerBIReportView, #DataVisualizationInPowerBI,
#whatispowerbi #PowerBIDashboard #DataTransforminPowerBI #BulkOperationonDataInPowerBI #powerbianalytics #powerbireporting #DataModelingInPowerBI, #HowtocreatearelationshipinpowerBI, #mspowerbi #bidata #businessanalyticssoftware #bidashboard #dataintelligencetools #bireportingtools #businessintelligencesoftwaretools #powerbidatascience #businessanalyticspowerbi #powerbifordata #powerbifordataanalysis #powerbidataanalytics #powerbidataanalysisandvisualization #businessanalyticstools #analysisinpowerbi #analyticsonpowerbi #dataanalyticsusingpowerbi #powerbifordataanalytics #howtousepowerbifordataanalytics #datavisualizationtoolspowerbi #dataanalysisusingpowerbi

1 Views · 5 months ago

In this series, we'll go over data analysis with Python. We'll learn the basics of statistics used in data analysis, learn how to implement it in Python and also go over data visualization using Python. In the course, you'll also learn how to use google colab. This course is designed for absolute beginners to data analysis in Python.

Link to colab notebook:

#python #datascience #datanalytics #statistics

- Data Science
- Statistics
- Data Analysis
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn

Deep Learning playlist:

Machine Learing playlist:


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0 Views · 5 months ago

What other skills you need to know as a data analyst? ft. @jessramosdata ✨ Follow for all tech & career tips ✨ #sundaskhalid #jessramos #womeninstem #careertips #technology #datanalyst #JobTips

0 Views · 5 months ago

Learn Data Visualization with D3, JavaScript, and React in this 17-hour course.
Part 2:

🎥 Created by Curran Kelleher. His channel:

00:00 Datavis 2020 Introduction
05:22 What is Data Visualization
14:30 Week 1 Q & A
22:49 Finding Visualizations
29:17 Introduction to Web Technologies
39:11 Let's Make a Face Part I (HTML, CSS, SVG)
57:02 Let's Make a Face Part II (React)
1:14:57 Let's Make a Face Part III (React & D3)
1:26:53 Let's Make a Face Part IV (React Components & ES6)
1:37:05 Let's Make a Face Part V multiple files with ES6 modules
1:47:01 Let's Make a Face Part VI (Compartmentalizing Complexity)
1:58:57 Coronavirus Dataviz Hackathon Part I (Coronavirus Dataviz)
2:08:48 Preparing Data for Visualization
2:18:46 Loading Data with Fetch, Promises, Aync & Await
2:29:11 Interaction With React
2:48:28 Parsing CSV Data with D3
2:57:18 Loading Data in React
3:08:40 Inputs for Visualization: Data & Tasks
3:19:32 Iterating Fast with Vega Lite API
3:50:33 Marks & Channels
4:26:43 Visualizing Data with React & D3
4:43:08 Making a Bar Chart with React & D3
4:57:51 Margins and Axes
5:17:23 Refactoring a Bar Chart
5:29:00 Stylized Bar Chart
5:53:13 Making a Scatter Plot
6:15:29 Working with Time
6:23:37 Making a Line Chart
6:37:29 Preparing Geospatial Data
6:45:35 Making a World Map with React & D3
7:11:24 Menus with React
7:27:40 Scatter Plot with Menus
7:45:57 Polished Scatter Plot with Menus
8:06:23 Scatter Plot with Color
8:13:24 Making a Color Legend
8:28:27 Interactive Color Legend
8:46:49 Points on a Map
8:58:35 Using Size
9:12:02 Missing Migrants
9:23:26 Missing Migrants Part II: Aggregation by Month
9:47:34 Missing Migrants Part III: On a Map
9:56:46 Multiple Views
10:09:23 Why Use Modules
10:11:48 Multiple Views Cleanup
10:32:17 Multiple Views with Brushing
10:58:34 React Performance Optimization
11:20:10 Choropleth Map
11:30:11 Log Scales

More in Part 2:

0 Views · 5 months ago

Looking to upgrade your skills and take your career to the next level? At Oranet, we offer a wide range of IT courses, from Business Analytics with Excel Pro to DevOps, Data Analysis, Python, and more. Whether you're interested in AWS, Google, Microsoft, Oracle, or Linux courses, we've got you covered! Join our live virtual classes and become an expert in the most in-demand technologies. Don't miss out on exclusive discounts! 🚀

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0 Views · 5 months ago

Data is everything (everywhere) and everything is data.
In this course you will the fundamentals of data and data analysis and proceed to kick start your career as a HIGH-INCOME EARNER in the global technology industry

0 Views · 5 months ago

0) 00:00 - Topics
1) 04:18 - Introduction
2) 08:58 - SSIS Installation
3) 16:56 - Components of SSIS
4) 23:03 - What is Control flow
5) 26:50 - What is Data Flow
6) 44:19 - SSIS Transformations
Derived column , Type Casting
Copy Column, sort, Merge ,
Group by, pivot, multicast, etc...
7) 01:51:15 - Control Flow Tasks
Precedence Constraint
8) 02:22:52 - Variables Expressions
9) 02:38:45 - Containers
Sequence, for loop, for each loop
9) 03:11:23 - Event Handlers
10) 03:22:58 - Execute Package Task
(Parent - Child Package)
11) 03:28:07 - Blocking / Non Blocking / Semi Blocking
12) 03:42:25 - Performance Improvement
13) 03:48:10 - SSIS Catalog (Deployment)
14) 03:58:42 - Sql Server Agent (Schedule Jobs)

#SSIS #SSISTutorials #Complete

✉ Business Queries / Analytics Consulting ✉ :

💬 For Learners Post queries and Interact 💬
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Complete Playlists

Power BI Tutorials - Complete Playlist 📚📖
Power BI Desktop Tips and Tricks 📚📖
Power BI DAX - Complete Playlist 📚📖
Power BI Services Playlist 📚📖
Power BI Project Dashboards - Power BI Realtime Projects - Playlist 📚📖

Data Warehouse Tutorials 📚📖
SQL Full Course | SQL Tutorial For Beginners 📚📖
SSAS Tutorials - SQL Server Analysis Services 📚📖
SSIS Tutorials - SQL Server Integration Services 📚📖

Power BI Interview Topics 📚📖
MSBI (SSIS,SSAS,SSRS) Interview Topics 📚📖

Excel for Data Analysis 📚📖
Power BI + R 📚📖
Azure for Analytics - Complete Tutorials 📚📖

Catch with Nags 📚📖
Nags Checklist 📚📖
Visuals with Nags 📚📖

0 Views · 5 months ago

Start Investing in Stock Market 👉 Open Demat Account on Zerodha:

I use Tickertape for my investment analysis of Stocks, Mutual Funds, ETFs and much more.

Click on this link or use code PRAJTT to get 20% off on Tickertape Pro:

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#ShareMarket #StockMarket #FundamentalAnalysis

About Pushkar Raj Thakur :

Pushkar Raj Thakur is India's Leading Motivational Speaker & Business Coach. With over 5 Million Subscribers on YouTube & Millions of Followers on all other Social Media Platforms, he is known for his versatile knowledge of Financial Education, Personal Mastery, Sales, Marketing, Human Psychology & Business Development.

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To Join our Courses, Call @ 9999470710

2 Views · 5 months ago

Learn about relational and non-relational database management systems in this course.

This course was created by Professor Immanuel Trummer, PhD. He is an assistant professor for computer science at Cornell University.
🐦 Follow Professor Trummer on Twitter:

🐦 Immanuel Trummer YouTube Channel

You will learn how to query database systems via languages such as SQL (the structured query language). Then, you will see how database systems work internally, how they store and index data, how they process and optimize queries, and how they process transactions while providing guarantees such as isolation, atomicity, and durability (ACID guarantees).

The course addresses questions of database design and discusses novel approaches to data management via NoSQL or NewSQL systems. Finally, the course will discuss about graph, stream, and spatial data, and about systems that are specialized for those data types. The lectures are from the Fall 2020 online lecture at Cornell by Prof. Trummer (

⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (0:00:00) The Structured Query Language (SQL)

⌨️ (3:04:52) Storing and Indexing Data
⌨️ (5:52:44) Relational Data Processing
⌨️ (10:40:23) Transaction Processing
⌨️ ( Database Design
⌨️ ( Beyond Relational Data

⭐️ Additional Reading ⭐️
About the first two thirds of the course are based on the textbook "Database Management Systems" by Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke. The last third of the course discusses recently proposed systems, more details about them can be found in the corresponding research papers.

0 Views · 5 months ago

hii guyz once again welcome to our YouTube channel and as you know this part 6 after this part you will become professional data analyst this last part so please focused course and also comments which type of course you want

#makeyourcareer #lifetimelearning #dataanalytics #fullcourse

About course=The first thing you need to know about this course, is that this is NOT your granddad’s Excel.

Instead of the same old spreadsheet stuff, we’ll do a deep dive on a truly revolutionary set of tools that empower you to do industrial-strength Business Intelligence: the art and science of transforming data – usually massive amounts of it – into meaningful, actionable insights.

In the past, doing “real” BI meant using expensive enterprise software that only a select few people would have access to anyway. But with what you’ll learn in this course, you’ll be building robust Business Intelligence solutions in no time, using nothing more than an Excel spreadsheet

First up, we’ll dive into Power Query, a feature-packed yet easy to use tool for extracting, transforming, and loading (ETL for short) data from just about any source you can imagine into Excel. From text files to databases, wherever the data you want to analyze might be stored, you can use Power Query to pull it into Excel, and then transform it however you need to support your analysis.

Next, there’s an optional section on Pivot Tables, just in case you’re not already familiar with them. While Pivot Tables may not be a revolutionary new feature in and of themselves, they nonetheless play a crucial role in the Excel Business Intelligence landscape.

We’ll then learn to turn those Pivot Tables into “Power” Pivot Tables, by connecting them to the Excel Data Model…which is basically a relational database that lives right inside your Excel spreadsheet! This will allow us to mash up and analyze multiple datasets in a single Pivot Table…no VLOOKUPS required!And remember how Excel usually starts to sputter out once you try to play around with more than a couple hundred thousand rows of data? No more! Power Pivot let’s you work with up to hundreds of millions of records in a single Excel file.

Then, so we can get the absolute most out of our Data Model (and into our Power Pivot Tables), we’ll learn DAX, an incredibly powerful formula language for creating complex calculations that you can drop right into your Pivots.Since the basics of DAX syntax are easy to pick up if you’re already familiar with Excel formulas,

Of course, all that number crunching doesn’t help much if we can’t present those numbers in an intuitive, easily digestible way. That’s why I close the course out with a series of powerful visualization techniques – from conditional formatting to Pivot Charts – that will transform your calculations into insights that can be used to make real-world decisions.We’ll even explore techniques for building dynamic dashboards in Excel, using Slicers and Timelines to not only filter our charts, but actually change the metrics we display in them. And all supported by the Data Model’s capacity for juggling hundreds of millions of rows of data in a single spreadsheet.
And in each section, I use hands-on demos, practical examples, and intuitive, common-sense explanations to teach you these concepts in a way that will help you see the connection between your new skills and the problems you’re trying to solve on the job.

But just as importantly, I’ve packed the course with TONS of exercises – ranging from straightforward to challenging – that will help you retain, and even build on, what you’ve learned.

So if you want to master these game-changing tools and build professional-grade Business Intelligence solutions right on your desktop, all you need is Microsoft Excel – and this course – to do it. I look forward to seeing you there!

Who this course is for:
Aspiring Analysts who want to take their careers to the next level by unleashing Microsoft Excel’s Business Intelligence functionality to build data solutions that stand out and get noticed
Data Professionals who want to quickly augment their skills by mastering an easy to use, yet industrial-strength Business Intelligence toolset
Business owners or executives who want to empower their employees to deliver self-service Business Intelligence without buying expensive, specialized software
Any Excel user who wants to unlock the secrets of their data using the best-in-class analytical tools right in their Excel spreadsheet

Microsoft Excel 2013 or above
A Windows PC (unfortunately, most of these tools won’t work on Excel for Mac)
Basic knowledge of Microsoft Excel, especially formulas and functions

About channel=
In this channel we are providing free courses for you. for first time ever in YouTube and channel is run by a fahad ansari

For more information or contact Me
my official Gmail account

0 Views · 5 months ago

If you spend a lot of time extracting, transforming, or analyzing data from databases, - or you're aiming for one of the many highly paid career paths that rely heavily on this skill - then this course is for you.

Learning to query databases with SQL is a substantial part of highly paid careers such as Data Analyst and Business Intelligence Analyst, but also provides a strong foundation for even more exotic roles like that of a Data Scientist. Experienced Data Scientists will tell you that the majority of their time isn't spent tuning machine learning algorithms, but rather preparing and cleaning data for use by those algorithms - something SQL does exceptionally well.

In this course, I have tried to avoid simply regurgitating an encyclopedia of facts about SQL, an approach that is all too common in introductory books and courses on programming. Instead, I carefully curated certain concepts and techniques that I have found to provide the most "bang for your buck" over my decade of experience as a data professional.

This enabled me to condense a complete course on SQL into just 36 instructional videos, averaging less than 10 minutes in length. So if you can commit to a video a day, in just over one month you’ll have added an extremely valuable and lucrative skill to your arsenal (and just as importantly, your resume!).

And to make sure all that knowledge sticks, I’ve included exercises...LOTS of exercises. Unlike most courses, which only feature sporadic opportunities to practice what you’ve learned, this course has practice problems after almost every video - so you can reinforce concepts right away.

Take it from someone who has built their career almost entirely on self-taught technical skills: it’s worth the effort. Several recent surveys have shown that SQL is actually the MOST in-demand tech skill sought after by recruiters!

In short, learning SQL can change your life, if you put in the work Let me be your guide to this next step in your career - I think you’ll find the journey a lot less daunting, and maybe even a little more fun, than you would have ever expected.

What you’ll learn
Use SQL to apply complex criteria and transformations to database data
Master SQL functions for sophisticated data manipulation
Leverage an understanding of relational database design to link together data stored across multiple tables
Use aggregate queries to produce summarized views and analysis
Be comfortable putting SQL and SQL Server on your resume
Gain experience with the kind of SQL coding problems you are likely to encounter in an interview
Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?
Basic computer literacy
An installation of Windows 10 or later
Who this course is for:
Aspiring Data Analysts or Business Intelligence Analysts looking to break into these fields by learning SQL
Data Scientists trying to improve their data cleaning and transformation skills by learning SQL
Non-technical business professionals such as business analysts and project managers trying to gain a better understanding of the technical domains they interact with

0 Views · 5 months ago



This is an overview of Chapter 1 of Practical Statistics for Data Scientists. I'll be going over the first couple of chapters of this book because the later chapters cover similar materials from my Hands on Machine Learning book overview videos.

FREE Python Course:
Link to Book:
MX Master 3
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MacBook Pro Retina 16 Inch


0 Views · 5 months ago

If you spend a lot of time extracting, transforming, or analyzing data from databases, - or you're aiming for one of the many highly paid career paths that rely heavily on this skill - then this course is for you.

Learning to query databases with SQL is a substantial part of highly paid careers such as Data Analyst and Business Intelligence Analyst, but also provides a strong foundation for even more exotic roles like that of a Data Scientist. Experienced Data Scientists will tell you that the majority of their time isn't spent tuning machine learning algorithms, but rather preparing and cleaning data for use by those algorithms - something SQL does exceptionally well.

In this course, I have tried to avoid simply regurgitating an encyclopedia of facts about SQL, an approach that is all too common in introductory books and courses on programming. Instead, I carefully curated certain concepts and techniques that I have found to provide the most "bang for your buck" over my decade of experience as a data professional.

This enabled me to condense a complete course on SQL into just 36 instructional videos, averaging less than 10 minutes in length. So if you can commit to a video a day, in just over one month you’ll have added an extremely valuable and lucrative skill to your arsenal (and just as importantly, your resume!).

And to make sure all that knowledge sticks, I’ve included exercises...LOTS of exercises. Unlike most courses, which only feature sporadic opportunities to practice what you’ve learned, this course has practice problems after almost every video - so you can reinforce concepts right away.

Take it from someone who has built their career almost entirely on self-taught technical skills: it’s worth the effort. Several recent surveys have shown that SQL is actually the MOST in-demand tech skill sought after by recruiters!

In short, learning SQL can change your life, if you put in the work Let me be your guide to this next step in your career - I think you’ll find the journey a lot less daunting, and maybe even a little more fun, than you would have ever expected.

What you’ll learn
Use SQL to apply complex criteria and transformations to database data
Master SQL functions for sophisticated data manipulation
Leverage an understanding of relational database design to link together data stored across multiple tables
Use aggregate queries to produce summarized views and analysis
Be comfortable putting SQL and SQL Server on your resume
Gain experience with the kind of SQL coding problems you are likely to encounter in an interview
Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?
Basic computer literacy
An installation of Windows 10 or later
Who this course is for:
Aspiring Data Analysts or Business Intelligence Analysts looking to break into these fields by learning SQL
Data Scientists trying to improve their data cleaning and transformation skills by learning SQL
Non-technical business professionals such as business analysts and project managers trying to gain a better understanding of the technical domains they interact with

1 Views · 5 months ago

(1) Data Analysis
(2) Data Analytics
(3) Qualitative
(3) Quantitative


1 Views · 5 months ago

In this series, we'll go over data analysis with Python. We'll learn the basics of statistics used in data analysis, learn how to implement it in Python and also go over data visualization using Python. In the course, you'll also learn how to use google colab. This course is designed for absolute beginners to data analysis in Python.

Link to colab notebook:

#python #datascience #datanalytics #statistics

- Data Science
- Statistics
- Data Analysis
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn

Deep Learning playlist:

Machine Learing playlist:


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Please like, share and subscribe to this channel for more of such videos.

0 Views · 5 months ago

"🔥Data Analyst Masters Program (Discount Code - YTBE15) -
🔥IITK - Professional Certificate Course in Data Analytics and Generative AI (India Only) -
🔥Purdue - Post Graduate Program in Data Analytics -
🔥Caltech - Data Analytics Bootcamp (US Only) -
🔥IITG - Professional Certificate Program in Data Analytics and Generative AI (India Only) -

This Excel Tutorial full course will help you get started with Excel and explore the features it offers. You will take a tour to understand Excel basics and look at how to write functions, sort, and filter data, how to import data and split data into multiple columns, learn about sumif and countif functions, and many more functions and formulas available in Microsoft Excel.

Dataset Link -

00:01:18 Introduction to MS Excel
00:04:47 Excel Basics
00:21:41 Lock Cells in Excel
00:27:09 Page Setup in Excel
00:45:13 What if Analysis
00:49:34 Charts in Excel
01:07:50 Data Validation in Excel
01:34:20 Lookup Functions in Excel
02:14:20 Slicers in Excel
02:18:42 Excel Budget Template
02:25:35 MIS Report in Excel
02:35:43 Excel Macros
02:47:09 Excel VBA
03:37:56 Regression in Excel
04:04:32 Excel Power Query
05:29:50 Excel Interview Questions

✅Subscribe to our Channel to learn more about the top Technologies:

⏩ Check out the Excel tutorial videos:

#advancedExcelFullCourse #advancedExcelTutorial #ExcelTraining #AdvancedExcelFormulas #AdvancedExcelFunctions #Vlookup #hlookup #xlookup #sumifs #concatinate #if #excelDashboard #excelReport #ExcelDataAnalytics #ExcelCourse #ExcelFullCourse #ExcelTutorial #MicrosoftExcelTutorial #ExcelTutorialForBeginners #LearnExcel #Simplilearn #2022

What is Microsoft Excel?
Excel is one of the best applications available on the market for creating spreadsheets to crunch numbers and dashboard reports as well as storing and administering data. This software first appeared on the scene back in 1987, and since then it has grown to become one of the most popular pieces of software for home or business.

➡️ About Post Graduate Program In Data Analytics
This Data Analytics Program is ideal for all working professionals and prior programming knowledge is not required. It covers topics like data analysis, data visualization, regression techniques, and supervised learning in-depth via our applied learning model with live sessions by leading practitioners and industry projects.

✅ Key Features
- Post Graduate Program certificate and Alumni Association membership
- Exclusive hackathons and Ask me Anything sessions by IBM
- 8X higher live interaction in live online classes by industry experts
- Capstone from 3 domains and 14+ Data Analytics Projects with Industry datasets from Google PlayStore, Lyft, World Bank etc.
- Master Classes delivered by Purdue faculty and IBM experts
- Simplilearn's JobAssist helps you get noticed by top hiring companies
- Resume preparation and LinkedIn profile building
- 1:1 mock interview
- Career accelerator webinars

✅ Skills Covered
- Data Analytics
- Statistical Analysis using Excel
- Data Analysis Python and R
- Data Visualization Tableau and Power BI
- Linear and logistic regression modules
- Clustering using kmeans
- Supervised Learning

👉 Learn More at:
🔥Caltech Data Analytics Bootcamp(US Only):

🔥🔥 Interested in Attending Live Classes? Call Us: IN - 18002127688 / US - +18445327688

2 Views · 5 months ago

Machine learning with Python | Full Course | Data Exploration and Analysis

Every Tuesday at 06.00 PM GMT

The module manager and lecturer is
Anthony NG

The playlist of this course:

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#machinelearning #linear_regression #deep_learning

What is data exploration in data analysis?
,What is data exploration in data analysis?
,What is done in data exploration?
,What is done in data exploration?
,What are the steps of exploratory data analysis?
,What are the steps of exploratory data analysis?
,What is data exploration in ML?
,What is data exploration in ML?
,What is data exploration in SQL?
,What is data exploration in SQL?
,Why do we perform exploratory data analysis?
,How do you explore data?
,How do you use data exploration in Excel?
,What is exploratory data analysis example?
,What are the two goals of exploratory data analysis?
,What is EDA in Python?
,What is data exploration in AI?
,What is the difference between data mining and data exploration?
,What is Tableau used for?

1 Views · 5 months ago

In this series, we'll go over data analysis with Python. We'll learn the basics of statistics used in data analysis, learn how to implement it in Python and also go over data visualization using Python. In the course, you'll also learn how to use google colab. This course is designed for absolute beginners to data analysis in Python.

Link to colab notebook:

#python #datascience #datanalytics #statistics

- Data Science
- Statistics
- Data Analysis
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn

Deep Learning playlist:

Machine Learing playlist:


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Please like, share and subscribe to this channel for more of such videos.

0 Views · 5 months ago

Overwhelmed By Data, Looker Studio Makes Data Analysis Effortless.

- Infield Data Source Integration,

- Effortless Data Visualization

- Shareable Insights

Learn Data Analysis with Looker Studio in our advanced course starting on May 28th, 2024

Join now at Hadi e-learning:

#lookerstudio #data #skills #course #visualization #advancecourse

1 Views · 5 months ago

Introduction to Data Analysis Using Excel | Free Course from Coursera


#dataanalysis #dataanalytics #course #freecourse #courserafreecertificate #coursera #excel #excel365 #excelformula #exceltutorial #exceltips #upwork #freelancing #freelancer #freelancingjobs #freelancingwork #earnmoneyonline #earn_money_online #saimarashidsimplyfreelance

#shorts #shortvideo #shortsyoutube #shortsfeed #viral #viralshorts #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #trendingshorts


This video is about:

how to earn money online with data analysis jobs,
how to earn money online,
how to make money for students,
how to make money without investment,
how to earn online for beginners



This video is only intended for informational purposes. Images, videos, and clips used from Instagram, Facebook,  YouTube, or Google are used for informational purposes only.

0 Views · 5 months ago

Leanne Martin
Whitman Instructor

This course will familiarize students with the assumptions underlying various statistical techniques and assist in identifying their appropriateness in a variety of situations. The student should be able to perform statistical analysis and interpret results in a meaningful way. Students are expected to relate results of such analyses to become an information-based decision maker.

0 Views · 5 months ago


📥💻 *Download Practice File 👉

Kya aap Excel mein Data Analysis sikhna chahte hain? 📊💻 Toh aap bilkul sahi jagah aaye hain! 🎉🔍 Mere naye YouTube video mein, main aapko free mein Excel mein Data Analysis karna sikhaunga! 💡📈 Taiyaar ho jaiye apne data ko explore karne ke liye aur Excel ke magical world mein kho jaiye! 💫💼 Dekhiye aur sikhiye abhi!"

✅✅ "Practice karne ke liye, maine ek special file taiyar ki hai, jo aapke Excel journey ko aur bhi interesting banayegi! 🔖📂 Is file ko download karne ke liye, niche diye gaye link pe click karein: [Download Practice File](link_yaha_pe) 📥💻 Ab Excel ke duniya mein kadam rakhiye aur apne skills ko polish kijiye! 💪🚀"

▶️ Excel Interview Questions Test 2024 for Jobs -

1. 🚀 *Unleash the Power of Excel: Mastering Advance Formulas!* 📊💡

2. 🧹 *Data Cleaning Mastery: Excel Tips for Spotless Spreadsheets!* 🔄🧼

3. ⚡ *Excel Power Query: Transform Your Data Like a Pro!* 🔍🔄

4. 🕵️‍♂️ *XLOOKUP Demystified: Dive Deeper into Excel Magic!* 📈✨

🤝 **Join the Masti Mein:**
Kuch sawaal ya lajawab tips? Comments mein share karo! Chalo banate hain ek community of Excel superheroes! ⚡

🔔 **Subscribe Karo, FOMO Mat Lo:**
Subscribe button dabao aur notification bell bajao taaki latest Excel hacks aur mind-blowing tutorials se connected raho! 🎉

👉 **Stay Social With Us:**
Hume social media par follow karo for exclusive sneak peeks, behind-the-scenes, aur thoda aur Excel ka magic! 🌐

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Some contents are use for educational purposes under fair use. Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for porpose such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non profit educational or personal use tips the balance if favour of fair use. All credit for copyright material used in video goes to respected owner.

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Data analysis in Excel step by step
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Excel data analysis examples
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Excel data analysis course
Excel data analysis tips
Excel data analysis tutorial for beginners

1 Views · 5 months ago

"🔥Business Analyst Masters Program (Discount Code - YTBE15) -
🔥CBAP® Certification Training -
🔥Purdue - Post Graduate Program in Business Analysis -"

In this Business Analytics and Business Intelligence full course video, we’ll look at what is Business Intelligence, who is a Business Intelligence expert, and various BI tools used. We will look at each tool in detail.

Dataset Links:

✅Subscribe to our Channel to learn more about the top Technologies:

⏩ Check out the Business Analytics tutorial videos:

#BusinessIntelligence #BusinessIntelligenceTutorial #BusinessIntelligenceCourse #BusinessIntelligenceTools #BusinessAnalytics #BusinessAnalyticsCourse #2022 #Simplilearn

Who Is A Business Analyst?
A business analyst understands the business problems and identifies the solutions that will maximize the organization's value to its stakeholders. A business analyst is an individual who works closely with the technology team to improve the quality of the services being delivered. They ensure the customer needs are correctly interpreted and translated into application. They possess programming, SQL, and business intelligence skills to deliver data-driven solutions.

➡️ About Post Graduate Program In Business Analysis
This Post Graduate Program in Business Analysis is for professionals looking to pursue a Business Analysis career, understand business analysis techniques, get hands-on experience, and for experienced analysts looking to learn the latest tools and frameworks used by Agile teams.

✅ Key Features
- Certificate from Simplilearn in collaboration with Purdue University
- Become eligible to be part of the Purdue University Alumni Association
- Master Classes delivered by Purdue faculty
- Earn 35 PDs/CDUs post completion of the CBAP® module
- Harvard Business Publishing case studies of Pearson, CarMax, EvCard, etc.
- Capstone from 3 domains and 14+ projects
- Simplilearn Career Service helps you get noticed by top hiring companies
- Get mentored and network with Business Analyst from Amazon, Microsoft, and Google

✅ Skills Covered
- Business Analysis
- Elicitation and Collaboration
- BRD FRD and SRS Document Creation
- Requirements Analysis
- Planning and Monitoring
- Requirements Life Cycle Management
- Strategy Analysis
- Wireframing
- Solution Evaluation
- Dashboarding
- Data Visualization
- Agile scrum methodology
- Scrum Artifacts
- Statistical Analysis using Excel
- SQL Database
- Python
- Data analysis
- Digital Transformation

👉 Learn More At:
🔥🔥 Interested in Attending Live Classes? Call Us: IN - 18002127688 / US - +18445327688

0 Views · 5 months ago

In this video you will learn how to do Data Transform in Power BI in easy-to-understand approach.

Table of contents:
1. Intro 00:10
2. What we have learned so far 00:20
3. What we will learn 00:50
4. How to start Transformation the Data 01:13
5. Header Formatting 01:56
6. Delete or Rename the column and table 02:14
7. Data Profiling (column quality/distribution/profile) 02:46
8. Rename the data table 06:02
9. How to check total rows imported 06:08
10. Find and Replace values in the column 06:20
11. Format the value in the column 07:30
12. Split the column 08:30
13. Column data type change 09:49
14. Close and Apply to save transformation of data 10:20
15. Check data accuracy of loaded data 10:57
16. What we will learn next 11:11
17. Thank you note 11:46

Data Analysis Full Course Part-4 | Microsoft Power BI Tutorial for Beginners | How to transform data in Power BI Desktop | Learn Data Profiling

Subscribe to my channel and take advantage of the upcoming videos in this data analysis series:

Fundamental video for Data Analysis:
Data Analysis Part1 (Fundamentals of Data Analysis and Data Analyst and Tools used in Data Analysis):

Data Analysis Part2 (Excel Tutorial for preparing Interactive Excel Sales Dashboard) :

Data Analysis Full Course Part-3 | Microsoft Power BI Tutorial for Beginners | What Is Power BI? | How to download and Install Power BI? | 2021:

Please check out my other career development videos like resume writing video and most asked interview questions and answers video:

How to write an Impressive Resume (English + Hindi)

Top 10 Most Asked Interview Questions and Answers | Job Interview Tips | 2021



0 Views · 5 months ago

DSA with Java Course Enrollment link:

🎉 Exciting News: Jenny’s New Coding Platform & Course Launch! 🎉

Hello everyone! 🌟 I’ve missed you all and have some thrilling updates to share. After a brief hiatus, I’m back with not one but TWO pieces of fantastic news that I can’t wait to reveal!

🚀 Good News #1 🚀 I’m beyond excited to announce the launch of – our very own platform dedicated to coding excellence! Here, you'll find meticulously structured courses with personalized doubt resolution support, designed to elevate your coding skills from beginner to expert. I’ll be guiding you through every step, making sure you're well-prepared for placements, interviews, and internships.

📚 Good News #2 📚 We’re kicking things off with our first course: ‘Mastering Data Structures and Algorithms with JAVA - DSA - Extreme Beginner to Advanced (200+ Hours)’! Starting on 19th September 2024 at 8:00 PM, this comprehensive LIVE + Recorded course will cover:

Full Java coverage with JDK21
In-depth Data Structures & Algorithms
Detailed notes, PDFs, and HD recorded classes
AI tool usage, real-world case studies, projects, and 200+ placement questions
Quizzes, assignments, and a course completion certificate
A 100% refund in case you change your mind(within first week of enrollment only)

🎓 Special Early Bird Discount 🎓
Act fast! For the first 500 students, the course is available at a special price of ₹9,000 (down from ₹14,999) with an additional early bird discount! Valid for 2 years, that’s just ₹375 per month!

👉 Don’t wait – Book your spot now! Click the link in the description and pinned comment to start your coding journey. I’m so excited to see you in the course. Let’s level up your coding skills together!

DSA with Java Course Enrollment link:

See you on 19th September! 🌟

#Coding #Java #DataStructures #Algorithms #OnlineCourse #Jenny’sLectures #EarlyBirdDiscount #LearnToCode


0 Views · 5 months ago

In English. Portion of course that covers data analysis techniques in biodiversity science. Taught 29 July - 2 August 2013, in Cape Town, South Africa. Instructors included Rafael Loyola, Thiago Rangel, Adolfo Navarro, and Town Peterson.

1 Views · 5 months ago

Learn how to use Python and Pandas for data analysis. This course will be especially helpful if you have experience with Excel, but that is not required. Learn how to create pivot tables, work with data, and make visualizations using Python, Pandas, and Jupyter Notebook.

💻 Source Code & Datasets:
🔗 Datasets:

✏️ Course developed by Frank Andrade.
🔗 YouTube Channel:

/ frankandrade5
🔗 PDF Python Cheat Sheet for this Course:
🔗 My Complete Python Courses for Data Analysis & Data Science:

⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (0:00:00) Intro
⌨️ (0:01:48) Install Python and Jupyter Notebook with Anaconda
⌨️ (0:03:53) Jupyter Notebook Interface
⌨️ (0:13:56) Cell Types and Cell Mode
⌨️ (0:21:34) Jupyter Notebook Shortcuts
⌨️ (0:26:39) Module 1 - Hello World
⌨️ (0:30:30) Data Type
⌨️ (0:39:10) Variables
⌨️ (0:46:53) Lists
⌨️ (1:11:14) Dictionaries
⌨️ (1:21:50) IF Statement
⌨️ (1:28:04) FOR Loop
⌨️ (1:33:49) Functions
⌨️ (1:40:59) Modules
⌨️ (1:44:41) Module 2 -Introduction to Pandas
⌨️ (1:51:08) How to create a dataframe
⌨️ (2:07:34) How to show a dataframe
⌨️ (2:14:24) Basic Attributes, Functions and Methods
⌨️ (2:26:17) Selecting One Column from a Dataframe
⌨️ (2:32:13) Selecting Two or More Columns from a Dataframe
⌨️ (2:37:50) Add New Column to a Dataframe (Simple Assignment)
⌨️ (2:47:51) Operations in dataframes
⌨️ (2:56:04) The value_counts() method
⌨️ (3:00:16) Sort a DataFrame with the sort_values() method
⌨️ (3:09:56) Module 3: Introduction to Pivot Tables in Pandas
⌨️ (3:14:42) The pivot() method
⌨️ (3:20:49) The pivot_table() method
⌨️ (3:29:00) Data Visualization with Pandas (New Dataset + Pivot Table)
⌨️ (3:38:38) Lineplot
⌨️ (3:43:05) Barplot
⌨️ (3:50:52) Piechart
⌨️ (3:54:36) Save Plot and Export Pivot Table

🎉 Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters:
👾 Raymond Odero
👾 Agustín Kussrow
👾 aldo ferretti
👾 Otis Morgan
👾 DeezMaster

1 Views · 5 months ago

Python data analysis / data science tutorial. Let’s go!
Learn Data Analysis with Python in this comprehensive tutorial for beginners, with exercises included! Data Analysis has been around for a long time, but up until a few years ago, it was practiced using closed, expensive and limited tools like Excel or Tableau. Python, SQL and other open libraries have changed Data Analysis forever.
How can we get started with data analysis or data science - so for example read and change data and also create our first quick chart - in Python? Besides Python, all we need is Pandas and Matplotlib. Doesn't sound familiar to you? Let's clear things up and get started in this video!

In this tutorial you'll learn the whole process of Data Analysis: reading data from multiple sources (CSVs, SQL, Excel, etc), processing them using NumPy and Pandas, visualize them using Matplotlib and Seaborn and clean and process it to create reports.
Additionally, we've included a thorough Jupyter Notebook tutorial, and a quick Python reference to refresh your programming skills.

The session covers:
0:00 Introduction
4:04 Jupyter Notebooks
18:00 Pandas
20:14 Pandas Series
46:45 Pandas DataFrames
1:05:03 Reading CSV files
1:30:56 Plotting data

It was taught by Dr Matt Williams

#python #pandas #programming #jupyter #rse #acrc #uob

0 Views · 5 months ago

"Discover the essence of data analytics in Excel with these 6 vital topics. Learn data import, formulas, and functions for manipulation. Explore data visualization and PivotTables for insights. Master descriptive statistics and hypothesis testing for confident data-driven decisions. Elevate your analytics skills with this concise guide."

#dataanalysiscourseplaylist #youtubevideo #virelvideo #shorts #shortvideo #job #jobs #jobsearch #dataanalyticscourseplaylist #dataanalyticscourseplaylistinhindi #dataanalyticscourseplaylistfreecodecamp #dataanalyticscoursetagalog #dataanalyticscoursewscubetech #dataanalyticscourseinhindi #k

0 Views · 5 months ago

Data Analysis in Stata; Full Course || Univariate and Bi-variate Analysis

Data Source:

Univariate analysis
Bi-variate analysis for categorical variables
Histogram, box plot, Q-Q plot, n-p plot
Bi-variate analysis for one quantitative and one binary variable
Bi-variate analysis for two quantitative/continuous variables
'tabstat' command for summarizing the Quantitative variables
Table of means,, and frequency
ANOVA, One-Way ANOVA, ICC, and Bonferroni Comparison
Classical non- parametric test of hypothesis with dunntest

Are you passionate about data science, bio-statistics, and epidemiology? Dive into our channel, where we break down complex concepts and empower you with the knowledge to excel in regression analysis and beyond. Learn the latest techniques, explore real-world applications, and stay ahead in your field. Whether you're a beginner or an expert, our engaging content will elevate your understanding and skills. Subscribe now and transform your career with the power of data!

0 Views · 5 months ago

Free Statistics Tutorial:

How to Use SPSS
Are you ready to learn how to use SPSS for your introductory statistics class? You have come to the right place. This is the first in a series of eight videos that will introduce you to using SPSS for introductory statistics. This series is designed for people with little or no experience with SPSS. You will learn about the SPSS work space, how to navigate between Data View and Variable View, how to create variables, and how to modify properties of variables. From there, we will move on to simple statistics and common statistical tests. This is SPSS for Beginners.

Note about the camera: the most common comment I get is about the camera work, particularly in this first video. We wanted to try something multi-cam and thought it might be cool to do black and white plus color plus movement. If the style is too much for you, I understand. I made the ultimate creative choices about the footage, so that is all on me. In the subsequent videos, there is much less movement. The SPSS content is still solid and I hope that it benefits you.

For more training about how to use SPSS, please check out these videos.
How to Get IBM SPSS Statistics Software:
An Introduction to the SPSS Workspace:
How to Create Variables in SPSS:
Importing Excel Data into SPSS:
Exporting SPSS Output to Microsoft Word:

This video uses a dataset we create in the video series and SPSS version 24

Link to a Google Drive folder with all of the files that I use in the videos including spreadsheets, and the Bear Handout. As I add new files, they will appear here, as well.
To download, hover your cursor over the file icon and a blue download icon will appear. You do not need to request access to a file.

Permissions: Statistics instructors, you are granted permission to link to this video and all videos on this channel for teaching introductory statistics. If you use them, I would love to hear about where they are being used so I can document for professional service. – Dr. Daniel

0 Views · 5 months ago

In This Video About Exploratory Data Analysis covers essential techniques in data science, focusing on understanding data structures and effective transformations.

Topics Data Analytics Tamil Full Course include methodologies, visualization, user analytics, data participation, annotations, and analytics procedures. It finds applications in diverse data environments using various tools and software."

Data Analytics Data Set -https://workdrive.zohopublic.i....n/external/a8333659d

This Video Contains
0:00 - Intro
0:31 - What Is EDA In Data Analysis ?
3:33 - Explain Statistical And Visualization In Data Analytics ?
6:16 - Role of EDA ?
7:10 - Case Study Of EDA ?
7:56 - Exploring Correlation In Data Analytics ?
8:24 - Heatmaps And Scatter Plot ?
8 : 42 - Harness Seabones For Visualization
32:21 - Explain Outlayers ?

✅ For course inquiries contact us at
📞 044 4560 5237
📱 739 739 6665 (WhatsApp)

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0 Views · 5 months ago

Learn about relational and non-relational database management systems in this course.

This course was created by Professor Immanuel Trummer, PhD. He is an assistant professor for computer science at Cornell University.
🐦 Follow Professor Trummer on Twitter:

🎥 Watch part 2 of this course here (8 more hours):

You will learn how to query database systems via languages such as SQL (the structured query language). Then, you will see how database systems work internally, how they store and index data, how they process and optimize queries, and how they process transactions while providing guarantees such as isolation, atomicity, and durability (ACID guarantees).

The course addresses questions of database design and discusses novel approaches to data management via NoSQL or NewSQL systems. Finally, the course will discuss about graph, stream, and spatial data, and about systems that are specialized for those data types. The lectures are from the Fall 2020 online lecture at Cornell by Prof. Trummer (

🔗 Slides:
To download the slides, you may have to right-click the link and select "Save link as...". After clicking 'Save' you may have to look at the bottom of your browser window, click the up arrow, and then select 'Keep'.

⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (0:00:00) The Structured Query Language (SQL)
⌨️ (3:04:52) Storing and Indexing Data
⌨️ (5:52:44) Relational Data Processing
⌨️ (10:40:23) Transaction Processing
⌨️ ( Database Design
⌨️ ( Beyond Relational Data

⭐️ Additional Reading ⭐️
About the first two thirds of the course are based on the textbook "Database Management Systems" by Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke. The last third of the course discusses recently proposed systems, more details about them can be found in the corresponding research papers.


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0 Views · 5 months ago

If you spend a lot of time extracting, transforming, or analyzing data from databases, - or you're aiming for one of the many highly paid career paths that rely heavily on this skill - then this course is for you.

Learning to query databases with SQL is a substantial part of highly paid careers such as Data Analyst and Business Intelligence Analyst, but also provides a strong foundation for even more exotic roles like that of a Data Scientist. Experienced Data Scientists will tell you that the majority of their time isn't spent tuning machine learning algorithms, but rather preparing and cleaning data for use by those algorithms - something SQL does exceptionally well.

In this course, I have tried to avoid simply regurgitating an encyclopedia of facts about SQL, an approach that is all too common in introductory books and courses on programming. Instead, I carefully curated certain concepts and techniques that I have found to provide the most "bang for your buck" over my decade of experience as a data professional.

This enabled me to condense a complete course on SQL into just 36 instructional videos, averaging less than 10 minutes in length. So if you can commit to a video a day, in just over one month you’ll have added an extremely valuable and lucrative skill to your arsenal (and just as importantly, your resume!).

And to make sure all that knowledge sticks, I’ve included exercises...LOTS of exercises. Unlike most courses, which only feature sporadic opportunities to practice what you’ve learned, this course has practice problems after almost every video - so you can reinforce concepts right away.

Take it from someone who has built their career almost entirely on self-taught technical skills: it’s worth the effort. Several recent surveys have shown that SQL is actually the MOST in-demand tech skill sought after by recruiters!

In short, learning SQL can change your life, if you put in the work Let me be your guide to this next step in your career - I think you’ll find the journey a lot less daunting, and maybe even a little more fun, than you would have ever expected.

What you’ll learn
Use SQL to apply complex criteria and transformations to database data
Master SQL functions for sophisticated data manipulation
Leverage an understanding of relational database design to link together data stored across multiple tables
Use aggregate queries to produce summarized views and analysis
Be comfortable putting SQL and SQL Server on your resume
Gain experience with the kind of SQL coding problems you are likely to encounter in an interview
Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?
Basic computer literacy
An installation of Windows 10 or later
Who this course is for:
Aspiring Data Analysts or Business Intelligence Analysts looking to break into these fields by learning SQL
Data Scientists trying to improve their data cleaning and transformation skills by learning SQL
Non-technical business professionals such as business analysts and project managers trying to gain a better understanding of the technical domains they interact with

1 Views · 5 months ago

In this series, we'll go over data analysis with Python. We'll learn the basics of statistics used in data analysis, learn how to implement it in Python and also go over data visualization using Python. In the course, you'll also learn how to use google colab. This course is designed for absolute beginners to data analysis in Python.

Link to colab notebook:

#python #datascience #datanalytics #statistics

- Data Science
- Statistics
- Data Analysis
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn

Deep Learning playlist:

Machine Learing playlist:


Follow me on social media:
Discord community server:
Channel main page:

Please like, share and subscribe to this channel for more of such videos.

0 Views · 5 months ago

In this series, we'll go over data analysis with Python. We'll learn the basics of statistics used in data analysis, learn how to implement it in Python and also go over data visualization using Python. In the course, you'll also learn how to use google colab. This course is designed for absolute beginners to data analysis in Python.

Link to colab notebook:

#python #datascience #datanalytics #statistics

- Data Science
- Statistics
- Data Analysis
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn

Deep Learning playlist:

Machine Learing playlist:


Follow me on social media:
Discord community server:
Channel main page:

Please like, share and subscribe to this channel for more of such videos.

1 Views · 5 months ago

This FULL course in SQL, In this video will cover how to write SQL using MS SQL Server and SQL Server Management Studio. We go through Creating a Database, Creating Tables, Inserting, Updating, Deleting, Selecting, Grouping, Summing, Indexing, Joining, and every basic you need to get starting writing SQL.

#SQL #SQLServer #SQLTutorials

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SQL SERVER - Tutorials - FULL COURSE ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
1) 00:00 - Introduction About the Complete Free SQL Course
2) 02:46 - Why we need Database
3) 16:31 - What is DBMS
3.1 What is MS SQL Server
4) 30:42 - Installation Link
5) 34:14 - SQL Server Demo
5.1 Creating Database
5.2 Exploring SSMS
5.3 SQL Server Service
6) 51:07 - System database
7) 54:37 - SQL (Structured Query Language)
7.1 DDL ( Create, Alter, Drop )
7.2 DML ( Insert, Update, Delete)
7.3 DQL (Select)
7.4 Datatype in SQL
8) 01:31:00 - Constraints
8.1 Not Null, Unique
8.2 Check, Default,
9) 01:58:14 - Primary Key, Foreign Key
10) 02:34:00 - SQL Queries
10.1 Select, Where, Order by
10.2 Distinct
11) 02:59:23 - String and Arithmetic Functions
11.1 Logical Conditions
11.2 Like (Pattern search)
12) 03:29:05 - SQL Operators and Aggregate Function
13) 03:58:45 - SQL Join
13.1 Left / Right/ Inner / Full
14) 05:24:30 - Set Operations
14.1 Union / Intersect / Except
15) 05:33:16 - DBA | Security | User Access
16) 06:10:47 - PL SQL and Views
16.1 Stored Procedures |Functions
16.2 Views | CTE | Temp tables
17) 07:24:47 - Triggers / Cursors
18) 07:57:41 - Indexing
18.1 Clustered / Non clustered

How to install SQL Server DBMS

Video to install Sample Databases

✉ Business Queries / Analytics Consulting ✉ :

💬 For Learners Post queries and Interact 💬
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Complete Playlists

Power BI Tutorials - Complete Playlist 📚📖
Power BI Desktop Tips and Tricks 📚📖
Power BI DAX - Complete Playlist 📚📖
Power BI Services Playlist 📚📖
Power BI Project Dashboards - Power BI Realtime Projects - Playlist 📚📖

Data Warehouse Tutorials 📚📖
SQL Full Course | SQL Tutorial For Beginners 📚📖
SSAS Tutorials - SQL Server Analysis Services 📚📖
SSIS Tutorials - SQL Server Integration Services 📚📖

Power BI Interview Topics 📚📖
MSBI (SSIS,SSAS,SSRS) Interview Topics 📚📖

Excel for Data Analysis 📚📖
Power BI + R 📚📖
Azure for Analytics - Complete Tutorials 📚📖

Catch with Nags 📚📖
Nags Checklist 📚📖
Visuals with Nags 📚📖

0 Views · 5 months ago

Download Now:
Create and Manage your Learning Management System on WordPress using our advanced and feature-packed Reign Tutor LMS Add-on. It is a complete and full-fledged WordPress plugin for the Reign theme buyers. Now you can create manage and sell courses online, engage your instructors, Monetize your students easily.
#dataanalytics #dataanalysis #dataanalysiscourses #tutorlms #learnmatetutorLMS #wordpress #wordpressthemes #wordpressplugin #plugin #lms

0 Views · 5 months ago

"🔥Data Analyst Masters Program (Discount Code - YTBE15) -
🔥IITK - Professional Certificate Course in Data Analytics and Generative AI (India Only) -
🔥Purdue - Post Graduate Program in Data Analytics -
🔥Caltech - Data Analytics Bootcamp (US Only) -

Data Analyst Full Course 2023 by simplilearn is dedicated to helping the aspiring data analysts to Learn Data Analysis In 10 Hours. This Data Analyst Course by Simplilearn covers the following topics mentioned below.

00:00:00 Data Analytics Career, Jobs, and Salary
00:25:22 Data Analyst Roadmap 2023
00:33:22 Best Data Analyst Certification in 2023
00:42:33 Data Scientist vs Data Analyst vs Data Engineer
00:47:44 Data Analytics For Beginners
01:30:17 OLAP Vs OLTP
01:39:15 What is ETL Pipeline?
01:46:44 Top 10 Data Analysis Tools
02:07:12 Microsoft Excel Tutorial For Beginners-1
03:59:39 Time Series Analysis
04:51:23 Data Analytics With Python
06:15:27 SQL Advanced Tutorial
07:14:16 Power BI Tutorial For Beginners 2023
08:45:10 Tableau Tutorial for Beginners in 20 Minutes
09:05:01 Netflix Data Analysis Project Using Tableau
09:22:25 Data Analyst Interview Questions And Answers

✅ Subscribe to our Channel to learn more about the top Technologies:

⏩ Check out the Data Analytics Training Videos:

#DataAnalystFullCourse #DataAnalysis #DataAnalystCourse #DataAnalytics #DataAnalysisCourse #DataAnalyticsFullCourse #DataAnalyticsCourse #DataAnalyticsTutorial #DataAnalyticsTraining #Simplilearn

➡️ Data Analytics Bootcamp
The Caltech Data Analytics Bootcamp is ideal for working professionals from all backgrounds. Develop core skills such as mastering excel, creating data-driven presentations, data manipulation with SQL, analyzing data with Python, and data visualization with Tableau. Learn data analysis with tools such as AWS.

✅ Key features
- Simplilearn Career Service helps you get noticed by top hiring companies
- Data Analytics Bootcamp Certificate from Caltech CTME
- Caltech CTME Circle Membership
- Online Convocation by Caltech CTME Program Director
- Access to integrated Data Analytics Labs

✅ Skills Covered
- Data Analytics
- Statistical Analysis using Excel
- Data Analytics using Python
- Data Visualization with Tableau
- Linear and Logistic Regression
- Data Manipulation
- Data Analysis in AWS

✅ Enroll Course Now:

🔥🔥 *Interested in Attending Live Classes? Call Us:* IN - 18002127688 / US - +18445327688

0 Views · 5 months ago

If you spend a lot of time extracting, transforming, or analyzing data from databases, - or you're aiming for one of the many highly paid career paths that rely heavily on this skill - then this course is for you.

Learning to query databases with SQL is a substantial part of highly paid careers such as Data Analyst and Business Intelligence Analyst, but also provides a strong foundation for even more exotic roles like that of a Data Scientist. Experienced Data Scientists will tell you that the majority of their time isn't spent tuning machine learning algorithms, but rather preparing and cleaning data for use by those algorithms - something SQL does exceptionally well.

In this course, I have tried to avoid simply regurgitating an encyclopedia of facts about SQL, an approach that is all too common in introductory books and courses on programming. Instead, I carefully curated certain concepts and techniques that I have found to provide the most "bang for your buck" over my decade of experience as a data professional.

This enabled me to condense a complete course on SQL into just 36 instructional videos, averaging less than 10 minutes in length. So if you can commit to a video a day, in just over one month you’ll have added an extremely valuable and lucrative skill to your arsenal (and just as importantly, your resume!).

And to make sure all that knowledge sticks, I’ve included exercises...LOTS of exercises. Unlike most courses, which only feature sporadic opportunities to practice what you’ve learned, this course has practice problems after almost every video - so you can reinforce concepts right away.

Take it from someone who has built their career almost entirely on self-taught technical skills: it’s worth the effort. Several recent surveys have shown that SQL is actually the MOST in-demand tech skill sought after by recruiters!

In short, learning SQL can change your life, if you put in the work Let me be your guide to this next step in your career - I think you’ll find the journey a lot less daunting, and maybe even a little more fun, than you would have ever expected.

What you’ll learn
Use SQL to apply complex criteria and transformations to database data
Master SQL functions for sophisticated data manipulation
Leverage an understanding of relational database design to link together data stored across multiple tables
Use aggregate queries to produce summarized views and analysis
Be comfortable putting SQL and SQL Server on your resume
Gain experience with the kind of SQL coding problems you are likely to encounter in an interview
Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?
Basic computer literacy
An installation of Windows 10 or later
Who this course is for:
Aspiring Data Analysts or Business Intelligence Analysts looking to break into these fields by learning SQL
Data Scientists trying to improve their data cleaning and transformation skills by learning SQL
Non-technical business professionals such as business analysts and project managers trying to gain a better understanding of the technical domains they interact with

0 Views · 5 months ago

In this series, we'll go over data analysis with Python. We'll learn the basics of statistics used in data analysis, learn how to implement it in Python and also go over data visualization using Python. In the course, you'll also learn how to use google colab. This course is designed for absolute beginners to data analysis in Python.

Link to colab notebook:

#python #datascience #datanalytics #statistics

- Data Science
- Statistics
- Data Analysis
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn

Deep Learning playlist:

Machine Learing playlist:


Follow me on social media:
Discord community server:
Channel main page:

Please like, share and subscribe to this channel for more of such videos.

0 Views · 5 months ago

🔥 Learn Excel in just 2 hours:

In this step-by-step tutorial, learn how you can use Microsoft Power Query to get and clean up data in both Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Power BI. Power Query is the easiest way to connect, extract, transform and load data from a wide range of sources.

👋 Additional resources:
- Sample files:!AmxrofZZlZ....-whKZQTEiA4iLu-WPiaQ
- Download Power Query for Excel 2010 or 2013:

⌚ Timestamps
00:00 Introduction
00:59 Sample data
2:14 How to get Power Query
2:31 Get data
3:35 Combine data
5:26 Main Power Query interface
7:00 Transform data
11:21 Applied steps
12:06 Close & Load
12:33 Data imported into Excel
13:34 Insert pivot table & chart
14:46 Importing additional data
16:00 Wrap up

📃 Watch related playlists and videos
- Pivot Table tutorial:
- Excel:
- Power BI:

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⚖ As full disclosure, I use affiliate links above. Purchasing through these links gives me a small commission to support videos on this channel -- the price to you is the same.

0 Views · 5 months ago

If you spend a lot of time extracting, transforming, or analyzing data from databases, - or you're aiming for one of the many highly paid career paths that rely heavily on this skill - then this course is for you.

Learning to query databases with SQL is a substantial part of highly paid careers such as Data Analyst and Business Intelligence Analyst, but also provides a strong foundation for even more exotic roles like that of a Data Scientist. Experienced Data Scientists will tell you that the majority of their time isn't spent tuning machine learning algorithms, but rather preparing and cleaning data for use by those algorithms - something SQL does exceptionally well.

In this course, I have tried to avoid simply regurgitating an encyclopedia of facts about SQL, an approach that is all too common in introductory books and courses on programming. Instead, I carefully curated certain concepts and techniques that I have found to provide the most "bang for your buck" over my decade of experience as a data professional.

This enabled me to condense a complete course on SQL into just 36 instructional videos, averaging less than 10 minutes in length. So if you can commit to a video a day, in just over one month you’ll have added an extremely valuable and lucrative skill to your arsenal (and just as importantly, your resume!).

And to make sure all that knowledge sticks, I’ve included exercises...LOTS of exercises. Unlike most courses, which only feature sporadic opportunities to practice what you’ve learned, this course has practice problems after almost every video - so you can reinforce concepts right away.

Take it from someone who has built their career almost entirely on self-taught technical skills: it’s worth the effort. Several recent surveys have shown that SQL is actually the MOST in-demand tech skill sought after by recruiters!

In short, learning SQL can change your life, if you put in the work Let me be your guide to this next step in your career - I think you’ll find the journey a lot less daunting, and maybe even a little more fun, than you would have ever expected.

What you’ll learn
Use SQL to apply complex criteria and transformations to database data
Master SQL functions for sophisticated data manipulation
Leverage an understanding of relational database design to link together data stored across multiple tables
Use aggregate queries to produce summarized views and analysis
Be comfortable putting SQL and SQL Server on your resume
Gain experience with the kind of SQL coding problems you are likely to encounter in an interview
Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?
Basic computer literacy
An installation of Windows 10 or later
Who this course is for:
Aspiring Data Analysts or Business Intelligence Analysts looking to break into these fields by learning SQL
Data Scientists trying to improve their data cleaning and transformation skills by learning SQL
Non-technical business professionals such as business analysts and project managers trying to gain a better understanding of the technical domains they interact with

0 Views · 5 months ago

In this series, we'll go over data analysis with Python. We'll learn the basics of statistics used in data analysis, learn how to implement it in Python and also go over data visualization using Python. In the course, you'll also learn how to use google colab. This course is designed for absolute beginners to data analysis in Python.

Link to colab notebook:

#python #datascience #datanalytics #statistics

- Data Science
- Statistics
- Data Analysis
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn

Deep Learning playlist:

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0 Views · 5 months ago

📊 Statistics for Data Science | Full Data Science Course in Hindi 🇮🇳

नमस्ते दोस्तों! 🙏
इस वीडियो में हम Statistics for Data Science के बारे में विस्तार से समझेंगे। यह वीडियो Data Science Full Course का हिस्सा है, और इसे पूरी तरह से हिंदी में प्रस्तुत किया गया है। अगर आप Data Analyst या Data Scientist बनना चाहते हैं, तो यह कोर्स आपके लिए बिल्कुल सही है! 💻

इस कोर्स में हम सीखेंगे:

Data Analytics और Data Analysis के लिए ज़रूरी Statistics
Machine Learning के लिए Statistics की महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका
Data Science Tutorial for Beginners (हिंदी में)
और भी बहुत कुछ! 🎯
यह Statistics Course आपको Data Science की दुनिया में एक मज़बूत नींव देगा। चाहे आप एक beginner हों या पहले से कुछ सीख चुके हों, यह कोर्स हर किसी के लिए उपयोगी है। 🚀

🔔 अभी Subscribe करें हमारे चैनल Data Engine को और bell icon दबाएं ताकि आप हमारे आने वाले सभी वीडियो मिस न करें! 📽️

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#datascience #statistics #statisticsinhindi #machinelearning #dataanalytics #dataanalysis #businessanalysis #forbeginners #datasciencehindi

0 Views · 5 months ago

Sign up for our Excel webinar, times added weekly:


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In this video series you will learn how to create an interactive dashboard using Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts.

Works with Excel 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 for Windows & Excel 2011 for Mac

Don't worry if you have never created a Pivot Table before, I cover the basics of formatting your source data and creating your first Pivot Table as well. You will also get to see an add-in I developed named PivotPal that makes it easier to work with some aspects of Pivot Tables.

Download the files to follow along at the following link.

I have another video that shows how to reformat the pivot chart in Excel 2010. In the video above I'm using Excel 2013 and the menus are different from Excel 2007/2010. Here is the link to that video.

Get PivotPal:

Free webinar on The 5 Secrets to Understanding Pivot Tables:

Subscribe to my free newsletter:

0 Views · 5 months ago

My Instagram : @nishitham_

More BA videos :

2 Views · 5 months ago

Big O notation and time complexity, explained.

Check out (, a website for learning math and computer science concepts through solving problems. First 200 subscribers will get 20% off through the link above.
Special thanks to Brilliant for sponsoring this video.

This was #7 of my data structures & algorithms series. You can find the entire series in a playlist here:

Also, keep in touch on Facebook:

0 Views · 5 months ago

In this 10 minutes video tutorial, we discuss the tools in MS Excel for Data Analysis and Decision Making for career or a project or any other thing. How to analyze aspects to ensure Data-Driven Decisions.

If you want to learn MS Excel, PowerPoint, MS Access, MS Word, online data collection tools (like Google Forms, MS Forms, KOBO), How to conduct needs assessment studies, Data management, Windows features and other tips, click the relevant links of the playlist below:

MS Excel:

MS Excel lookups sessions:

MS Excel in Urdu/Hindi:

MS PowerPoint:

MS Access:

MS Word:

Online data collection tools Google Form, KOBO, MS Forms:

Learning Tips:

Project Management:

Windows Features:

Other Software:

About the Channel: In this channel, you will find step-by-step and detailed explained tutorials, on different topics. Subscribe, watch and share your feedback

You can learn about Basic of Excel, Basics of Data / Data entry and Databases in Excel (Validations), Basics of Data Analysis via Excel (Basics Formulas), Advance level of Data Analysis via Excel (Advanced Formulas, discover more about your data, spot trends & patterns in data), Analysis with Pivot Table (Slicers and Timelines), Conditional Formatting.

Similarly, MS Access, Project Management (Complete Cycle)- Conducting Research and Studies, Interpretation of data and Reporting, M&E, Result Based Management /Monitoring (RBM), Online data collection tools like KOBO, SurveyCTO and SPSS.
#msexcel #dataanalysis #decisionmaking #Learning

0 Views · 5 months ago

If you spend a lot of time extracting, transforming, or analyzing data from databases, - or you're aiming for one of the many highly paid career paths that rely heavily on this skill - then this course is for you.

Learning to query databases with SQL is a substantial part of highly paid careers such as Data Analyst and Business Intelligence Analyst, but also provides a strong foundation for even more exotic roles like that of a Data Scientist. Experienced Data Scientists will tell you that the majority of their time isn't spent tuning machine learning algorithms, but rather preparing and cleaning data for use by those algorithms - something SQL does exceptionally well.

In this course, I have tried to avoid simply regurgitating an encyclopedia of facts about SQL, an approach that is all too common in introductory books and courses on programming. Instead, I carefully curated certain concepts and techniques that I have found to provide the most "bang for your buck" over my decade of experience as a data professional.

This enabled me to condense a complete course on SQL into just 36 instructional videos, averaging less than 10 minutes in length. So if you can commit to a video a day, in just over one month you’ll have added an extremely valuable and lucrative skill to your arsenal (and just as importantly, your resume!).

And to make sure all that knowledge sticks, I’ve included exercises...LOTS of exercises. Unlike most courses, which only feature sporadic opportunities to practice what you’ve learned, this course has practice problems after almost every video - so you can reinforce concepts right away.

Take it from someone who has built their career almost entirely on self-taught technical skills: it’s worth the effort. Several recent surveys have shown that SQL is actually the MOST in-demand tech skill sought after by recruiters!

In short, learning SQL can change your life, if you put in the work Let me be your guide to this next step in your career - I think you’ll find the journey a lot less daunting, and maybe even a little more fun, than you would have ever expected.

What you’ll learn
Use SQL to apply complex criteria and transformations to database data
Master SQL functions for sophisticated data manipulation
Leverage an understanding of relational database design to link together data stored across multiple tables
Use aggregate queries to produce summarized views and analysis
Be comfortable putting SQL and SQL Server on your resume
Gain experience with the kind of SQL coding problems you are likely to encounter in an interview
Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?
Basic computer literacy
An installation of Windows 10 or later
Who this course is for:
Aspiring Data Analysts or Business Intelligence Analysts looking to break into these fields by learning SQL
Data Scientists trying to improve their data cleaning and transformation skills by learning SQL
Non-technical business professionals such as business analysts and project managers trying to gain a better understanding of the technical domains they interact with

0 Views · 5 months ago

In this video (Data Analysis Full Course part-3 | Microsoft Power BI Tutorial| 2021), you will learn below Microsoft Power BI related topics in detail with easy-to-understand approach.

Table of contents:
1. What we learned so far? 00:16
2. What we learn today? 00:57
3. What is Microsoft Power BI? 01:38
4. Power BI Vs Excel 02:12
5. Why Power BI? 03:28
6. How to Download Power BI? 04:34
7. How to Install Power BI? 07:21
8. How to import and load the data into Power BI 09:07
9. How to import and load the data from Excel file into Power BI 10:34
10. How to import and load the data from CSV file into Power BI 11:18
11. How to import and load the data from Text file into Power BI 11:42
12. How to import and load the data from MySQL database into Power BI 12:18
13. How to import and load the data from Webpage table into Power BI 13:22
14. What we will learn next? 14:41

Subscribe to my channel and take advantage of the upcoming videos in this data analysis series:

Fundamental video for Data Analysis:
Data Analysis Part1 (Fundamentals of Data Analysis and Data Analyst and Tools used in Data Analysis):

Data Analysis Part2 (Excel Tutorial for preparing Interactive Excel Sales Dashboard) :

Please check out my other career development videos like resume writing video and most asked interview questions and answers video:

How to write an Impressive Resume (English + Hindi)

Top 10 Most Asked Interview Questions and Answers | Job Interview Tips | 2021


0 Views · 5 months ago

Here, you will learn all the "Important Functionalities of Report View" before starting Data Visualization in Microsoft Power BI Desktop, so you can MASTER THE REPORT VIEW.

Table of contents:
1. Welcome note 00:00
2. Contents Intro Video 00:18
3. What we learned so far? 00:28
4. What we will learn? 00:59
5. Report View Menu overview 01:20
6. Fields Pane in Report View 01:38
7. Visualizations Pane in Report View 03:54
8. Filters Pane in Report View 05:05
9. Fields Tab in Report View 09:28
10. Format Tab in Report View 11:53
11. Analytics Tab in Report View 16:16
12. Q & A Feature in Report View 22:44
13. Card Visual in Report View 24:36
14. Table Visual in Report View 25:36
15. Summarization of what we learned 26:28
16. What we will learn in next video 27:09
17 Thank you note 27:24
Subscribe to my channel and take advantage of the upcoming videos in this data analysis series:

Fundamental video for Data Analysis:
Data Analysis Part1 (Fundamentals of Data Analysis and Data Analyst and Tools used in Data Analysis):

Data Analysis Part2 (Excel Tutorial for preparing Interactive Excel Sales Dashboard) :

Data Analysis Full Course Part-3 | Microsoft Power BI Tutorial for Beginners | What Is Power BI? | How to download and Install Power BI? | 2021:

Data Analysis Full Course Part-4 | Microsoft Power BI Tutorial for Beginners | How to transform data in Power BI Desktop | Learn Data Profiling:

Data Analysis Full Course Part-5 | Data Analysis Full Course Part-5 | Microsoft Power BI Tutorial for Beginners | Learn Data Modeling:

Please check out my other career development videos like resume writing video and most asked interview questions and answers video:

How to write an Impressive Resume (English + Hindi)

Top 10 Most Asked Interview Questions and Answers | Job Interview Tips | 2021
Subscribe to my channel and take advantage of the upcoming videos in this data analysis series:

Fundamental video for Data Analysis:
Data Analysis Part1 (Fundamentals of Data Analysis and Data Analyst and Tools used in Data Analysis):

Data Analysis Part2 (Excel Tutorial for preparing Interactive Excel Sales Dashboard) :

Data Analysis Full Course Part-3 | Microsoft Power BI Tutorial for Beginners | What Is Power BI? | How to download and Install Power BI? | 2021:

Data Analysis Full Course Part-4 | Microsoft Power BI Tutorial for Beginners | How to transform data in Power BI Desktop | Learn Data Profiling:

Data Analysis Full Course Part-5 | Data Analysis Full Course Part-5 | Microsoft Power BI Tutorial for Beginners | Learn Data Modeling:

Please check out my other career development videos like resume writing video and most asked interview questions and answers video:

How to write an Impressive Resume (English + Hindi)

Top 10 Most Asked Interview Questions and Answers | Job Interview Tips | 2021

0 Views · 5 months ago

Welcome to our comprehensive SQL Full Course, absolutely free and available right here on YouTube! Whether you're a beginner eager to dive into the world of databases or an experienced developer looking to enhance your SQL skills, this course is perfect for you.

Throughout this extensive tutorial series, we cover everything you need to know about SQL, from the foundational basics to advanced concepts. Here's what you can expect to learn:

SQL Basics: We start with the essentials, covering SQL syntax, data types, and basic queries to get you up and running.

DDL (Data Definition Language): Learn how to create, modify, and delete database objects like tables, views, and indexes to structure your data effectively.

DML (Data Manipulation Language): Dive into data manipulation with INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and SELECT statements to retrieve, modify, and delete data within your tables.

Aggregate Functions: Explore powerful functions such as SUM, AVG, COUNT, MIN, and MAX to perform calculations on your data.

ORDER BY and GROUP BY: Master sorting and grouping your query results to gain deeper insights into your data.

Joins: Understand different types of joins (INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, and FULL JOIN) to combine data from multiple tables seamlessly.

Keys and Constraints: Explore primary keys, foreign keys, unique constraints, and check constraints to maintain data integrity and enforce business rules.

Join us as we journey through real-world examples and hands-on exercises, designed to solidify your understanding and empower you with practical SQL skills you can apply immediately.
🟥 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐔𝐬 𝐎𝐧 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐝𝐈𝐧 🟥

🟨 𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐔𝐬 𝐎𝐧 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦🟨

🟦 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥 🟦

00:00:00 Introduction to SQL Full Course for Data Analytics
00:01:45 What is SQL and its Basics
00:11:10 Installation of SQL
00:13:30 How to create Database in SQL
00:20:25 How to create Table in SQL
00:28:00 Datatypes in SQL
00:54:30 Introduction to DDL Commands in SQL
00:55:40 Create Command in SQL
00:58:00 All DDL Commands
01:00:00 Alter Command in SQL
01:10:50 Drop Command in SQL
01:14:40 Truncate Command in SQL
01:20:35 Rename Command is SQL
01:26:53 DML and Order by Function in SQL
01:32:00 All DML Commands
01:34:21 Select Command in SQL
01:41:20 Insert Command in SQL
01:44:17 Update Command in SQL
01:49:18 Delete Command in SQL
01:52:32 Order by function in SQL
02:03:58 Group by function in SQL
02:21:17 Introduction to Joins in SQL
02:23:38 Types of Joins in SQL
2:27:47 Inner Join in SQL with Example
2:44:05 Left Join in SQL with Example
2:55:30 Right Join in SQL with Example
3:01:00 Full Outer Join in SQL with Example
3:07:50 Cross Join in SQL with Example
3:15:10 Contraints and Keys in SQL
3:18:38 Type of keys ans constraints
3:20:28 Primary Key in SQL
3:33:58 Foreign Key in SQL
3:42:45 Check Constraints in SQL
3:50:16 Unique Constraints in SQL
3:55:22 Not Null Constraints in SQL
3:58:35 Default Constraints in SQL
4:05:00 Conclusion of SQL Full Course

Ⓣⓗⓐⓝⓚ Ⓨⓞⓤ !
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0 Views · 5 months ago

In this series, we'll go over data analysis with Python. We'll learn the basics of statistics used in data analysis, learn how to implement it in Python and also go over data visualization using Python. In the course, you'll also learn how to use google colab. This course is designed for absolute beginners to data analysis in Python.

Link to colab notebook:

#python #datascience #datanalytics #statistics

- Data Science
- Statistics
- Data Analysis
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn

Deep Learning playlist:

Machine Learing playlist:


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Please like, share and subscribe to this channel for more of such videos.

0 Views · 5 months ago

Excel and data Analysis Advanced full course in Hindi

#datascience #dataanalytics #data #exceltutorial #exceltricks #excel #excelfullcourse #excelfullcourseinhindi
#advance #advaceexcelcourse
#chakradhar #chakradhardwivedi
#datastructures #database #datascientist #dataentry

0 Views · 5 months ago

If you want a complete and personalized excel course designed for beginners and intermediates, I recommend you take our Complete Microsoft Excel 12 in 1 Course.

The course will teach you 12 in demand skills which are:

✅ Microsoft Excel: From Beginner to Advanced
✅ Microsoft Excel: Advanced Excel formulas & functions
✅ Financial Analysis with excel
✅ Business Analysis with Excel
✅ Data Analysis with Excel.
✅ Pivot Tables
✅ Marketing Analysis
✅ Financial Modelling
✅ Business Modelling
✅ Data Visualization with excel charts.
✅ Excel VBA and Macros.
✅ 101 Excel Tips and Excel Tricks

Free Bonus course include:
✅ How to use Python in Excel.
✅ 17 Extra Videos on pivot tables.

The course comprises of the:
✅ 100 Videos (Almost 30hrs+)
✅ Access to 120+ Real life projects.
✅ Certificate of Completion.
✅ Weekly quizzes & Challenges to win Special certificates, badges of honour and cash prizes.
✅ Access to our community for networking purposes

Other features:
✅ Designed for beginners and intermediates only.
✅ Completely online based.
✅ Direct Access to instructor.

Course launches on October 1st, 2024

Presale is on for $17 and ends on September 31st.

After launch, new price is $27.

For inquiries, call or Whatsapp: +2349012452831

Register here:


0 Views · 5 months ago

🔥Cloud Architect Masters Program (Discount Code - YTBE15) -
🔥Caltech - Post Graduate Program in Cloud Computing -

Cloud computing is a popular practice involving the internet to store and manage your data on the internet. In this video on cloud computing, we'll take you through all of the basic concepts of cloud computing like what makes it unique, its different models, and more. So without further ado, let's jump right into cloud computing.

Don't forget to take the quiz at 05:03!

The following topics are covered in the video:
00:20 Differences between on-premises and cloud
02:00 What is cloud computing?
02:28 Cloud computing: Deployment Model
03:17 Cloud Computing: Service Model

#CloudComputing #WhatIsCloudComputing #CloudComputingExplained #CloudComputingIn6Minutes #CloudComputingTutorialForBeginners #Simplilearn

✅Subscribe to our Channel to learn more about the top Technologies:

⏩ Check out the AWS training videos:

➡️ About Post Graduate Program In Cloud Computing
This Post Graduate Program in Cloud Computing helps you become an expert in designing, planning, and scaling cloud implementations. Our Cloud Computing course helps you master the core skill sets required to design and deploy dynamically scalable and reliable applications on three popular cloud platform providers: Microsoft Azure, AWS, and GCP.

✅ Key Features
- Caltech CTME Post Graduate Certificate
- Enrolment in Simplilearn’s JobAssist
- Receive up to 30 CEUs from Caltech CTME
- Simplilearn's JobAssist helps you get noticed by top hiring companies
- Attend Masterclasses from Caltech CTME instructors
- Live virtual classes led by industry experts, hands-on projects and integrated labs
- Online Convocation by Caltech CTME Program Director
- 40+ Hands-On Projects and Integrated Labs
- Capstone Project in 4 Domains
- Caltech CTME Circle Membership

✅ Skills Covered
- Cloud Provider Selection
- Application Migration
- Performance Testing
- Cloud Workloads
- Identity Access Management
- Autoscaling
- Disaster Recovery
- Web Services and API
- Cloud Migration and Deployment
- Database Management
- MultiCloud Deployment
- Storage Services

👉 Learn More At:

0 Views · 5 months ago

In This Video About Exploratory Data Analysis covers essential techniques in data science, focusing on understanding data structures and effective transformations.

Topics Data Analytics Tamil Full Course include methodologies, visualization, user analytics, data participation, annotations, and analytics procedures. It finds applications in diverse data environments using various tools and software."

Data Analytics Data Set -https://workdrive.zohopublic.i....n/external/a8333659d

This Video Contains
0:00 - Intro
0:31 - What Is EDA In Data Analysis ?
3:33 - Explain Statistical And Visualization In Data Analytics ?
6:16 - Role of EDA ?
7:10 - Case Study Of EDA ?
7:56 - Exploring Correlation In Data Analytics ?
8:24 - Heatmaps And Scatter Plot ?
8 : 42 - Harness Seabones For Visualization
32:21 - Explain Outlayers ?

✅ For course inquiries contact us at
📞 044 4560 5237
📱 739 739 6665 (WhatsApp)

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0 Views · 5 months ago


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0 Views · 5 months ago

'Data Analysis with Python: Zero to Pandas' एक उपयोगी, कोडिंग-केंद्रित कोर्स है जो कि आपको डेटा अनालिसिस के बारे में अच्छा शुरुआती ज्ञान देगा। इसमें हम Python, NumPy, Pandas, डेटा विज़ूअलिज़ेशन और इक्स्प्लॉरटॉरी डेटा अनालिसिस के बारे में जानकारी प्राप्त कारेंगें। आप अकॉम्प्लिश्मेंट सर्टिफ़िकेट के लिए यहाँ रेजिस्टर कर सकते हैं:

तकनीकी कठिनाइयों के कारण, यह सेशन को मूल रूप से Youtube चैनल पर स्ट्रीम किया गया था और यहां पर रीपोस्ट किया गया है। अन्य सभी सेशन freecodecamp हिंदी चैनल पर स्ट्रीम किए जाएंगे

- First steps with Python:
- Variables and data types:
- Conditional statements and loops:
- Functions and scope:
- Discussion forum:

टॉपिक्स जो हम कवर करेंगें:
- कोर्स इंट्रडक्शन और अवलोकन
- Python और Jupyter के साथ पहला कदम
- वेरीअबल और डेटा प्रकारों का दौरा
- कंडिशनल बयान और लूप्स
- अभ्यास असाइनमेंट

पूरी श्रिंखला यहाँ देखें:

इस कोर्स को Aakash N S, के को-फ़ाउंडर और CEO द्वारा पढ़ाया जाता है। डेटा विज्ञान परियोजनाओं को ऑनलाइन साझा करने, दिखाने और शेयर करने का मंच है।

- YouTube:
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- LinkedIn:


“Data Analysis with Python: Zero to Pandas” is a practical, beginner-friendly, and coding-focused introduction to data analysis covering the basics of Python, Numpy, Pandas, data visualization and exploratory data analysis. You can learn more and register for a Certificate of Accomplishment at

- First steps with Python:
- Variables and data types:
- Conditional statements and loops:
- Functions and scope:
- Discussion forum:

Topics covered:
- Course introduction and overview
- First steps with Python and Jupyter
- A quick tour of variables and data types
- Branching with conditional statements and loops
- Walkthrough of practice assignment

0 Views · 5 months ago

In this series, we'll go over data analysis with Python. We'll learn the basics of statistics used in data analysis, learn how to implement it in Python and also go over data visualization using Python. In the course, you'll also learn how to use google colab. This course is designed for absolute beginners to data analysis in Python.

Link to colab notebook:

#python #datascience #datanalytics #statistics

- Data Science
- Statistics
- Data Analysis
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn

Deep Learning playlist:

Machine Learing playlist:


Follow me on social media:
Discord community server:
Channel main page:

Please like, share and subscribe to this channel for more of such videos.

0 Views · 5 months ago

Python data analysis / data science tutorial. Let’s go!
Learn Data Analysis with Python in this comprehensive tutorial for beginners, with exercises included! Data Analysis has been around for a long time, but up until a few years ago, it was practiced using closed, expensive and limited tools like Excel or Tableau. Python, SQL and other open libraries have changed Data Analysis forever.
How can we get started with data analysis or data science - so for example read and change data and also create our first quick chart - in Python? Besides Python, all we need is Pandas and Matplotlib. Doesn't sound familiar to you? Let's clear things up and get started in this video!

In this tutorial you'll learn the whole process of Data Analysis: reading data from multiple sources (CSVs, SQL, Excel, etc), processing them using NumPy and Pandas, visualize them using Matplotlib and Seaborn and clean and process it to create reports.
Additionally, we've included a thorough Jupyter Notebook tutorial, and a quick Python reference to refresh your programming skills.

The session covers:
0:00 Introduction
4:04 Jupyter Notebooks
18:00 Pandas
20:14 Pandas Series
46:45 Pandas DataFrames
1:05:03 Reading CSV files
1:30:56 Plotting data

It was taught by Dr Matt Williams

#python #pandas #programming #jupyter #rse #acrc #uob

0 Views · 5 months ago

🔥Data Scientist Masters Program (Discount Code - YTBE15) -
🔥IITK - Professional Certificate Course in Data Science (India Only) -
🔥Caltech Post Graduate Program in Data Science -
🔥Brown University - Applied AI & Data Science -

Data Science Full Course for Beginners by simplilearn is curated in collaboration with real-time industry experts. This Data Science Tutorial will help you learn data science in 12 hours. The data science course will cover the major data science concepts like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Reinforcement learning and much more. this full course covers the following

00:00:00 Data Science Full Course
00:03:24 Introduction to Data Science
01:00:16 Data Analyst vs Data Scientist vs Data Engineer
01:07:49 Data Science Life Cycle
01:24:14 Statistic for Data Science
01:44:32 Types of Distribution in Statistics
02:09:17 Bayes Theorem
02:14:18 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
02:18:07 Introduction to Machine Learning
02:26:49 Types of Machine Learning
02:44:14 Supervised Vs Unsupervised vs Reinforced Learning
03:21:14 Regression Analysis
03:27:35 Linear Regression
04:02:20 Logistic Regression
04:38:50 Linear vs Logistic Regression
05:04:26 Classification of Machine Learning
05:47:45 Decision Tree in Machine Learning
06:39:31 Random Forest Algorithm
07:24:11 K Means Clustering Algorithm
08:14:10 Naive Bayes Classifier
08:57:28 What is Deep Learning?
09:35:04 Natural Language Processing
09:39:59 Python Libraries
09:55:56 Data Visualization - Tableau
10:42:34 Data Science Engineer Resume
10:47:30 Data Science Interview Questions

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Data science is the field of study that works with massive amounts of data utilizing relevant tools and techniques to derive valuable data. Companies across various industries generate vast amounts of data, so its applications range all the way from education, healthcare, and entertainment to Finance and Marketing.

Data scientists operate in many different industries. Each has a distinct role to play in issue-solving and calls for specialist skills. These professions include data preparation, mining, modeling, and model management. Using machine learning algorithms, data scientists take raw data and turn it into a wealth of information that answers the use of machine learning algorithms.

✅ Watch Top Trending Videos From Simplilearn:
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⏩ Top 10 Technologies to Learn in 2023:

✅ About Post Graduate Program In Data Science:
This in-depth Data Science program is designed for working professionals, and covers job-critical topics like R, Python programming, Machine Learning techniques, NLP notions, and Data Visualization with Tableau, using an active learning model that includes live sessions from global professionals, practical labs, IBM Hackathons, and corporate ready projects

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0 Views · 5 months ago

Learn about relational and non-relational database management systems in this course.

This course was created by Professor Immanuel Trummer, PhD. He is an assistant professor for computer science at Cornell University.
🐦 Follow Professor Trummer on Twitter:

🎥 Watch part 2 of this course here (8 more hours):

You will learn how to query database systems via languages such as SQL (the structured query language). Then, you will see how database systems work internally, how they store and index data, how they process and optimize queries, and how they process transactions while providing guarantees such as isolation, atomicity, and durability (ACID guarantees).

The course addresses questions of database design and discusses novel approaches to data management via NoSQL or NewSQL systems. Finally, the course will discuss about graph, stream, and spatial data, and about systems that are specialized for those data types. The lectures are from the Fall 2020 online lecture at Cornell by Prof. Trummer (

🔗 Slides:
To download the slides, you may have to right-click the link and select "Save link as...". After clicking 'Save' you may have to look at the bottom of your browser window, click the up arrow, and then select 'Keep'.

⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (0:00:00) The Structured Query Language (SQL)
⌨️ (3:04:52) Storing and Indexing Data
⌨️ (5:52:44) Relational Data Processing
⌨️ (10:40:23) Transaction Processing
⌨️ ( Database Design
⌨️ ( Beyond Relational Data

⭐️ Additional Reading ⭐️
About the first two thirds of the course are based on the textbook "Database Management Systems" by Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke. The last third of the course discusses recently proposed systems, more details about them can be found in the corresponding research papers.


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1 Views · 5 months ago

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In this video series you will learn how to create an interactive dashboard using Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts.

Works with Excel 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 for Windows & Excel 2011 for Mac

Don't worry if you have never created a Pivot Table before, I cover the basics of formatting your source data and creating your first Pivot Table as well. You will also get to see an add-in I developed named PivotPal that makes it easier to work with some aspects of Pivot Tables.

Download the files to follow along at the following link.

I have another video that shows how to reformat the pivot chart in Excel 2010. In the video above I'm using Excel 2013 and the menus are different from Excel 2007/2010. Here is the link to that video.

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Free webinar on The 5 Secrets to Understanding Pivot Tables:

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0 Views · 5 months ago

🔥 Learn Excel in just 2 hours:

In this step-by-step tutorial, learn how you can use Microsoft Power Query to get and clean up data in both Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Power BI. Power Query is the easiest way to connect, extract, transform and load data from a wide range of sources.

👋 Additional resources:
- Sample files:!AmxrofZZlZ....-whKZQTEiA4iLu-WPiaQ
- Download Power Query for Excel 2010 or 2013:

⌚ Timestamps
00:00 Introduction
00:59 Sample data
2:14 How to get Power Query
2:31 Get data
3:35 Combine data
5:26 Main Power Query interface
7:00 Transform data
11:21 Applied steps
12:06 Close & Load
12:33 Data imported into Excel
13:34 Insert pivot table & chart
14:46 Importing additional data
16:00 Wrap up

📃 Watch related playlists and videos
- Pivot Table tutorial:
- Excel:
- Power BI:

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0 Views · 5 months ago

Free Data Analysis Course Links
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1. Springboard Data Analysis Course :
2. Google Data Analysis Course :

3. Harvard Data analysis Free Rescores :
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Data Science
Data Analytics
Data visualization
learn data analytics

0 Views · 5 months ago

In this series, we'll go over data analysis with Python. We'll learn the basics of statistics used in data analysis, learn how to implement it in Python and also go over data visualization using Python. In the course, you'll also learn how to use google colab. This course is designed for absolute beginners to data analysis in Python.

Link to colab notebook:

#python #datascience #datanalytics #statistics

- Data Science
- Statistics
- Data Analysis
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn

Deep Learning playlist:

Machine Learing playlist:


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0 Views · 5 months ago

In this series, we'll go over data analysis with Python. We'll learn the basics of statistics used in data analysis, learn how to implement it in Python and also go over data visualization using Python. In the course, you'll also learn how to use google colab. This course is designed for absolute beginners to data analysis in Python.

Link to colab notebook:

#python #datascience #datanalytics #statistics

- Data Science
- Statistics
- Data Analysis
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn

Deep Learning playlist:

Machine Learing playlist:


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My Instagram : @nishitham_

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0 Views · 5 months ago

CESAR is the biggest trainer on Stata in Africa. We have provided data analysis training using Stata to government organisations, NGOs, private organisations and tertiary institutions in the continent.

Be sure not to miss our next scheduled traditional training. Register now!

Registration Information
Date: 18 – 22 October 2021
Tel: +27 11 403 1411 / +27 66 054 1473

#cesarafrica #stata

0 Views · 5 months ago

In this series, we'll go over data analysis with Python. We'll learn the basics of statistics used in data analysis, learn how to implement it in Python and also go over data visualization using Python. In the course, you'll also learn how to use google colab. This course is designed for absolute beginners to data analysis in Python.

Link to colab notebook:

#python #datascience #datanalytics #statistics

- Data Science
- Statistics
- Data Analysis
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn

Deep Learning playlist:

Machine Learing playlist:


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This is the first part of Fundamental analysis Series by Money purse. In this video we explained how to start fundamental analysis of a company in stock market using 6 step approach, The parameters and websites used for fundamental analysis of a stock are explained.

All you need to know about the Qualitative analysis and Quantitative analysis in Stock Market
You can learn Basics of Stock markets for beginners, How to do Fundamental Analysis of a stock or any company, Expert Interviews, Financial Planning, Tax planning, Daily Stock Market News and many more for free in our channel.
Get free Knowledge and learn how to be a pro in Stock Market Investments and your Personal Finance.

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Stop Buying Stocks❌:
Complete Video on Chit funds Company🔥 :
15 POINT Checklist for Property👉 :

Fundamental Analysis PlayList 👉:

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Thanks for watching..
Team Money Purse


#fundamentalanalysis #stockmarket #moneypurse

0 Views · 5 months ago

"🔥Data Analyst Masters Program (Discount Code - YTBE15) -
🔥IITK - Professional Certificate Course in Data Analytics and Generative AI (India Only) -
🔥Purdue - Post Graduate Program in Data Analytics -
🔥Caltech - Data Analytics Bootcamp (US Only) -

Data Analyst Full Course 2023 by simplilearn is dedicated to helping the aspiring data analysts to Learn Data Analysis In 10 Hours. This Data Analyst Course by Simplilearn covers the following topics mentioned below.

00:00:00 Data Analytics Career, Jobs, and Salary
00:25:22 Data Analyst Roadmap 2023
00:33:22 Best Data Analyst Certification in 2023
00:42:33 Data Scientist vs Data Analyst vs Data Engineer
00:47:44 Data Analytics For Beginners
01:30:17 OLAP Vs OLTP
01:39:15 What is ETL Pipeline?
01:46:44 Top 10 Data Analysis Tools
02:07:12 Microsoft Excel Tutorial For Beginners-1
03:59:39 Time Series Analysis
04:51:23 Data Analytics With Python
06:15:27 SQL Advanced Tutorial
07:14:16 Power BI Tutorial For Beginners 2023
08:45:10 Tableau Tutorial for Beginners in 20 Minutes
09:05:01 Netflix Data Analysis Project Using Tableau
09:22:25 Data Analyst Interview Questions And Answers

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⏩ Check out the Data Analytics Training Videos:

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➡️ Data Analytics Bootcamp
The Caltech Data Analytics Bootcamp is ideal for working professionals from all backgrounds. Develop core skills such as mastering excel, creating data-driven presentations, data manipulation with SQL, analyzing data with Python, and data visualization with Tableau. Learn data analysis with tools such as AWS.

✅ Key features
- Simplilearn Career Service helps you get noticed by top hiring companies
- Data Analytics Bootcamp Certificate from Caltech CTME
- Caltech CTME Circle Membership
- Online Convocation by Caltech CTME Program Director
- Access to integrated Data Analytics Labs

✅ Skills Covered
- Data Analytics
- Statistical Analysis using Excel
- Data Analytics using Python
- Data Visualization with Tableau
- Linear and Logistic Regression
- Data Manipulation
- Data Analysis in AWS

✅ Enroll Course Now:

🔥🔥 *Interested in Attending Live Classes? Call Us:* IN - 18002127688 / US - +18445327688

0 Views · 5 months ago

In this series, we'll go over data analysis with Python. We'll learn the basics of statistics used in data analysis, learn how to implement it in Python and also go over data visualization using Python. In the course, you'll also learn how to use google colab. This course is designed for absolute beginners to data analysis in Python.

Link to colab notebook:

#python #datascience #datanalytics #statistics

- Data Science
- Statistics
- Data Analysis
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn

Deep Learning playlist:

Machine Learing playlist:


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3 Views · 5 months ago

Big O notation and time complexity, explained.

Check out (, a website for learning math and computer science concepts through solving problems. First 200 subscribers will get 20% off through the link above.
Special thanks to Brilliant for sponsoring this video.

This was #7 of my data structures & algorithms series. You can find the entire series in a playlist here:

Also, keep in touch on Facebook:

0 Views · 5 months ago

In this 10 minutes video tutorial, we discuss the tools in MS Excel for Data Analysis and Decision Making for career or a project or any other thing. How to analyze aspects to ensure Data-Driven Decisions.

If you want to learn MS Excel, PowerPoint, MS Access, MS Word, online data collection tools (like Google Forms, MS Forms, KOBO), How to conduct needs assessment studies, Data management, Windows features and other tips, click the relevant links of the playlist below:

MS Excel:

MS Excel lookups sessions:

MS Excel in Urdu/Hindi:

MS PowerPoint:

MS Access:

MS Word:

Online data collection tools Google Form, KOBO, MS Forms:

Learning Tips:

Project Management:

Windows Features:

Other Software:

About the Channel: In this channel, you will find step-by-step and detailed explained tutorials, on different topics. Subscribe, watch and share your feedback

You can learn about Basic of Excel, Basics of Data / Data entry and Databases in Excel (Validations), Basics of Data Analysis via Excel (Basics Formulas), Advance level of Data Analysis via Excel (Advanced Formulas, discover more about your data, spot trends & patterns in data), Analysis with Pivot Table (Slicers and Timelines), Conditional Formatting.

Similarly, MS Access, Project Management (Complete Cycle)- Conducting Research and Studies, Interpretation of data and Reporting, M&E, Result Based Management /Monitoring (RBM), Online data collection tools like KOBO, SurveyCTO and SPSS.
#msexcel #dataanalysis #decisionmaking #Learning

0 Views · 5 months ago

If you spend a lot of time extracting, transforming, or analyzing data from databases, - or you're aiming for one of the many highly paid career paths that rely heavily on this skill - then this course is for you.

Learning to query databases with SQL is a substantial part of highly paid careers such as Data Analyst and Business Intelligence Analyst, but also provides a strong foundation for even more exotic roles like that of a Data Scientist. Experienced Data Scientists will tell you that the majority of their time isn't spent tuning machine learning algorithms, but rather preparing and cleaning data for use by those algorithms - something SQL does exceptionally well.

In this course, I have tried to avoid simply regurgitating an encyclopedia of facts about SQL, an approach that is all too common in introductory books and courses on programming. Instead, I carefully curated certain concepts and techniques that I have found to provide the most "bang for your buck" over my decade of experience as a data professional.

This enabled me to condense a complete course on SQL into just 36 instructional videos, averaging less than 10 minutes in length. So if you can commit to a video a day, in just over one month you’ll have added an extremely valuable and lucrative skill to your arsenal (and just as importantly, your resume!).

And to make sure all that knowledge sticks, I’ve included exercises...LOTS of exercises. Unlike most courses, which only feature sporadic opportunities to practice what you’ve learned, this course has practice problems after almost every video - so you can reinforce concepts right away.

Take it from someone who has built their career almost entirely on self-taught technical skills: it’s worth the effort. Several recent surveys have shown that SQL is actually the MOST in-demand tech skill sought after by recruiters!

In short, learning SQL can change your life, if you put in the work Let me be your guide to this next step in your career - I think you’ll find the journey a lot less daunting, and maybe even a little more fun, than you would have ever expected.

What you’ll learn
Use SQL to apply complex criteria and transformations to database data
Master SQL functions for sophisticated data manipulation
Leverage an understanding of relational database design to link together data stored across multiple tables
Use aggregate queries to produce summarized views and analysis
Be comfortable putting SQL and SQL Server on your resume
Gain experience with the kind of SQL coding problems you are likely to encounter in an interview
Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?
Basic computer literacy
An installation of Windows 10 or later
Who this course is for:
Aspiring Data Analysts or Business Intelligence Analysts looking to break into these fields by learning SQL
Data Scientists trying to improve their data cleaning and transformation skills by learning SQL
Non-technical business professionals such as business analysts and project managers trying to gain a better understanding of the technical domains they interact with

0 Views · 5 months ago

If you spend a lot of time extracting, transforming, or analyzing data from databases, - or you're aiming for one of the many highly paid career paths that rely heavily on this skill - then this course is for you.

Learning to query databases with SQL is a substantial part of highly paid careers such as Data Analyst and Business Intelligence Analyst, but also provides a strong foundation for even more exotic roles like that of a Data Scientist. Experienced Data Scientists will tell you that the majority of their time isn't spent tuning machine learning algorithms, but rather preparing and cleaning data for use by those algorithms - something SQL does exceptionally well.

In this course, I have tried to avoid simply regurgitating an encyclopedia of facts about SQL, an approach that is all too common in introductory books and courses on programming. Instead, I carefully curated certain concepts and techniques that I have found to provide the most "bang for your buck" over my decade of experience as a data professional.

This enabled me to condense a complete course on SQL into just 36 instructional videos, averaging less than 10 minutes in length. So if you can commit to a video a day, in just over one month you’ll have added an extremely valuable and lucrative skill to your arsenal (and just as importantly, your resume!).

And to make sure all that knowledge sticks, I’ve included exercises...LOTS of exercises. Unlike most courses, which only feature sporadic opportunities to practice what you’ve learned, this course has practice problems after almost every video - so you can reinforce concepts right away.

Take it from someone who has built their career almost entirely on self-taught technical skills: it’s worth the effort. Several recent surveys have shown that SQL is actually the MOST in-demand tech skill sought after by recruiters!

In short, learning SQL can change your life, if you put in the work Let me be your guide to this next step in your career - I think you’ll find the journey a lot less daunting, and maybe even a little more fun, than you would have ever expected.

What you’ll learn
Use SQL to apply complex criteria and transformations to database data
Master SQL functions for sophisticated data manipulation
Leverage an understanding of relational database design to link together data stored across multiple tables
Use aggregate queries to produce summarized views and analysis
Be comfortable putting SQL and SQL Server on your resume
Gain experience with the kind of SQL coding problems you are likely to encounter in an interview
Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?
Basic computer literacy
An installation of Windows 10 or later
Who this course is for:
Aspiring Data Analysts or Business Intelligence Analysts looking to break into these fields by learning SQL
Data Scientists trying to improve their data cleaning and transformation skills by learning SQL
Non-technical business professionals such as business analysts and project managers trying to gain a better understanding of the technical domains they interact with

0 Views · 5 months ago

🚀 Ready to dive into the world of data? Cisco's got a fantastic free course that will take you from novice to pro! 📊✨ Gain expertise in everything from visualizing data to mastering stats, and earn a certification to show off your new skills. 🌟 Don’t let this chance slip away! Tap the link in my bio and embark on your data journey today! 🔗📈

#DataScience #FreeLearning #CiscoTraining #BoostYourSkills #Certified #CareerGrowth

0 Views · 5 months ago

In this video, you will learn how to visualise data with custom formatting in Excel.

Join my 30 Days Excel Course: *Limited Offer*

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0 Views · 5 months ago

In this series, we'll go over data analysis with Python. We'll learn the basics of statistics used in data analysis, learn how to implement it in Python and also go over data visualization using Python. In the course, you'll also learn how to use google colab. This course is designed for absolute beginners to data analysis in Python.

Link to colab notebook:

#python #datascience #datanalytics #statistics

- Data Science
- Statistics
- Data Analysis
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn

Deep Learning playlist:

Machine Learing playlist:


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Please like, share and subscribe to this channel for more of such videos.

0 Views · 5 months ago

In this video (Data Analysis Full Course part-3 | Microsoft Power BI Tutorial| 2021), you will learn below Microsoft Power BI related topics in detail with easy-to-understand approach.

Table of contents:
1. What we learned so far? 00:16
2. What we learn today? 00:57
3. What is Microsoft Power BI? 01:38
4. Power BI Vs Excel 02:12
5. Why Power BI? 03:28
6. How to Download Power BI? 04:34
7. How to Install Power BI? 07:21
8. How to import and load the data into Power BI 09:07
9. How to import and load the data from Excel file into Power BI 10:34
10. How to import and load the data from CSV file into Power BI 11:18
11. How to import and load the data from Text file into Power BI 11:42
12. How to import and load the data from MySQL database into Power BI 12:18
13. How to import and load the data from Webpage table into Power BI 13:22
14. What we will learn next? 14:41

Subscribe to my channel and take advantage of the upcoming videos in this data analysis series:

Fundamental video for Data Analysis:
Data Analysis Part1 (Fundamentals of Data Analysis and Data Analyst and Tools used in Data Analysis):

Data Analysis Part2 (Excel Tutorial for preparing Interactive Excel Sales Dashboard) :

Please check out my other career development videos like resume writing video and most asked interview questions and answers video:

How to write an Impressive Resume (English + Hindi)

Top 10 Most Asked Interview Questions and Answers | Job Interview Tips | 2021


0 Views · 5 months ago

Learn data analysis in just 6 weeks! Start as a beginner, emerge with a solid portfolio, a certification, and a shining reference letter. 🌟

Don’t land an interview within 30 days post-course? Get your money back!

Enroll now:

0 Views · 5 months ago

visit to watch the entire course for free (If you subscribe to our one-year premium plan). You can also find hands-on projects you can leverage to build a portfolio that is shareable with employers and the public. Also includes mentorship throughout your project roadmap phase

0 Views · 5 months ago

Watch how Prasad Kulkarni upskilled and became a Data Analysis expert which helped him a better representation of data for his existing clients and new clients. Being a CA, mastering Data Analysis is very important. He is using Data Analysis to develop reports for his clients. We have helped more than 600,000+ aspiring students and working professionals transform their careers. Enroll now for your very own career transformation!

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0 Views · 5 months ago

Option Chain Analysis Advance Full Course 2024 | Option Chani Analysis Explained in Hindi |

Topic Cover
1- option chain analysis basic
2- option chain analysis advance
3- open intrest
4- change in open intrest
5- Latest Trade Price
6- Strike Price
7- in the money
8- out the money
9- At the Money
10 - support and resistance
11- PCR in option chain
12- Market Direction by CE OI
13- Market Direction By PE OI
14- Short Covering
15- short buildup
16- Long Liquidation
17-PUT unwinding

Price Action Course -

Boom Trade App -
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part 1 -
part 2 -
Free Training Program 👉
Telegram -
search- on Telegram - @boomtrade666

Free Candlestick Patterns Course -
Price Action Full Course -
Upstox Link -

Angle One Link -
EP.1| Trend Line | -
EP.2| Market Structure | -
EP.3 | Supply & Demand Zones -
Option Chain Analysis -


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0 Views · 5 months ago

Here, you will learn all the "Important Functionalities of Report View" before starting Data Visualization in Microsoft Power BI Desktop, so you can MASTER THE REPORT VIEW.

Table of contents:
1. Welcome note 00:00
2. Contents Intro Video 00:18
3. What we learned so far? 00:28
4. What we will learn? 00:59
5. Report View Menu overview 01:20
6. Fields Pane in Report View 01:38
7. Visualizations Pane in Report View 03:54
8. Filters Pane in Report View 05:05
9. Fields Tab in Report View 09:28
10. Format Tab in Report View 11:53
11. Analytics Tab in Report View 16:16
12. Q & A Feature in Report View 22:44
13. Card Visual in Report View 24:36
14. Table Visual in Report View 25:36
15. Summarization of what we learned 26:28
16. What we will learn in next video 27:09
17 Thank you note 27:24
Subscribe to my channel and take advantage of the upcoming videos in this data analysis series:

Fundamental video for Data Analysis:
Data Analysis Part1 (Fundamentals of Data Analysis and Data Analyst and Tools used in Data Analysis):

Data Analysis Part2 (Excel Tutorial for preparing Interactive Excel Sales Dashboard) :

Data Analysis Full Course Part-3 | Microsoft Power BI Tutorial for Beginners | What Is Power BI? | How to download and Install Power BI? | 2021:

Data Analysis Full Course Part-4 | Microsoft Power BI Tutorial for Beginners | How to transform data in Power BI Desktop | Learn Data Profiling:

Data Analysis Full Course Part-5 | Data Analysis Full Course Part-5 | Microsoft Power BI Tutorial for Beginners | Learn Data Modeling:

Please check out my other career development videos like resume writing video and most asked interview questions and answers video:

How to write an Impressive Resume (English + Hindi)

Top 10 Most Asked Interview Questions and Answers | Job Interview Tips | 2021
Subscribe to my channel and take advantage of the upcoming videos in this data analysis series:

Fundamental video for Data Analysis:
Data Analysis Part1 (Fundamentals of Data Analysis and Data Analyst and Tools used in Data Analysis):

Data Analysis Part2 (Excel Tutorial for preparing Interactive Excel Sales Dashboard) :

Data Analysis Full Course Part-3 | Microsoft Power BI Tutorial for Beginners | What Is Power BI? | How to download and Install Power BI? | 2021:

Data Analysis Full Course Part-4 | Microsoft Power BI Tutorial for Beginners | How to transform data in Power BI Desktop | Learn Data Profiling:

Data Analysis Full Course Part-5 | Data Analysis Full Course Part-5 | Microsoft Power BI Tutorial for Beginners | Learn Data Modeling:

Please check out my other career development videos like resume writing video and most asked interview questions and answers video:

How to write an Impressive Resume (English + Hindi)

Top 10 Most Asked Interview Questions and Answers | Job Interview Tips | 2021

0 Views · 5 months ago

Welcome to our comprehensive SQL Full Course, absolutely free and available right here on YouTube! Whether you're a beginner eager to dive into the world of databases or an experienced developer looking to enhance your SQL skills, this course is perfect for you.

Throughout this extensive tutorial series, we cover everything you need to know about SQL, from the foundational basics to advanced concepts. Here's what you can expect to learn:

SQL Basics: We start with the essentials, covering SQL syntax, data types, and basic queries to get you up and running.

DDL (Data Definition Language): Learn how to create, modify, and delete database objects like tables, views, and indexes to structure your data effectively.

DML (Data Manipulation Language): Dive into data manipulation with INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and SELECT statements to retrieve, modify, and delete data within your tables.

Aggregate Functions: Explore powerful functions such as SUM, AVG, COUNT, MIN, and MAX to perform calculations on your data.

ORDER BY and GROUP BY: Master sorting and grouping your query results to gain deeper insights into your data.

Joins: Understand different types of joins (INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, and FULL JOIN) to combine data from multiple tables seamlessly.

Keys and Constraints: Explore primary keys, foreign keys, unique constraints, and check constraints to maintain data integrity and enforce business rules.

Join us as we journey through real-world examples and hands-on exercises, designed to solidify your understanding and empower you with practical SQL skills you can apply immediately.
🟥 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐔𝐬 𝐎𝐧 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐝𝐈𝐧 🟥

🟨 𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐔𝐬 𝐎𝐧 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦🟨

🟦 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥 🟦

00:00:00 Introduction to SQL Full Course for Data Analytics
00:01:45 What is SQL and its Basics
00:11:10 Installation of SQL
00:13:30 How to create Database in SQL
00:20:25 How to create Table in SQL
00:28:00 Datatypes in SQL
00:54:30 Introduction to DDL Commands in SQL
00:55:40 Create Command in SQL
00:58:00 All DDL Commands
01:00:00 Alter Command in SQL
01:10:50 Drop Command in SQL
01:14:40 Truncate Command in SQL
01:20:35 Rename Command is SQL
01:26:53 DML and Order by Function in SQL
01:32:00 All DML Commands
01:34:21 Select Command in SQL
01:41:20 Insert Command in SQL
01:44:17 Update Command in SQL
01:49:18 Delete Command in SQL
01:52:32 Order by function in SQL
02:03:58 Group by function in SQL
02:21:17 Introduction to Joins in SQL
02:23:38 Types of Joins in SQL
2:27:47 Inner Join in SQL with Example
2:44:05 Left Join in SQL with Example
2:55:30 Right Join in SQL with Example
3:01:00 Full Outer Join in SQL with Example
3:07:50 Cross Join in SQL with Example
3:15:10 Contraints and Keys in SQL
3:18:38 Type of keys ans constraints
3:20:28 Primary Key in SQL
3:33:58 Foreign Key in SQL
3:42:45 Check Constraints in SQL
3:50:16 Unique Constraints in SQL
3:55:22 Not Null Constraints in SQL
3:58:35 Default Constraints in SQL
4:05:00 Conclusion of SQL Full Course

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1 Views · 5 months ago

"🔥Caltech Post Graduate Program in Data Science -
🔥IITK - Professional Certificate Course in Generative AI and Machine Learning (India Only) -
🔥Purdue - Post Graduate Program in AI and Machine Learning -
🔥IITG - Professional Certificate Program in Generative AI and Machine Learning (India Only) -
🔥Caltech - AI & Machine Learning Bootcamp (US Only) -

This Linear Regression Analysis video will help you understand the basics of linear regression algorithm. You will learn how Simple Linear Regression works with solved examples, look at the applications of Linear Regression and Multiple Linear Regression model. In the end, we will implement a use case on profit estimation of companies using Linear Regression in Python.

Dataset Link -

Below topics are covered in this Linear Regression Analysis Tutorial:
1. Introduction to Machine Learning
2. Machine Learning Algorithms
3. Applications of Linear Regression
4. Understanding Linear Regression
5. Multiple Linear Regression
6. Usecase - Profit estimation of companies

What is Linear Regression Analysis?
Machine Learning is an application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that provides systems with the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. Linear regression is a statistical model used to predict the relationship between independent and dependent variables by examining two factors:
Which variables, in particular, are significant predictors of the outcome variable?
How significant is the regression line in terms of making predictions with the highest possible accuracy?

Subscribe to our channel for more Machine Learning Tutorials:

Machine Learning Articles:

To gain in-depth knowledge of Machine Learning, check our Machine Learning certification training course:

#LinearRegressionAnalysis #LinearRegressionUsingPython #MachineLearningAlgorithms #Datasciencecourse #DataScience #SimplilearnMachineLearning #MachineLearningCourse #LinearRegressionSimplilearn #simplilearn

➡️ About Caltech Post Graduate Program In Data Science
This Post Graduation in Data Science leverages the superiority of Caltech's academic eminence. The Data Science program covers critical Data Science topics like Python programming, R programming, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Data Visualization tools through an interactive learning model with live sessions by global practitioners and practical labs.

✅ Key Features
- Simplilearn's JobAssist helps you get noticed by top hiring companies
- Caltech PG program in Data Science completion certificate
- Earn up to 14 CEUs from Caltech CTME
- Masterclasses delivered by distinguished Caltech faculty and IBM experts
- Caltech CTME Circle membership
- Online convocation by Caltech CTME Program Director
- IBM certificates for IBM courses
- Access to hackathons and Ask Me Anything sessions from IBM
- 25+ hands-on projects from the likes of Amazon, Walmart, Uber, and many more
- Seamless access to integrated labs
- Capstone projects in 3 domains
- Simplilearn’s Career Assistance to help you get noticed by top hiring companies
- 8X higher interaction in live online classes by industry experts

✅ Skills Covered
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Descriptive Statistics
- Inferential Statistics
- Model Building and Fine Tuning
- Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
- Ensemble Learning
- Deep Learning
- Data Visualization

🔥 Advanced Certificate Program In Data Science:

🔥🔥 Interested in Attending Live Classes? Call Us: IN - 18002127688 / US - +18445327688

0 Views · 5 months ago

Python data analysis / data science tutorial. Let’s go!
Learn Data Analysis with Python in this comprehensive tutorial for beginners, with exercises included! Data Analysis has been around for a long time, but up until a few years ago, it was practiced using closed, expensive and limited tools like Excel or Tableau. Python, SQL and other open libraries have changed Data Analysis forever.
How can we get started with data analysis or data science - so for example read and change data and also create our first quick chart - in Python? Besides Python, all we need is Pandas and Matplotlib. Doesn't sound familiar to you? Let's clear things up and get started in this video!

In this tutorial you'll learn the whole process of Data Analysis: reading data from multiple sources (CSVs, SQL, Excel, etc), processing them using NumPy and Pandas, visualize them using Matplotlib and Seaborn and clean and process it to create reports.
Additionally, we've included a thorough Jupyter Notebook tutorial, and a quick Python reference to refresh your programming skills.

The session covers:
0:00 Introduction
4:04 Jupyter Notebooks
18:00 Pandas
20:14 Pandas Series
46:45 Pandas DataFrames
1:05:03 Reading CSV files
1:30:56 Plotting data

It was taught by Dr Matt Williams

#python #pandas #programming #jupyter #rse #acrc #uob

0 Views · 5 months ago

data science, data analytics, data analysis, excel, power bi, tableau, data analysis course, data science course, SQL, data cleaning

#sql #sqlserver #sqlcourse #dataanalysis #datascience #dataanalytics

0 Views · 5 months ago

🔥Business Analyst Masters Program (Discount Code - YTBE15) -
🔥CBAP® Certification Training -
🔥Purdue - Post Graduate Program in Business Analysis -

This video is an updated and complete Tableau Full Course In 8 Hours. This Tableau Tutorial is designed to guide you right from the introduction. The video includes the Business Intelligence fundamentals, Charts in Tableau, Calculated fields, and other crucial segments and finally, you will also learn to design and customize your own Tableau Dashboard that provides you with real-time interactive data visualization. The Tableau Training For Beginners video includes the following topics.

Below topics are explained in this Tableau tutorial video:
0:00 Tableau - Introduction
00:50 Business Intelligence
01:51 Tableau
01:55 Why Tableau?
02:29 Tableau Products
05:42 Excel vs Tableau Summary
05:51 Tableau Installation
05:54 Installation of Tableau
06:46 Tableau Interface
10:48 [Demo: Dimensions and Measures]
15:38 Visualization - Chart - Average by Region
01:00:53 Donut Chart - Pie Chart
01:12:08 Dashboards- Worksheets
01:25:32 Dashboards -Sales
01:40:12 Profit version of the dashboard
01:53:54 Linking overall dashboard to sales dashboard
02:02:15 Segment Dashboard
02:06:48 Top Customers by Sales
02:14:50 Difference between live connection and extract connection
02:32:29 Actions in Tableau - Sales by Category Stacked
02:44:23 Reference Bands and Lines
02:54:58 Analysis -Delays: Profit Waterfall
03:08:46 Population Dashboard
03:32:48 Health Dashboard
03:53:57 Economy Dashboard
04:07:02 Dashboard - Ease of Business
04:28:24 What is Tableau?
04:29:01 Why is it important?
04:30:09 Joins
04:32:49 Dimensions & Measures
04:33:19 Dashboard Designing
04:44:18 Win percent based on Toss Decision
04:55:04 Dashboard - Batsman Performance
05:56:45 Dashboard -Bowler Performance
06:29:07 What are the different joins in Tableau?
06:30:49 What is the difference between Join and Blending?
06:32:59 What is the difference b/w Live and Extract?
07:02:00 Find the customer with the lowest overall profit. What is his/her profit ratio?
07:03:33 What is the Rank function in Tableau?
07:07:42 How can you embed a webpage in a dashboard?
07:22:57 How can you schedule a workbook in Tableau after publishing it?

Dataset Link -

Watch more videos on Tableau Training:

#Tableau #TableauTraining #TableauCertification #TableauDeskTop10 #BusinessAnalytics #DataScience #simplilearn

➡️ About Caltech Post Graduate Program In Data Science
This Post Graduation in Data Science leverages the superiority of Caltech's academic eminence. The Data Science program covers critical Data Science topics like Python programming, R programming, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Data Visualization tools through an interactive learning model with live sessions by global practitioners and practical labs.

✅ Key Features
- Simplilearn's JobAssist helps you get noticed by top hiring companies
- Caltech PG program in Data Science completion certificate
- Earn up to 14 CEUs from Caltech CTME
- 25+ hands-on projects from the likes of Amazon, Walmart, Uber, and many more
- 8X higher interaction in live online classes by industry experts

✅ Skills Covered
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Descriptive Statistics
- Inferential Statistics
- Model Building and Fine Tuning
- Data Visualization

👉 Learn More At:

0 Views · 5 months ago

Unlock the power of Excel to utilize its analytical tools from Vlookup to Power Table - no matter your experience level.

Full Course Link:

👋 Welcome to our YouTube channel where you can learn all about data analysis and statistics with Excel! 📊📈

In this video, we'll introduce you to our comprehensive course that will teach you everything you need to know about data analysis and statistics using Excel. Here's what you can expect:

🔹 Learn how to use Excel for data analysis and visualization
🔹 Discover various statistical techniques and tools
🔹 Understand how to interpret data and draw conclusions
🔹 Learn how to create charts, graphs, and other visualizations to communicate your findings

Our experienced instructors will guide you through each lesson, providing valuable insights and tips that will help you improve your data analysis skills and achieve your analysis goals. You'll also have access to quizzes and assessments to ensure that you're retaining the information and applying it correctly.

This course is perfect for beginners as well as professionals who want to upskill and stay ahead of the competition. Enroll now and start your journey towards becoming a data analysis and statistics pro! 💻🎓

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and hit the notification bell to stay updated on our latest videos and courses. Let's get started! 🚀

#dataanalysis #excel #exceltips #exceltutorial #statistics #business #onlinecourse #learning #onlinecourse

0 Views · 5 months ago

This is the Unit 1 of Big Data Analysis a subject of Final.year, 7th Semester in RTU Syllabus.

Form for Notes

About me 😌🌟
I am Ayushi George, pursuing my bachelor's of technology in Artificial intelligence and data science.
I am Associate Consultant as SAP CPI at Rolling Array
I am ex Google Developer Student Club Lead 22, Intel Student Ambassador, AWS Cloud Captain, Beta MLSA, UiPath Developer Champ, an AR Creator, web developer and student placement coordinator.
I love to create content and take initiative of doing the best with the best foot forward.
Let's connect hustlers-







✨Another channel:

0 Views · 5 months ago

How to Become a data analyst.

Udacity has one of the best free SQL courses out there!

You can find it here -

Thanks for watching, and please leave a comment if you have any questions!

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1 Views · 5 months ago

If you spend a lot of time extracting, transforming, or analyzing data from databases, - or you're aiming for one of the many highly paid career paths that rely heavily on this skill - then this course is for you.

Learning to query databases with SQL is a substantial part of highly paid careers such as Data Analyst and Business Intelligence Analyst, but also provides a strong foundation for even more exotic roles like that of a Data Scientist. Experienced Data Scientists will tell you that the majority of their time isn't spent tuning machine learning algorithms, but rather preparing and cleaning data for use by those algorithms - something SQL does exceptionally well.

In this course, I have tried to avoid simply regurgitating an encyclopedia of facts about SQL, an approach that is all too common in introductory books and courses on programming. Instead, I carefully curated certain concepts and techniques that I have found to provide the most "bang for your buck" over my decade of experience as a data professional.

This enabled me to condense a complete course on SQL into just 36 instructional videos, averaging less than 10 minutes in length. So if you can commit to a video a day, in just over one month you’ll have added an extremely valuable and lucrative skill to your arsenal (and just as importantly, your resume!).

And to make sure all that knowledge sticks, I’ve included exercises...LOTS of exercises. Unlike most courses, which only feature sporadic opportunities to practice what you’ve learned, this course has practice problems after almost every video - so you can reinforce concepts right away.

Take it from someone who has built their career almost entirely on self-taught technical skills: it’s worth the effort. Several recent surveys have shown that SQL is actually the MOST in-demand tech skill sought after by recruiters!

In short, learning SQL can change your life, if you put in the work Let me be your guide to this next step in your career - I think you’ll find the journey a lot less daunting, and maybe even a little more fun, than you would have ever expected.

What you’ll learn
Use SQL to apply complex criteria and transformations to database data
Master SQL functions for sophisticated data manipulation
Leverage an understanding of relational database design to link together data stored across multiple tables
Use aggregate queries to produce summarized views and analysis
Be comfortable putting SQL and SQL Server on your resume
Gain experience with the kind of SQL coding problems you are likely to encounter in an interview
Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?
Basic computer literacy
An installation of Windows 10 or later
Who this course is for:
Aspiring Data Analysts or Business Intelligence Analysts looking to break into these fields by learning SQL
Data Scientists trying to improve their data cleaning and transformation skills by learning SQL
Non-technical business professionals such as business analysts and project managers trying to gain a better understanding of the technical domains they interact with

0 Views · 5 months ago

Dm us to book your trial session.

🚀 Dreaming of becoming a Data Analyst? 📊✨ Don’t let the journey ahead intimidate you! 💪 While learning the basics is essential, it’s just the beginning. In 2024, the world of data analysis is constantly evolving, and to thrive, you need to stay ahead of the curve. 📈 That’s why Codex Classes offers comprehensive programs designed to equip you with the advanced skills and knowledge you need to succeed in today’s competitive landscape. From mastering complex algorithms to interpreting big data, we’re here to empower you to reach your full potential. Ready to take your data analysis skills to the next level? Join us on this exciting journey! #DataAnalytics #ContinuousLearning #CodexClasses #StayAhead #DataScience #BigData #TechSkills #CareerDevelopment #ProfessionalGrowth #FutureReady #DataDrivenDecisionMaking 🌟#fun #meme #comedy

0 Views · 5 months ago

#datanalyst #dataanalysis Data Analysis with Excel Full Course for beginners


0 Views · 5 months ago

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ POWER BI - DAX - FULL COURSE ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
1) 00:00 - What is there in this video
2) 02:03 - DAX Topics
3) 03:47 - Introduction to DAX
4) 05:30 - Measure /Calculated Column /Calculated Table
5) 13:35 - DAX Fundamentals
Syntax , Naming, Operators, Data Types
6) 18:37 - DAX Basics Demo
7) 42:10 - How DAX Works
Filter context vs Row context
Calculate (Magician)
8)1:07:06 - Types of DAX Functions
9) 1:09:00 - Most Used DAX Functions
10) 1:12:25 - Aggregate Functions
11) 1:32:16 - Date & Time Functions
12) 1:41:12 - Time Intelligence Functions
13) 1:59:15 - Filter Functions
15) 2:11:39 - Logical Functions
14) 2:31:54 - Relationship Functions
16) 2:49:49 - Text Functions
17) 2:55:26 - Summary

Source Database
How To install Adventure works.


✉ Business Queries / Analytics Consulting ✉ :

💬 For Learners Post queries and Interact 💬
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Complete Playlists

Power BI Tutorials - Complete Playlist 📚📖
Power BI Desktop Tips and Tricks 📚📖
Power BI DAX - Complete Playlist 📚📖
Power BI Services Playlist 📚📖
Power BI Project Dashboards - Power BI Realtime Projects - Playlist 📚📖

Data Warehouse Tutorials 📚📖
SQL Full Course | SQL Tutorial For Beginners 📚📖
SSAS Tutorials - SQL Server Analysis Services 📚📖
SSIS Tutorials - SQL Server Integration Services 📚📖

Power BI Interview Topics 📚📖
MSBI (SSIS,SSAS,SSRS) Interview Topics 📚📖

Excel for Data Analysis 📚📖
Power BI + R 📚📖
Azure for Analytics - Complete Tutorials 📚📖

Catch with Nags 📚📖
Nags Checklist 📚📖
Visuals with Nags 📚📖

0 Views · 5 months ago

If you wanna make your career in the Data Science domain, then check out our course now. We provide a hands-on practical learning experience to our learners with 1-1 Live Doubt Clearance Support over Chat every day and also you will learn Job Hunting Hacks. You will get projects and case studies that you can add toto your resume and many more features inside this course. Check Now!

Dataset :

➡️ Data Superstar Placement Guarantee Program
Course Link -

➡️ Data Engineering Placement Guarantee Program
Course Link -

➡️ Data Science & Analytics Placement Guarantee Program
Course Link -

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1. LinkedIn -
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Stay Safe and Keep Learning

0:00 - Intro
0:06 - Introduction to Power Bi

14:36 - Dashboard in Power Bi
21:10 - First Visual
41:13 - Legends
52:38 - Exclude & Include
59:34 - Pie & Donut Chart

1:10:09 - Funnel & Ribbon Chart
1:26:17 - Line & Area Chart
1:39:26 - Scatter, Waterfall & Treemap
1:55:18 - Maps
2:06:52 - Table & Conditional Formatting
2:22:41-Table aggregation & Matrix
2:35:42 - Guage Chart
2:48:05 - Card Text, Number
3:03:09 - Card Relative date & Slicer
3:15:48 - Advanced Charts
3:32:58 - Inserting Text, Objects, Images, Shape
3:44:41 - Inserting Buttons - Action
3:59:41 - Bookmarks
4:12:39 - Reports

4:41:52 - Power Query

4:47:40 - Managing Rows & Columns

5:01:36 - Transform _Text columns

5:15:31 - Transform_Number Columns
5:20:35 - Transform_Date Columns
5:28:38 - Transform Columns
5:37:44 - Add Columns_From text
5:50:07 - Add Columns_time Number
5:55:01 - Add Columns- Date & time

5:59:43 - Add Columns_types of Columns
6:09:37 - Add Columns_Columns from example

6:15:23 - Add Columns_Custome Columns
6:19:05 - Transform Columns _GroupBy
6:26:07 - Transform Pivot & Unpivot Columns
6:31:35 - Merging Queries
6:40:28 - Appending Queries
6:48:05 - Fill by, Group by, Transpose

7:00:52 - Remove & Keep Rows

7:12:52 - Intro to Data Modelling
7:22:07 - Data Modelling
7:34:41 - Intro to DAX
7:48:39 - Creating Measures

7:58:32 - Aggregate Function

8:14:21 - Date Time Function
8:27:34 - Date and Time - II
8:38:48 - Date Time Function III

8:50:30 - Number Function - I
9:07:54 - Number Function -II

9:18:52 -Text Function
9:33:27 - Information Function
9:41:28 - Conditional Statement
9:50:52 - M Language & DAX

1 Views · 5 months ago

Big O notation and time complexity, explained.

Check out (, a website for learning math and computer science concepts through solving problems. First 200 subscribers will get 20% off through the link above.
Special thanks to Brilliant for sponsoring this video.

This was #7 of my data structures & algorithms series. You can find the entire series in a playlist here:

Also, keep in touch on Facebook:

0 Views · 5 months ago

This course will give you the resources to learn python and effectively use it analyze and visualize data! Start your career in Data Science!

Learn how to do Exploratory Data Analysis, Data Insight, Data Manipulation and Data Visualization with Python

You'll get a full understanding of how to program with Python and how to use it in conjunction with scientific computing modules and libraries to analyze data.

By the end of this course you will:

- Have an understanding of how to program in Python.

- Know how to create and manipulate arrays using Numpy and Python.

- Know how to use Pandas to create and analyze data sets.

- Know how to use Matplotlib and Seaborn libraries to create beautiful data visualization.

- Grasp the theoretical and practical concepts parallel

- Have hands-on experience on KFC data set

- Have an amazing portfolio of example python data analysis projects!

- With 30+ lectures and over 10+ labs, you will be excellently prepared for a future in data science!

Course Introduction 00:00:00 - 00:02:34

What is Data Analysis and Data Visualization? 00:02:35 - 00:12:40
Why Python and Data Analysis? 00:12:41 - 00:14:21
What is Data Wrangling and Data Cleaning? 00:14:22 - 00:15:58


Installing Python on Mac 00:15:59 - 00:19:39
Installing Python on Windows 00:19:40 - 00:24:35
Installing Anaconda on Windows. 00:24:35 - 00:27:43
Installing Python on Linux 00:27:44 - 00:33:29

Syntax in Python 00:33:30 - 00:36:45
Variables in Python 00:36:46 - 00:43:23
Data Types in Python 00:43:24 - 00:47:10
Comments in Python 00:47:11 - 00:50:30
Exception Handling in Python 00:50:31 - 01:02:36

Standard Data Structures 01:02:36 - 01:03-23
List 01:03:24 - 01:17:56
Tuple 01:17:58 - 01:29:51
Dictionary 01:29:52 - 01:40:00
Set 01:40:02 - 01:53:35

Section 5: Data Formats and Sources
Data Formats 01:53:36 - 01:56:42
Importing Data Sets From Facebook 01:56:43 - 02:07:42
Importing Datasets from Public Sources 02:07:45 - 02:19:47

Section 6: Data Preparation
Introduction to Numpy 02:19:49 - 02:22:11
Data Types 02:22:12 - 02:24:52
Arrays 02:24:53 - 02:28:19
Array Functions 02:28:20 - 02:33:20
Operations on Arrays 02:33:21 - 02:37-44
LAB: Numpy 02:37:45 - 02:49:04

Section 7: Data Preparation (PANDAS)
Data Preparation 02:49:05 - 02:55:10
Loading and Saving Data 02:55:11 - 02:58:36
Pandas Functions 02:58:37 - 03:00:20
Regular Expression 03:00:22 - 03:04:09
LAB: Pandas 03:04:10 - 03:26:04
LAB: Regular Expression 03:26:05 - 03:35:45

Section 8: Exploratory Data Analysis 03:35:46 - 4:32:30

Section 9: Data Visualization 4:32:31 - 5:28:47

Capstone Project: KFC 5:28:48
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0 Views · 5 months ago

Option Chain Analysis Advance Full Course 2024 | Option Chani Analysis Explained in Hindi |

Topic Cover
1- option chain analysis basic
2- option chain analysis advance
3- open intrest
4- change in open intrest
5- Latest Trade Price
6- Strike Price
7- in the money
8- out the money
9- At the Money
10 - support and resistance
11- PCR in option chain
12- Market Direction by CE OI
13- Market Direction By PE OI
14- Short Covering
15- short buildup
16- Long Liquidation
17-PUT unwinding

Price Action Course -

Boom Trade App -
Join Live Class - 9022446983 WhatsApp

part 1 -
part 2 -
Free Training Program 👉
Telegram -
search- on Telegram - @boomtrade666

Free Candlestick Patterns Course -
Price Action Full Course -
Upstox Link -

Angle One Link -
EP.1| Trend Line | -
EP.2| Market Structure | -
EP.3 | Supply & Demand Zones -
Option Chain Analysis -


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0 Views · 5 months ago

If you spend a lot of time extracting, transforming, or analyzing data from databases, - or you're aiming for one of the many highly paid career paths that rely heavily on this skill - then this course is for you.

Learning to query databases with SQL is a substantial part of highly paid careers such as Data Analyst and Business Intelligence Analyst, but also provides a strong foundation for even more exotic roles like that of a Data Scientist. Experienced Data Scientists will tell you that the majority of their time isn't spent tuning machine learning algorithms, but rather preparing and cleaning data for use by those algorithms - something SQL does exceptionally well.

In this course, I have tried to avoid simply regurgitating an encyclopedia of facts about SQL, an approach that is all too common in introductory books and courses on programming. Instead, I carefully curated certain concepts and techniques that I have found to provide the most "bang for your buck" over my decade of experience as a data professional.

This enabled me to condense a complete course on SQL into just 36 instructional videos, averaging less than 10 minutes in length. So if you can commit to a video a day, in just over one month you’ll have added an extremely valuable and lucrative skill to your arsenal (and just as importantly, your resume!).

And to make sure all that knowledge sticks, I’ve included exercises...LOTS of exercises. Unlike most courses, which only feature sporadic opportunities to practice what you’ve learned, this course has practice problems after almost every video - so you can reinforce concepts right away.

Take it from someone who has built their career almost entirely on self-taught technical skills: it’s worth the effort. Several recent surveys have shown that SQL is actually the MOST in-demand tech skill sought after by recruiters!

In short, learning SQL can change your life, if you put in the work Let me be your guide to this next step in your career - I think you’ll find the journey a lot less daunting, and maybe even a little more fun, than you would have ever expected.

What you’ll learn
Use SQL to apply complex criteria and transformations to database data
Master SQL functions for sophisticated data manipulation
Leverage an understanding of relational database design to link together data stored across multiple tables
Use aggregate queries to produce summarized views and analysis
Be comfortable putting SQL and SQL Server on your resume
Gain experience with the kind of SQL coding problems you are likely to encounter in an interview
Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?
Basic computer literacy
An installation of Windows 10 or later
Who this course is for:
Aspiring Data Analysts or Business Intelligence Analysts looking to break into these fields by learning SQL
Data Scientists trying to improve their data cleaning and transformation skills by learning SQL
Non-technical business professionals such as business analysts and project managers trying to gain a better understanding of the technical domains they interact with

0 Views · 5 months ago

In this video (Data Analysis Full Course part-3 | Microsoft Power BI Tutorial| 2021), you will learn below Microsoft Power BI related topics in detail with easy-to-understand approach.

Table of contents:
1. What we learned so far? 00:16
2. What we learn today? 00:57
3. What is Microsoft Power BI? 01:38
4. Power BI Vs Excel 02:12
5. Why Power BI? 03:28
6. How to Download Power BI? 04:34
7. How to Install Power BI? 07:21
8. How to import and load the data into Power BI 09:07
9. How to import and load the data from Excel file into Power BI 10:34
10. How to import and load the data from CSV file into Power BI 11:18
11. How to import and load the data from Text file into Power BI 11:42
12. How to import and load the data from MySQL database into Power BI 12:18
13. How to import and load the data from Webpage table into Power BI 13:22
14. What we will learn next? 14:41

Subscribe to my channel and take advantage of the upcoming videos in this data analysis series:

Fundamental video for Data Analysis:
Data Analysis Part1 (Fundamentals of Data Analysis and Data Analyst and Tools used in Data Analysis):

Data Analysis Part2 (Excel Tutorial for preparing Interactive Excel Sales Dashboard) :

Please check out my other career development videos like resume writing video and most asked interview questions and answers video:

How to write an Impressive Resume (English + Hindi)

Top 10 Most Asked Interview Questions and Answers | Job Interview Tips | 2021


0 Views · 5 months ago

Here, you will learn all the "Important Functionalities of Report View" before starting Data Visualization in Microsoft Power BI Desktop, so you can MASTER THE REPORT VIEW.

Table of contents:
1. Welcome note 00:00
2. Contents Intro Video 00:18
3. What we learned so far? 00:28
4. What we will learn? 00:59
5. Report View Menu overview 01:20
6. Fields Pane in Report View 01:38
7. Visualizations Pane in Report View 03:54
8. Filters Pane in Report View 05:05
9. Fields Tab in Report View 09:28
10. Format Tab in Report View 11:53
11. Analytics Tab in Report View 16:16
12. Q & A Feature in Report View 22:44
13. Card Visual in Report View 24:36
14. Table Visual in Report View 25:36
15. Summarization of what we learned 26:28
16. What we will learn in next video 27:09
17 Thank you note 27:24
Subscribe to my channel and take advantage of the upcoming videos in this data analysis series:

Fundamental video for Data Analysis:
Data Analysis Part1 (Fundamentals of Data Analysis and Data Analyst and Tools used in Data Analysis):

Data Analysis Part2 (Excel Tutorial for preparing Interactive Excel Sales Dashboard) :

Data Analysis Full Course Part-3 | Microsoft Power BI Tutorial for Beginners | What Is Power BI? | How to download and Install Power BI? | 2021:

Data Analysis Full Course Part-4 | Microsoft Power BI Tutorial for Beginners | How to transform data in Power BI Desktop | Learn Data Profiling:

Data Analysis Full Course Part-5 | Data Analysis Full Course Part-5 | Microsoft Power BI Tutorial for Beginners | Learn Data Modeling:

Please check out my other career development videos like resume writing video and most asked interview questions and answers video:

How to write an Impressive Resume (English + Hindi)

Top 10 Most Asked Interview Questions and Answers | Job Interview Tips | 2021
Subscribe to my channel and take advantage of the upcoming videos in this data analysis series:

Fundamental video for Data Analysis:
Data Analysis Part1 (Fundamentals of Data Analysis and Data Analyst and Tools used in Data Analysis):

Data Analysis Part2 (Excel Tutorial for preparing Interactive Excel Sales Dashboard) :

Data Analysis Full Course Part-3 | Microsoft Power BI Tutorial for Beginners | What Is Power BI? | How to download and Install Power BI? | 2021:

Data Analysis Full Course Part-4 | Microsoft Power BI Tutorial for Beginners | How to transform data in Power BI Desktop | Learn Data Profiling:

Data Analysis Full Course Part-5 | Data Analysis Full Course Part-5 | Microsoft Power BI Tutorial for Beginners | Learn Data Modeling:

Please check out my other career development videos like resume writing video and most asked interview questions and answers video:

How to write an Impressive Resume (English + Hindi)

Top 10 Most Asked Interview Questions and Answers | Job Interview Tips | 2021

0 Views · 5 months ago

visit to watch the entire course for free (If you subscribe to our one-year premium plan). You can also find hands-on projects you can leverage to build a portfolio that is shareable with employers and the public. Also includes mentorship throughout your project roadmap phase

0 Views · 5 months ago

In this series, we'll go over data analysis with Python. We'll learn the basics of statistics used in data analysis, learn how to implement it in Python and also go over data visualization using Python. In the course, you'll also learn how to use google colab. This course is designed for absolute beginners to data analysis in Python.

Link to colab notebook:

#python #datascience #datanalytics #statistics

- Data Science
- Statistics
- Data Analysis
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn

Deep Learning playlist:

Machine Learing playlist:


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Please like, share and subscribe to this channel for more of such videos.

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0 Views · 5 months ago

🎉 Are you new to the IT world and trying to figure out which role is best for you? In this video, we'll share some useful ideas that will help you choose the perfect IT role when you're a fresher. 🚀 We'll talk about some roles that beginners often overlook, so you can get a clear idea of what's available and make a smart choice. 🤔

🔎 We'll also explore some roles that people don't usually think about when they're starting out. 💡 By exploring these lesser-known roles, we hope to open your mind to different possibilities in the IT industry. 🌟 Our goal is to give you the knowledge and understanding you need to make a smart choice about the IT role that suits you best based on your skills, interests, and goals. 🎯

🙌 We hope that this video has provided you with the clarity and guidance you need to choose the IT role that aligns with your strengths and aspirations.

💪 Remember to subscribe for more valuable insights and resources as you embark on your IT career. 📚👨‍💻 Best of luck on your journey, and may you find joy and success in the exciting world of IT! 🌟🚀💼

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0 Views · 5 months ago

CESAR is the biggest trainer on Stata in Africa. We have provided data analysis training using Stata to government organisations, NGOs, private organisations and tertiary institutions in the continent.

Be sure not to miss our next scheduled traditional training. Register now!

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Date: 18 – 22 October 2021
Tel: +27 11 403 1411 / +27 66 054 1473

#cesarafrica #stata

1 Views · 5 months ago

If you spend a lot of time extracting, transforming, or analyzing data from databases, - or you're aiming for one of the many highly paid career paths that rely heavily on this skill - then this course is for you.

Learning to query databases with SQL is a substantial part of highly paid careers such as Data Analyst and Business Intelligence Analyst, but also provides a strong foundation for even more exotic roles like that of a Data Scientist. Experienced Data Scientists will tell you that the majority of their time isn't spent tuning machine learning algorithms, but rather preparing and cleaning data for use by those algorithms - something SQL does exceptionally well.

In this course, I have tried to avoid simply regurgitating an encyclopedia of facts about SQL, an approach that is all too common in introductory books and courses on programming. Instead, I carefully curated certain concepts and techniques that I have found to provide the most "bang for your buck" over my decade of experience as a data professional.

This enabled me to condense a complete course on SQL into just 36 instructional videos, averaging less than 10 minutes in length. So if you can commit to a video a day, in just over one month you’ll have added an extremely valuable and lucrative skill to your arsenal (and just as importantly, your resume!).

And to make sure all that knowledge sticks, I’ve included exercises...LOTS of exercises. Unlike most courses, which only feature sporadic opportunities to practice what you’ve learned, this course has practice problems after almost every video - so you can reinforce concepts right away.

Take it from someone who has built their career almost entirely on self-taught technical skills: it’s worth the effort. Several recent surveys have shown that SQL is actually the MOST in-demand tech skill sought after by recruiters!

In short, learning SQL can change your life, if you put in the work Let me be your guide to this next step in your career - I think you’ll find the journey a lot less daunting, and maybe even a little more fun, than you would have ever expected.

What you’ll learn
Use SQL to apply complex criteria and transformations to database data
Master SQL functions for sophisticated data manipulation
Leverage an understanding of relational database design to link together data stored across multiple tables
Use aggregate queries to produce summarized views and analysis
Be comfortable putting SQL and SQL Server on your resume
Gain experience with the kind of SQL coding problems you are likely to encounter in an interview
Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?
Basic computer literacy
An installation of Windows 10 or later
Who this course is for:
Aspiring Data Analysts or Business Intelligence Analysts looking to break into these fields by learning SQL
Data Scientists trying to improve their data cleaning and transformation skills by learning SQL
Non-technical business professionals such as business analysts and project managers trying to gain a better understanding of the technical domains they interact with

0 Views · 5 months ago

This course will be for beginners and advanced-level learners.
One video on each topic shown here will be uploaded.
In Basic Playlist - The learning will be for beginners.
In Advanced Playlist - The learning will be for advanced level learners.


Download - Complete Course Notes - Data Analyst Self Study Material (Rs.250) -

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1. Python Data Analytics Projects -
2. Python For Data Science -
3. Numpy For Data Science -

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"Data Analyst Study Material" includes -
* All the Projects Source Codes
* Notes of the complete Data Analytics course, which contain all commands of Core Python, Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, SQL that we use for Big-Data Analytics.

#python #dataanalytics #datascience

0 Views · 5 months ago

If you spend a lot of time extracting, transforming, or analyzing data from databases, - or you're aiming for one of the many highly paid career paths that rely heavily on this skill - then this course is for you.

Learning to query databases with SQL is a substantial part of highly paid careers such as Data Analyst and Business Intelligence Analyst, but also provides a strong foundation for even more exotic roles like that of a Data Scientist. Experienced Data Scientists will tell you that the majority of their time isn't spent tuning machine learning algorithms, but rather preparing and cleaning data for use by those algorithms - something SQL does exceptionally well.

In this course, I have tried to avoid simply regurgitating an encyclopedia of facts about SQL, an approach that is all too common in introductory books and courses on programming. Instead, I carefully curated certain concepts and techniques that I have found to provide the most "bang for your buck" over my decade of experience as a data professional.

This enabled me to condense a complete course on SQL into just 36 instructional videos, averaging less than 10 minutes in length. So if you can commit to a video a day, in just over one month you’ll have added an extremely valuable and lucrative skill to your arsenal (and just as importantly, your resume!).

And to make sure all that knowledge sticks, I’ve included exercises...LOTS of exercises. Unlike most courses, which only feature sporadic opportunities to practice what you’ve learned, this course has practice problems after almost every video - so you can reinforce concepts right away.

Take it from someone who has built their career almost entirely on self-taught technical skills: it’s worth the effort. Several recent surveys have shown that SQL is actually the MOST in-demand tech skill sought after by recruiters!

In short, learning SQL can change your life, if you put in the work Let me be your guide to this next step in your career - I think you’ll find the journey a lot less daunting, and maybe even a little more fun, than you would have ever expected.

What you’ll learn
Use SQL to apply complex criteria and transformations to database data
Master SQL functions for sophisticated data manipulation
Leverage an understanding of relational database design to link together data stored across multiple tables
Use aggregate queries to produce summarized views and analysis
Be comfortable putting SQL and SQL Server on your resume
Gain experience with the kind of SQL coding problems you are likely to encounter in an interview
Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?
Basic computer literacy
An installation of Windows 10 or later
Who this course is for:
Aspiring Data Analysts or Business Intelligence Analysts looking to break into these fields by learning SQL
Data Scientists trying to improve their data cleaning and transformation skills by learning SQL
Non-technical business professionals such as business analysts and project managers trying to gain a better understanding of the technical domains they interact with

0 Views · 5 months ago

Join 400,000+ professionals in our courses here 👉

Discover how to create a pivot table in Excel. Ideal for anyone looking to quickly analyze data, create reports, or gain insights without complex formulas. Pivot Tables make data analysis accessible and efficient.

⬇️ Download the file I used in the video from here:

Learn hidden productivity tips when working with Excel Pivot Tables. At first Pivot Tables might seem like a complex tool but they are one of Excel's EASIEST features to work with. They help you summarize data really FAST.

What You'll Learn:
▪️ Setting Up Data for Pivot Tables: Learn how to prepare your data for Pivot Tables, including organizing it in a tabular format and converting it into an official Excel table.
▪️ Creating Pivot Tables: Understand the basics of inserting Pivot Tables, including using the 'Recommended PivotTables' feature for a quick start.
▪️ Customizing Pivot Tables: Dive into sorting values, changing number formats, adding filters, and adjusting the design and layout of your Pivot Tables.
▪️ Advanced Pivot Table Features: Explore how to show values as percentages of grand totals, connect slicers to multiple Pivot Tables, and ensure automatic updates with new data.

We'll also cover how to add Pivot Slicers to get a professional visual to apply filters to our Pivot Table.

00:00 How to Create Pivot Table in Excel?
01:35 Convert Data to Excel Tables
02:46 Create Pivot Table
04:08 Change aggregation in Pivot Table to average or count
04:40 Adjust number format in Pivot Table
05:10 Add filter to Pivot Table
05:28 Add column fields to Pivot Table
05:50 Removing Grand Totals and Sub Totals in Pivot Table
06:27 Update Pivot Table layout and design
07:14 How to bring back Pivot Table Fields dialog box
07:42 Update Pivot Table column header without errors (pivot table field name not valid)
08:33 Sort values in Pivot Table
08:41 Lock column width on Pivot Table refresh
09:00 Add Value as percentage of grand total in Pivot Table
10:22 Add Pivot Table Slicers to Filter Data
11:10 Connect Slicer to multiple Pivot Tables
11:50 Refresh Pivot Tables
12:40 Benefits of Pivot Tables

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Note: This description contains affiliate links, which means at no additional cost to you, we will receive a small commission if you make a purchase using the links. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for your support!


0 Views · 5 months ago

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►Django Complete Course In Hindi -

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0 Views · 5 months ago

All the materials are available in the below link

Visit for data sscience blogs
Time Stamp:

00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:25 AI Vs ML vs DL vs Data Science
00:07:56 Machine LEarning and Deep Learning
00:09:05 Regression And Classification
00:18:14 Linear Regression Algorithm
01:07:14 Ridge And Lasso Regression Algorithms
01:33:08 Logistic Regression Algorithm
02:13:52 Linear Regression Practical Implementation
02:28:30 Ridge And Lasso Regression Practical Implementation
02:54:21 Naive Baye's Algorithms
03:16:02 KNN Algorithm Intuition
03:23:47 Decision Tree Classification Algorithms
03:57:05 Decision Tree Regression Algorithms
04:02:57 Practical Implementation Of Deicsion Tree Classifier
04:09:14 Ensemble Bagging And Bossting Techniques
04:21:29 Random Forest Classifier And Regressor
04:29:58 Boosting, Adaboost Machine Learning Algorithms
04:47:30 K Means Clustering Algorithm
05:01:54 Hierarichal Clustering Algorithms
05:11:28 Silhoutte Clustering- Validating Clusters
05:17:46 Dbscan Clustering Algorithms
05:25:57 Clustering Practical Examples
05:35:51 Bias And Variance Algorithms
05:43:44 Xgboost Classifier Algorithms
06:00:00 Xgboost Regressor Algorithms
06:19:04 SVM Algorithm Machine LEarning Algorithm
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0 Views · 5 months ago

🚀 Ready to dive into the world of data? Cisco's got a fantastic free course that will take you from novice to pro! 📊✨ Gain expertise in everything from visualizing data to mastering stats, and earn a certification to show off your new skills. 🌟 Don’t let this chance slip away! Tap the link in my bio and embark on your data journey today! 🔗📈

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1 Views · 5 months ago

🔥1000+ Free Courses With Free Certificates:

Learn Exploratory Data Analysis with Python in Hindi in today’s video! To keep up with the ever-evolving aspects of data and its domains, data handling and analysis has become crucial to understanding the information that comes attached to it. Exploratory data analysis uses various statistical and data visualization tools for the purpose of analysing data to summarize its main characteristics, basically to make sense of the data, identify patterns and anomalies, test hypotheses and check assumptions.

Great Learning brings you this tutorial on EDA with Python in Hindi to help you understand everything you need to know about this topic and getting started on the journey to learn about it well. This video starts with discussing Pandas and Matplotlib, popular Python libraries. Then we carry out exploratory data analysis using python on an IPL dataset. Following this, we carry out an EDA on the FIFA dataset. Finally, we do an EDA on the Superheroes dataset! This video teaches EDA with Python and its key functions and concepts with a variety of demonstrations & examples to help you get started on the right foot.

Earn a prestigious Data Science certificate from MIT Professional Education. Enroll now and elevate your skills!

Jumpstart your career in Data Science with our course designed for freshers. Apply now to learn more!

🏁 Topics Covered:
0:00:00 Introduction
0:01:20 Agenda
0:01:36 Python Pandas
0:32:29 Python Matplotlib
1:07:18 EDA on IPL dataset
1:42:41 EDA on FIFA dataset
2:03:39 EDA on Superheroes Dataset

🔥Check Our Free Courses with free certificate:
📌Basics of Exploratory Data Analysis Course:
📌Python for Data Science:
📌Python for Non-Programmers:
📌Python Libraries for Machine Learning:
📌Python IDLE:

⚡ About Great Learning Academy:
Visit Great Learning Academy to get access to 1000+ free courses with free certificate on Data Science, Data Analytics, Digital Marketing, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Cloud, Management, Cybersecurity, Software Development, and many more. These are supplemented with free projects, assignments, datasets, quizzes. You can earn a certificate of completion at the end of the course for free.

⚡ About Great Learning:
With more than 5.4 Million+ learners in 170+ countries, Great Learning, a part of the BYJU'S group, is a leading global edtech company for professional and higher education offering industry-relevant programs in the blended, classroom, and purely online modes across technology, data and business domains. These programs are developed in collaboration with the top institutions like Stanford Executive Education, MIT Professional Education, The University of Texas at Austin, NUS, IIT Madras, IIT Bombay & more.

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0 Views · 5 months ago

hii guyz once again welcome to our YouTube channel and as you know this is part 1and I know vedio is coming late but I'm explain it in vedio please watch vedio and now all thing is right so don't forget subscribe our channel and share to your friends and family members and also comments which type of course you want
#makeyourcareer #lifetimelearning #dataanalytics

About course=The first thing you need to know about this course, is that this is NOT your granddad’s Excel.

Instead of the same old spreadsheet stuff, we’ll do a deep dive on a truly revolutionary set of tools that empower you to do industrial-strength Business Intelligence: the art and science of transforming data – usually massive amounts of it – into meaningful, actionable insights.

In the past, doing “real” BI meant using expensive enterprise software that only a select few people would have access to anyway. But with what you’ll learn in this course, you’ll be building robust Business Intelligence solutions in no time, using nothing more than an Excel spreadsheet

First up, we’ll dive into Power Query, a feature-packed yet easy to use tool for extracting, transforming, and loading (ETL for short) data from just about any source you can imagine into Excel. From text files to databases, wherever the data you want to analyze might be stored, you can use Power Query to pull it into Excel, and then transform it however you need to support your analysis.

Next, there’s an optional section on Pivot Tables, just in case you’re not already familiar with them. While Pivot Tables may not be a revolutionary new feature in and of themselves, they nonetheless play a crucial role in the Excel Business Intelligence landscape.

We’ll then learn to turn those Pivot Tables into “Power” Pivot Tables, by connecting them to the Excel Data Model…which is basically a relational database that lives right inside your Excel spreadsheet! This will allow us to mash up and analyze multiple datasets in a single Pivot Table…no VLOOKUPS required!And remember how Excel usually starts to sputter out once you try to play around with more than a couple hundred thousand rows of data? No more! Power Pivot let’s you work with up to hundreds of millions of records in a single Excel file.

Then, so we can get the absolute most out of our Data Model (and into our Power Pivot Tables), we’ll learn DAX, an incredibly powerful formula language for creating complex calculations that you can drop right into your Pivots.Since the basics of DAX syntax are easy to pick up if you’re already familiar with Excel formulas,

Of course, all that number crunching doesn’t help much if we can’t present those numbers in an intuitive, easily digestible way. That’s why I close the course out with a series of powerful visualization techniques – from conditional formatting to Pivot Charts – that will transform your calculations into insights that can be used to make real-world decisions.We’ll even explore techniques for building dynamic dashboards in Excel, using Slicers and Timelines to not only filter our charts, but actually change the metrics we display in them. And all supported by the Data Model’s capacity for juggling hundreds of millions of rows of data in a single spreadsheet.
And in each section, I use hands-on demos, practical examples, and intuitive, common-sense explanations to teach you these concepts in a way that will help you see the connection between your new skills and the problems you’re trying to solve on the job.

But just as importantly, I’ve packed the course with TONS of exercises – ranging from straightforward to challenging – that will help you retain, and even build on, what you’ve learned.

So if you want to master these game-changing tools and build professional-grade Business Intelligence solutions right on your desktop, all you need is Microsoft Excel – and this course – to do it. I look forward to seeing you there!

Who this course is for:
Aspiring Analysts who want to take their careers to the next level by unleashing Microsoft Excel’s Business Intelligence functionality to build data solutions that stand out and get noticed
Data Professionals who want to quickly augment their skills by mastering an easy to use, yet industrial-strength Business Intelligence toolset
Business owners or executives who want to empower their employees to deliver self-service Business Intelligence without buying expensive, specialized software
Any Excel user who wants to unlock the secrets of their data using the best-in-class analytical tools right in their Excel spreadsheet

Microsoft Excel 2013 or above
A Windows PC (unfortunately, most of these tools won’t work on Excel for Mac)
Basic knowledge of Microsoft Excel, especially formulas and functions

About channel=
In this channel we are providing free courses for you. for first time ever in YouTube and channel is run by a fahad ansari

For more information or contact Me
my official Gmail account

0 Views · 5 months ago

Learn data analysis in just 6 weeks! Start as a beginner, emerge with a solid portfolio, a certification, and a shining reference letter. 🌟

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0 Views · 5 months ago

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1 Views · 5 months ago

Data Science Full Course with Certificate | Advance Python for Data Analysis using Pandas , Numpy

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►►►►►►APPLY Links (mentioned in the video) :

Advance Python for Data Analysis using Pandas | Free Course with Certificate (MENTIONED IN THE VIDEO) :
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Disclaimer: On Priya Dogra Channel, I am providing Online Course Certificates with courses and Latest Online Internships, Job Updates,and free tech courses. The content in this video is strictly for educational and informational purposes only. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. This video is not forcing anything on you.

0 Views · 5 months ago

"🔥Business Analyst Masters Program (Discount Code - YTBE15) -
🔥CBAP® Certification Training -
🔥Purdue - Post Graduate Program in Business Analysis -

In this video on the Power BI full course, we'll learn the basics of power bi and understand the different components of Power B, how to use Dax functions to derive value out of your data, and how to publish dashboards on to the power bi service.

Dataset Link -

Below are the topics we will be discussing in this video:
What is Power BI
Features of Power BI
Power BI vs Tableau
Connecting data sources
DAX functions
Data Modeling
Power BI Dashboard

✅Subscribe to our Channel to learn more about the top Technologies:

⏩ Check out the PowerBi training videos:

#PowerBiFullCourse #PowerBiTutorialForBeginners #PowerBiCourse #LearnPowerBi StepByStep #PowerBi #TableauTrainingVideos #PowerBiTutorial #Simplilearn

➡️ About Post Graduate Program In Data Analytics
This Data Analytics Program is ideal for all working professionals and prior programming knowledge is not required. It covers topics like data analysis, data visualization, regression techniques, and supervised learning in-depth via our applied learning model with live sessions by leading practitioners and industry projects.

✅ Key Features
- Post Graduate Program certificate and Alumni Association membership
- Exclusive hackathons and Ask me Anything sessions by IBM
- 8X higher live interaction in live online classes by industry experts
- Capstone from 3 domains and 14+ Data Analytics Projects with Industry datasets from Google PlayStore, Lyft, World Bank etc.
- Master Classes delivered by Purdue faculty and IBM experts
- Simplilearn's JobAssist helps you get noticed by top hiring companies
- Resume preparation and LinkedIn profile building
- 1:1 mock interview
- Career accelerator webinars

✅ Skills Covered
- Data Analytics
- Statistical Analysis using Excel
- Data Analysis Python and R
- Data Visualization Tableau and Power BI
- Linear and logistic regression modules
- Clustering using kmeans
- Supervised Learning

👉 Learn More at:
🔥Caltech Data Analytics Bootcamp(US Only):

🔥🔥 Interested in Attending Live Classes? Call Us: IN - 18002127688 / US - +18445327688