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বন্ধুরা একটি মেয়ে রাস্তা দিয়ে যাচ্ছিল ঠিক তখন রাস্তার পাশে ওর ভাইকে দেখতে পাই তখন আর বাইকে বলতেছে ভাইয়া আমি যখন রাস্তা দিয়ে যাই তখন একটি ছেলে আমাকে দেখে বাঁশি বাজায় আর বলে যে এদিকে আসার জন্য সেটা দেখার পর আমার খুব মন খারাপ হয়ে যাই তখন ছেলেটা বলতেছে কার এত বড় সাহস আমার বোনকে হাত দিয়ে ইশারা করে চলো ওর কাছে আমাকে নিয়ে চল
তখন মেয়েটাকে বাইকে করে নিয়ে যাচ্ছিল ওই ছেলেটার কাছে যখন ছেলেটার কাছে গেল তখন মেয়েটা কে জিজ্ঞেস করতেছে কোন ছেলেটা তোমাকে ইশারা করে আমাকে বল আজকে ওর একদিন অথবা আমার একদিন সেটা বলে তখন ছেলেটা অনেক রেগে গিয়ে বলতেছে কই সে ছেলেটা আমাকে দেখাই আছে তখন সেই মেয়েটা হাত দিয়ে ইশারা করে তখন ছেলেটা দেখতে পাই রাস্তার মাঝখানে যে টাই পিক পুলিশ ছিল সেই পুলিশ হাত দিয়ে ইশারা করতেছে গাড়িগুলো যখন চলে আসে সেটা পুরাই অবাক
তো বন্ধুরা এমন বোন থাকলে আর ভাইদের পাগল হইতে বেশিদিন লাগবে না কথাটা কি ঠিক নাকি ভুল কমেন্ট করুন আর চ্যানেলে নতুন হলে চ্যানেলটা সাবস্ক্রাইব করে ভিডিওটা লাইক করে শেয়ার করে দেন অলরেডি যারা চ্যানেলটা সাবস্ক্রাইব করে রাখছেন আপনাদেরকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ
আরেকটি কথা না বললেই নয় আমরা যে যাই করি না কেন অন্তত কেউ যেন পাঁচ ওয়াক্ত নামাজ মিস না করি কেননা নামাজ হলো জান্নাতের চাবি তাই আমরা সবাই পাঁচ ওয়াক্ত নামাজ পড়ে সেই জান্নাতের চাবি অর্জন করে নিব ইনশাল্লাহ আল্লাহ পাক আমাদের সকলকে পাঁচ ওয়াক্ত নামাজ পড়ার তৌফিক দান করুন আমিন
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বন্ধুরা এইখানে দুটি বন্ধু বসে একসাথে ভিডিও দেখতে ছিল তখন সে ভিডিওর মাঝে দেখতে পাই যে একটি লোক একটি চলন্ত পাকা সে হাত দিয়ে আটক করো ফেলে সেই কান্ডটা এই বন্ধুটা দেখে দৌড়ে চলে যায় বাসার ভিতর সেও নাকি এভাবে ফ্যানটা আটক করবে যখন সে আটক করতে গিয়েছিল তখন ওর বন্ধু বাধা দিতেছে যে তুই যাইস না ব্যাথা পাবি সেই কথাটা না শুনে সে চলে যাই এই ফ্যানটা অফ করার জন্য
যখন সে চলন্ত ফ্রেন্ড এর মাঝে হাত দেই তখন সাথে সাথে ওর একটি হাত পড়ে যাই যার ফলে সে একটি হাত ছাড়াই ওর বন্ধুর সামনে যখন আসলো সে তো দৌড়ে ওইখান থেকে পালিয়ে গেল একটি কথা আছে না অল্প বিদ্যা ভয়ংকর সেই ছেলেটা একটু জিনিস দেখেই গিয়েছিল এই কাজটা করার জন্য যার কারণে সেই একটি বিপদে পড়লো
তো বন্ধুরা আবার কি কাজটা করা উচিত হলো নাকি ভুল সেটা একটু কমেন্ট করে বলে দাও আর চ্যালেনের নতুন হলে চ্যানেলটা সাবস্ক্রাইব করে ভিডিওটা লাইক করে শেয়ার করে দেন অলরেডি যারা চ্যানেলটা সাবস্ক্রাইব করে রাখছেন আপনাদেরকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ
আরেকটি কথা না বললেই নয় আমরা যে যাই করি না কেন অন্তত কেউ যেন পাঁচ ওয়াক্ত নামাজ মিস না করি কেননা নামাজ হলো জান্নাতের চাবি তাই আমরা সবাই পাঁচ ওয়াক্ত নামাজ পড়ে সেই জান্নাতের চাবি অর্জন করে নিব ইনশাল্লাহ আল্লাহ পাক আমাদের সকলকে পাঁচ ওয়াক্ত নামাজ পড়ার তৌফিক দান করুন আমিন
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বন্ধুরা এইখানে একটি ছেলে ওর প্রেমিকাকে নিয়ে রাস্তা দিয়ে যাচ্ছিল ঠিক তখন ওর পায়ের জুতাটা ছিড়ে যাই তখন এইখানে একটি শপের ভিতরে যাই ছেলেটা একজোড়া জুতা কিনার জন্য তখন সেই মেয়েটা একটি জুতা চেঞ্জ করে ফেলে যার কারণে মেয়েটা বলতেছে আমি এই জুতাটা কিনব তখন ছেলেটা চিন্তা করতেছে আমার কাছে তো এত টাকা নাই তো আমি কি করে জুতাটা কিনে দেব সেটা বলে ছেলেটা ওর বন্ধুদেরকে ফোন দেই টাকার জন্য
এক এক করে সে অনেকে জন কে ফোন দিল কারো কাছ থেকে সে টাকা পাই নাই তখন ছেলেটা খুব মন খারাপ ঘরে বসে থাকে তখন দেখা যায় সেই মেয়েটা এক জোড়া জোতা নিয়ে ছেলেটার সামনে চলে আসে
তখন মেয়েটা বলতেছে তোমাকে কি বলছি আমাকে জুতা চিনে দোয়ার জন্য তুমি কেন মানুষদের দেখে ফোন দিয়ে টাকা চাইলা কেউ তোমার পাশে দারাই নাই তুমি কেন আমার সামনে ওদের কাছে ছোট হলে সেটা বলে মেয়ে তো মন খারাপ করে ফেলল
একটু সময় সেই মেয়েটা একজোড়া জুতা দিয়ে ছেলেটাকে পড়ার জন্য তখন মেয়েটা বলতেছে আমি এই জুতাটা আমার জন্য কিনার জন্য যাই নাই আমি গিয়েছিলাম তোমার জুতাটা ছিড়ে গেছে তাই তোমার জন্য একজোড়া জুতা কিনে আনার জন্য তো বন্ধুরা এই মেয়ের কাজটা তোমাদের কাছে কেমন লাগছে আশা করি সবার কাছে অনেক ভালো লাগছে তো চ্যালেনের নতুন হলে চ্যানেলটা সাবস্ক্রাইব করে ভিডিওটা লাইক করে শেয়ার করে দেন অলরেডি যারা চ্যানেলটা সাবস্ক্রাইব করে রাখছেন আপনাদেরকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ
আরেকটি কথা না বললেই নয় আমরা যে যাই করি না কেন অন্তত কেউ যেন পাঁচ ওয়াক্ত নামাজ মিস না করি কেননা নামাজ হলো জান্নাতের চাবি তাই আমরা সবাই পাঁচ ওয়াক্ত নামাজ পড়ে সেই জান্নাতের চাবি অর্জন করে নিব ইনশাল্লাহ আল্লাহ পাক আমাদের সকলকে পাঁচ ওয়াক্ত নামাজ পড়ার তৌফিক দান করুন আমিন
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Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin holds a press conference at the Pentagon and speaks about his hospitalization to treat prostate cancer. Austin apologized for not properly handling and communicating his diagnosis to President Biden, Pentagon staff and the American people.
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Feel free to check article above and suggest in the comment which blog you would add to the list. There is plenty of them out there and we might have missed some of the the big ones. We will be happy to bring you an update, add more and bring more value to the article.
Pearlvine international Jabardasth celebration Odia Aditya People Blogs🤑💪🤑 🤳
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ଆଡମିନ୍ ସିଟି: ବର୍ଲିଂଟନ୍ |
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Channel Ku nuahasitile please subscribe karantu,
In this educational, animated video for students aged 7-14 Tim and Moby explain about one of the newest forms of spreading information, the mighty blog! You’ll find out how blogs work, and learn about some of the different kinds of blogs that exist out there on the Internet, from food blogs to political blogs! In addition, you’ll learn how aspiring artists, writers, musicians, and filmmakers use blogs to try and get discovered. Plus, you’ll find out how blogging got started! It’s the coolest form of sharing since getting on a soapbox!
More resources can be found at www.brainpop.co.uk
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A video that was presented at PREMIUM Exhibitions panel on Fashion Blogs, asking Suzy Menkes, Yvan Rodic (Facehunter), Jennie Tamm (The Coveted) and Julia Knolle and Jessie Weiss (LesMads) to share their opinion.
SK kanhiya Shani seema Sachin 10 Amarnath❤️ sdm Vijay Riya vlogs red blossom gudiyagorakhpuri 533 mr vishanuraj Fun chanchlani vlogs Rkrajani kaushal anupama vlogs ravisagar88 Rafiul maurya blog #no kivaard Hindi blogs no kiward sourav Joshi vlogs piyush Joshi vlogs Ankush moraya vlogs my first blog on my farms house anshu Maurya sourav Joshi vlogs first vlogs Rinku jha Anita kitchen vlogs pk Dayal vlogs Manoj dey
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Hello my beautiful amigos
In this blog we are going to see glens Bake House and it is very famous Bake House in Bangalore it is very good place to hang out with friends and family to watch the video and do support and share
For updates, color combinations and outfit inspirations come check it out on my Instagram A/c: @ Vijay Devanga.
Do comment #roadto1k and #roadto1000 it will be very useful for me and for the reach.
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6Th Year Pearlvine international Celebratipn Aditya People Blogs Upload
6Th Year Pearlvine internation
6Th Year Pearlvine internation
Aditya People Blogs
Pearlvine international in Hindi
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How to Pearlvine plan
Pearlvine international 2022
2022 Pearlvine
1. ଏହା ଏକ ଆଫିଲିଏଟ୍ ମାର୍କେଟିଂ।
2. ଏହା ,ରେଫର୍ ଏବଂ ରୋଜଗାର୍,ନିତିରେ
କାମ କରେ।
3. କୌଣସି PAR /PV /BV ମ୍ୟାଚ୍ ନାହିଁ।
4. ROI /COIN ନାହିଁ।
5. କୋୖଣସି ସମୟ ସୀମା ନାହିଁ।
6. DAILY ନିକ ,ସପ୍ତାହିକ ମାସିକ ବର୍ଷିକ ନୁହେଁ,
7. ସେକେଣ୍ଡ୍ ଭଗ୍ନା ଶରେ ପେଆଉଟ୍।
8. ଗ୍ଲୋବାଲ୍ ୱାର୍କିଂ ଆୟ।
9. ମୋବାଇଲ୍ ଫୋନ୍ ରୁ ମୋଟ କାର୍ଯ୍ୟ।
10. Pyramid/ଚଇନ୍/ମେମ୍ବରଷିପ scheme ନୁହେଁ।
11.କୌଣସି କମ୍ପାନୀ ନୁହଁ ବାଇନାରୀ ସିଷ୍ଟମ ନୁହଁ,କୌଣସି capping ସିଷ୍ଟମ ନୁହଁ ,money Lundring, money circulation ନୁହଁ, Product Base ନୁହଁ, Risk ନାହିଁ କି Liability ନାହିଁ, Hinh-tech ଟେକ୍ନୋଲୋଜି Boogle, Facebook, Whatsapp, Phone pay, Google pay ପରି, Generated USA 2015 ଫୋଉଣ୍ଡେର:ଡାନିଏଲ ଜହ୍ନସନ, ବୋରକିଙ୍ଗ in150 ଏବବ Countries With IndiaFrom 2018
Global ଡିଜିଟାଲ Account Opening କାମୋ,
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ନମସ୍କାର ଦର୍ଶକ ବନ୍ଧୁ ମୁଁ ମଲସାଇ Aditya People Blogs କୁ
ଏତେ ଡେର୍ ସାରା ବଲ୍ ପାଇବା ଦେଇତିବାରୁ ବହୁତ୍ ବହୁତ୍ ଦନ୍ୟବଦ୍।
ହାଉ ଦେଶୀ ବିଲେଜ୍ ରୋ ଦେଶିଆ ଷ୍ଟାଇଲ ବ୍ଲଗ୍ସ ବିଡ଼ିଓ ଦେକିବାପାଇ
Aditya People Blogs କୁ subscribe କରିବାପାଇଁ ରିକୁଏଷ୍ଟ୍।
ଏଇଚାନେଲ୍ ରେ ବିବିନ ପ୍ରକାର୍ ଭିଡ଼ିଓ upload ଏଇତାଏ ।
Channel Ku nuahasitile please subscribe karantu
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Hi I'm Anas cp. I Think You are Very Well. And This is My New Video so i Hope Your Support. After Watch Full Video Hit The Like Button and Subscribe More. Thank you.
IMM Seminar (on Types of blogs)
Muhammed anas cp
BA Multimedia
Majlis arts and science college
I Think Risk Is Everything 🎈
I Like Freeze The Moment 📸
Follow me on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/anax.cp/
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This content is Copyrighted to ANAX CP. Any unauthorized reproduction, redistribution or re-upload is strictly prohibited. Legal action will be taken against those who violate the copyright of the same.
#typesofblogs #aboutblog #seminar
Mercedes Maybach Dancing
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People and blogs
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Hello my beautiful amigos
In this blog we are going to see glens Bake House and it is very famous Bake House in Bangalore it is very good place to hang out with friends and family to watch the video and do support and share
For updates, color combinations and outfit inspirations come check it out on my Instagram A/c: @ Vijay Devanga.
Do comment #roadto1k and #roadto1000 it will be very useful for me and for the reach.
#shotoniphone #apple #applewatch #appleiphone #banglore #banglorevlogs #srimankotaru #igurucrazy #blog #food #foodblog
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SK kanhiya Shani seema Sachin 10 Amarnath❤️ sdm Vijay Riya vlogs red blossom gudiyagorakhpuri 533 mr vishanuraj Fun chanchlani vlogs Rkrajani kaushal anupama vlogs ravisagar88 Rafiul maurya blog #no kivaard Hindi blogs no kiward sourav Joshi vlogs piyush Joshi vlogs Ankush moraya vlogs my first blog on my farms house anshu Maurya sourav Joshi vlogs first vlogs Rinku jha Anita kitchen vlogs pk Dayal vlogs Manoj dey
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6Th Year Pearlvine international Celebratipn Aditya People Blogs Upload
6Th Year Pearlvine internation
6Th Year Pearlvine internation
Aditya People Blogs
Pearlvine international in Hindi
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How to Pearlvine plan
Pearlvine international 2022
2022 Pearlvine
1. ଏହା ଏକ ଆଫିଲିଏଟ୍ ମାର୍କେଟିଂ।
2. ଏହା ,ରେଫର୍ ଏବଂ ରୋଜଗାର୍,ନିତିରେ
କାମ କରେ।
3. କୌଣସି PAR /PV /BV ମ୍ୟାଚ୍ ନାହିଁ।
4. ROI /COIN ନାହିଁ।
5. କୋୖଣସି ସମୟ ସୀମା ନାହିଁ।
6. DAILY ନିକ ,ସପ୍ତାହିକ ମାସିକ ବର୍ଷିକ ନୁହେଁ,
7. ସେକେଣ୍ଡ୍ ଭଗ୍ନା ଶରେ ପେଆଉଟ୍।
8. ଗ୍ଲୋବାଲ୍ ୱାର୍କିଂ ଆୟ।
9. ମୋବାଇଲ୍ ଫୋନ୍ ରୁ ମୋଟ କାର୍ଯ୍ୟ।
10. Pyramid/ଚଇନ୍/ମେମ୍ବରଷିପ scheme ନୁହେଁ।
11.କୌଣସି କମ୍ପାନୀ ନୁହଁ ବାଇନାରୀ ସିଷ୍ଟମ ନୁହଁ,କୌଣସି capping ସିଷ୍ଟମ ନୁହଁ ,money Lundring, money circulation ନୁହଁ, Product Base ନୁହଁ, Risk ନାହିଁ କି Liability ନାହିଁ, Hinh-tech ଟେକ୍ନୋଲୋଜି Boogle, Facebook, Whatsapp, Phone pay, Google pay ପରି, Generated USA 2015 ଫୋଉଣ୍ଡେର:ଡାନିଏଲ ଜହ୍ନସନ, ବୋରକିଙ୍ଗ in150 ଏବବ Countries With IndiaFrom 2018
Global ଡିଜିଟାଲ Account Opening କାମୋ,
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Robotic Software system
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ଏତେ ଡେର୍ ସାରା ବଲ୍ ପାଇବା ଦେଇତିବାରୁ ବହୁତ୍ ବହୁତ୍ ଦନ୍ୟବଦ୍।
ହାଉ ଦେଶୀ ବିଲେଜ୍ ରୋ ଦେଶିଆ ଷ୍ଟାଇଲ ବ୍ଲଗ୍ସ ବିଡ଼ିଓ ଦେକିବାପାଇ
Aditya People Blogs କୁ subscribe କରିବାପାଇଁ ରିକୁଏଷ୍ଟ୍।
ଏଇଚାନେଲ୍ ରେ ବିବିନ ପ୍ରକାର୍ ଭିଡ଼ିଓ upload ଏଇତାଏ ।
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See you next time!
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How my parents' divorce affected me as a kid and how God healed me.
Talk about these questions with your friends or family:
-How does God show up when we are feeling neglected, rejected, and abandoned?
-What are some examples of unhealthy things or relationships that could make up someone's root system (aka stability and nourishment)?
-Why do you think people turn to unhealthy things and relationships for stability and nourishment?
Why do you think people turn to themselves for stability and nourishment?
-Why should they turn to God instead?
-Who or what makes up your root system: you, other things/people, or God? How could your root system be healthier?
[Has something in your past convinced you to put your roots in yourself? Are you willing to place your roots in God yet?]
Sometimes we need to learn about God’s goodness and care so we can trust Him as our roots.
-How have feelings of abandonment or neglect impacted you and what has God taught you through it?
What stood out to you in the corn analogy?
Derek Hirtz
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Organic Free Traffic (SEO): getting rankings in the search engines and tapping into the search engine traffic
Paid Traffic: Any Type Of Traffic You Pay For: banners, ppc, search, ppv, ect
Social Media Traffic: traffic generated thru social media pages IE facebook groups, posts, updates, twitter, ect
Video Traffic: creating videos based on keywords to get traffic (posting to youtube ect) also sponsored videos
Affiliate Generated Traffic: this is where you get other people to send you traffic for compensation (cpa, cps, cpl, cpd, ect)
Borrowing Traffic: this is where you host content on high traffic high ranking sites to get people back to you... always incentivize the click
Facebook Ads: this is where you place ads on facebook via sponsored posts or image ads in the sidebar
Viral Traffic: creating something of value and getting it passed around (remember value can be anything)
Banner Ad Traffic: buying banners on a CPM basis or CPC or even a monthly charge (tip... don't make a banner look like a banner)
Article Traffic: writing articles to generate traffic back to your site (submitting to other sites) remember value sells the click, incentivize the click (give reason)
Content Network Traffic: this is where you go thru a vendor like adwords but bid for clicks from other people sites... not direct searches... much like banners
Media Buying: where you buy a blog of time or impressions for an ad from a site or network
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6. DAILY ନିକ ,ସପ୍ତାହିକ ମାସିକ ବର୍ଷିକ ନୁହେଁ,
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If you go to Beijing, you should definitely try the Peking duck. And if you visit Yunnan, be sure to try the Yiliang roast duck as well. This dish must be cooked in a clay oven, heated solely with pine needles, using only a type of local ducks, flavored only with honey, which is the most unique aspect of Yiliang roast duck. The smoky aroma is sufficient to captivate everyone.
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The Rev. Al Sharpton reacts to Sen. Tim Scott's on stage interaction with Donald Trump Tuesday night in New Hampshire following the results of the Republican primary.
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Presentation from the Inbound Marketing Summit on May 27, 2009 in Dallas Texas.
Session Description:
It's not easy making money with affiliate programs. You're a blogger, not a marketer, right? There's no reason you can't be both. Affiliate marketers Missy Ward and Shawn Collins will provide proven tactics to monetize your blog, and associated photos, videos, podcasts, and Tweets. This presentation will outline the multiple tactics available to provide action items that enable you to be both a successful artist and entrepreneur. Methods will be categorized into one of five focused strategies for blog monetization.
More details on the Inbound Marketing Summit at http://city.inboundmarketingsummit.com/dallas/
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Megha Ko Ghar Ki Yaad Aayi 🥹😭 #vlog #marriage #couple #love #shadi #viral #meghachaube
😍Wow!! Gaon Ki Shadi Kitni best hoti hai ❤️Lots of Enjoyment in Marriage🥰 Family Vacation
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1. Someone makes 10x more than you do in a 9-5 job because they have more "leverage" with their work.
2. Distraction is the greatest killer of success. It stunts and destroys your brain.
3. You shouldn't take advice from people who are not where you want to be in life.
4. No one is coming to save your problems. Your life's 100% your responsibility.
5. You don't need 100 self-help books, all you need is action and self discipline.
6. Unless you went to college to learn a specific skill (ie. doctor, engineer, lawyer), you can make more money in the next 90 days just learning sales.
7. No one cares about you. So stop being shy, go out and create your chances.
8. If you find someone smarter than you, work with them, don't compete.
9. Smoking has 0 benefit in your life. This habit will only slow your thinking and lower your focus.
10. Comfort is the worst addiction and cheap ticket to depression.
11. Don't tell people more than they need to know, respect your privacy.
12. Avoid alcohol at all cost. Nothing worse than losing your senses and acting a fool.
13. Keep your standards high and don't settle for something because it's available.
14. The family you create is more important than the family you come from.
15. Train yourself to take nothing personally to save yourself from 99.99% of mental problems.
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Video 1 love this💖🤩
Thank you for watching 💕 🤩
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thank you.
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Blogging For Brand New Network Marketers | Network Marketing Blogs
In this video I’m going to share with you how blogging can help new network marketers in get more customers and business partners.People feel that blogging and network marketing is a dead concept. Today I will provide the trick to grow your network marketing business via blogging.The trick is to Provide a solutions to people's problem with valuable insight with your blog and see your business take off.
Your network marketing blog is one of the only 2 things you own online along with your list of customers & prospects. Your blog is where you provide your target audience with content, videos, articles and blog posts that give people answers to their problems. So, if a blog can provide all of this then why not have a blog. It is where you build your brand and offer valuable content.
If you are a Network Marketer who wants to build your business online then check out this value packed video!
Tamil is an online entrepreneur who inspires driven minds with her online business knowledge. She specializes in network marketing, digital marketing and affiliate marketing. She guides motivated entrepreneurs towards a path on success in the online business domain.
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5 Business Ideas to start today online from home to make passive income.
▼ ▽More Awesome Videos ▼ ▽
How To Brand Yourself Online In Network Marketing Success -https://youtu.be/SPQyplAyO0w
How To Rank Advance In Your Network Marketing Company -
How To Choose The Right Network Marketing Company If You Are In Corporate America | And Want Success - https://youtu.be/fkBqJa_MfvY
☆★ Subscribe to Channel ►https://bit.ly/2XfEeOh ★☆
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Question of the Day: Do you have a blog and what are you doing to grow your business
Share this video - https://youtu.be/-aqneo5ewiY
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This video is about Blogging For Brand New Network Marketers 2019
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Outro Song: "Driving in The Rain" by Timecrawler 82
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Camera used in this video: Canon Powershot S110
Current Camera: Canon EOS 700D
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Music From Royalty Free Music
Welcome to my Channel Anjali Blog
Hello friend mera Anjali hai aur me Ayodhya ki hu
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Corey Haines, Founder of Swipe Files has done some pretty cool stuff building out content strategies for SaaS companies. As the founder of Swiper Files, he's created a community for marketers to "save" articles that teach them everything they want to know about copywriting, #GTM strategies and all things marketing! In this episode we covered what goes into a good email, how should you go about creating blogs for your product and more. #productmarketing #contentmarketing
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Our channel Indian Reaction entertainment Here we react on all types of videos and give our review and reaction which is created for do reactions on videos it is just for entertain peoples .if you have any problem with the video then first contact with me through personal message we will delete your videos if you not want to share on my channel Thanks :)#
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The odd angle presents every issue with the odd perspective/unique ideas for you, Every issue contains some aspects which are not much popular and known and humans generally tend to form their mindset according to half truth so I try to present every issue holistically and presents unique and generally undiscovered concepts regarding Personal Development, Self Improvement, Education, Social Awareness,Better living I want to make people self and socially enlightened.
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Editing Credit : Had hai yaar team
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xEssentials is a weekly presentation that will cover a wide variety of topics regarding our lighting community.
Special thanks to Maggie Bittinger for the presentation!
Presented on June 26, 2019.
Visit http://xlights.org to learn more
Other presentations can be found on http://videos.xlights.org
How I Make $3,000 a Day: https://my.aversity.com/system
$400 a day in commissions using this simple 5-page blogging strategy. In this video, I’ll break down this strategy for you and explain how I earn commissions using simple to set up blogs that take a couple of hours to build.
Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more videos every day and like this video for more!
Leave a comment and let me know if there’s anything specific you want me to teach so I can make a video about it (if it’s in my skill set of course).
How I Make $3,000 a Day: https://my.aversity.com/system
I did this video to teach my friend how to use Flickr for views for his new blog. I hope you find it useful too. ~LA
0:07 Introduction
1:01 Activity Feed
2:20 Photostream
3:01 What I like about Pro
3:07 Stats
3:32 Albums
4:00 Faves
4:17 Galleries
4:38 Flickr Groups
5:12 Repeated myself about stats...sorry :D
5:18 Camera Roll
5:34 Change Profile Picture
6:20 Change Cover Picture
7:18 How to Upload a Picture Start
8:12 Anatomy of the Upload Window
11:02 Privacy Settings
11:36 Safety Levels Settings
12:25 Content Type
13:38 How to Delete an Upload
14:07 Anatomy of a Flickr Photo page
16:44 What I do to my Pics
19:33 Community Guidelines and Second Lifers
21:13 Closing (I lied, it wasn't last night that I got this posted! It was the next day... OH WELL! :D)
Subscribe to my channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCtrN5T7m-CJ0fOz_m
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Hotdog! Watch the full first season of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Mickey Mouse Roadster Racers & Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures LIVE!
Mickey Mouse and his lovable band of friends embark on exciting play-along capers and invite kids at home to help them solve problems and overcome obstacles.
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Episodes -
Daisy-Bo-Peep Daisy
Surprise for Minnie
Goofy's Bird
Donald's Big Balloon Race
Pluto's Ball
Donald and the Beanstalk
Mickey Goes Fishing
Goofy on Mars
Donald and the Frog Prince
Minnies Birthday
Daisys Dance
Mickeys Treat
Pluto's Best
Mickey's Treasure Hunt
Daisy In The Sky
Minnie Red Riding Hood
Pluto's Puppy-Sitting Adventure
Goofy the Great
Donalds Lost Lion
Mickey Saves Santa
Doctor Daisy, MD
Mickey's Color Adventure
Sleeping Minnie
Donald's Hiccups
Goofys Petting Zoo
Mickey Mouse Roadster Racers Episodes -
Mickey's Wild Tire! / Sittin' Kitty
Goofy Gas! / Little Big Ape
Race for the Rigatoni Ribbon! / Roaming Around Rome
Mickey's Perfecto Day! / Running of the Roadsters!
Agent Double-O-Goof / Egg-xasperating!
Ye Olde Royal Heist / Tea Time Trouble!
Guru Goofy / Bed, Breakfast and Bungled!
Abra-ka-Goof! / Happy Birthday Helpers!
Going Upppppppppp! / Gone Fishin'!
The Impossible Race / The Happiest Helpers Cruise!
The Haunted Hot Rod / Pete's Ghostly Gala
Goof Luck Charm / Teed Off!
Daredevil Goofy! / The Big Broadcast
Smarty Goof / Adventures in Buddysitting!
Stop That Heist! / Lights! Camera! Help!
Mouse vs. Machine / Grandpa Beagle's Day Out
Donald's Garage / Artful Helpers
The Grand Food Truck Rally / Cuckoo La-La
Ready, Get Pet. . . GO PLUTO! / Figaro's New Friend!
Garage Alone / Camp Happy Helpers
The Haunted Hot Rod / Pete's Ghostly Gala
Billy Beagle's Tip-Top Garage / Diner Dog Rescue
Pit Stop and Go! / Alarm on the Farm!
Hot Dog Daze Afternoon / Super Sweet Helpers
Rockin' Roadsters! / Safari, So Goody
Happy Hot Diggity Dog Holiday! / Happy Holiday Helpers!
Hot Dog Daze Afternoon / Super Sweet Helpers
The Grand Food Truck Rally / Cuckoo La-La
Rockin' Roadsters! / Safari, So Goody
Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures Episodes -
Mickey's Mixed-Up Motor Lab / Wishy Washy Helpers
One Unicorny Day! / The Happy Horse Helpers!
Animal Antics / Here, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty!
Mickey's Monstrous Truck! / Minnie's Vacation Home
Mixed-Up for a Day! / Princess Clarabelle
Gollywood Wedding! / No Dilly Dally In New Delhi!
Mickey's Thanksgiving Fun Race! / Happy Thanksgiving Helpers!
Caution: Kids At Work! / Snoozy Doozy Pet And Breakfast!
Where's Mickey? / Cuckoo in Hot Dog Hills!
Campy Camper Day! / Founder's Day Flounder!
Goofasaur! / Teahouse Helpers
Papa Pluto / Happy Valentine Helpers
Petey O'pete / Daisy Does It!
Mickey's New Mouse House / Millie And Melody's Sleepover!
Old McMickey Had a Farm / Happy Lab Helpers
Hard Hat Diggity Dog! / Hair-Raising Helpers!
Donald's Fast Food 500 / Mini-Helpers
Hanami Hijinks! / Happy Harajuku Helpers!
Mickey's Roommate / Minnie's Bow-tel!
Mickey's Sporty Day / Go, Chili Dogs!
Goofy's Hot Dog Harvest / Puppy Birthday to You!
Holiday in Hot Dog Hills / Happy Kitty Helpers
Enough Stuff! / Hippity Hop Horse Show!
Mystery of Hot Dog Lake! / Phantom Wing
Magic Tricked / Art from the Heart!
Duck, Duck Geese! / Shhhhh!
Wheelchair Pals / Super-Duper-Stitious Day!
Goofy and Pete's Wild Ride / The Happiest Day of All
All Aboard The Hot Diggity Dog Express! / Flea-Bee Jeebies!
There Goes Our Fun! / Don't Wake the Baby!
Donalds's Dilemma / The Royal-lympics!
Dale's New Pal / The Cuckoo Turnstyler
It's a Hap-Hap-Happy Hot Dog Hills / Happy Friend-iversary!
Crooner Mickey / Once Upon A Lemonade Stand
Holi, By Golly! / The Pink City!
The Spooky Spook House! / Clarabelle's Banana Splitz!
Watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Roadster Racers and Mixed-Up Adventures on Disney Junior! And check out more videos with Mickey and friends here: https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PL2m1vjiMH_h
Mickey Mouse and his lovable band of friends embark on exciting play along capers and invite kids at home to help them solve problems and overcome obstacles.
Gear up and go to Hot Dog Hills with Mickey and the gang in this all-new Disney Junior series! Join Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Minnie and Daisy in their super-cool garage where they take care of their brand new, transforming roadsters and get ready for races around town and around the world! Then, hang out with the Happy Helpers, Minnie and Daisy, who solve problems for anyone who needs a helping hand. Whether it’s a Roadster Race in Paris or a Happy Helper adventure in town, these friends are set to GO on a high-speed adventure!
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5 Must Read Blogs for UI/UX Designers. This week we have collected some premium blog publications for you to gain that extra knowledge.
1. Usability Geek - https://usabilitygeek.com/
2. 52 Weeks of UX - https://52weeksofux.com/
3. UX Myths - https://uxmyths.com/
4. Inside Design Blog - https://www.invisionapp.com/inside-design/
5. Medium - https://medium.com/@uxdesigncc
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SANDR - Coming Home
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About Me
My name's Mani Karthik, a blogger from India. I worked in the USA and the Middle East for almost a decade with startups. Then I got bored, and quit my job in the US to return to India to pursue my passion for blogging. Today, I share whatever I've learned about blogging and how to make money online through this channel and my blogs.
Follow me on Social
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My Name Is Erin Piper. I am the Author to "After Hours Startup" launching this September 2017. I teach people how to build a business online and offer training about how to drive traffic to your websites using all social media outlets. I also am a branding specialist and copywriter that helps businesses target their perfect client.
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Do you want to retarget other blogs with Facebook Ads? Do you know how to remarket other websites? Did you know you can retarget Facebook Ads by using a tool called Sniply? http://bit.ly/2wiDjNa
First you need to sign up for Sniply and set up a brand profile. Then once you have your brand profile set up on the left side, just click on the settings gear for the brand you want to install the Facebook Pixel for and select manage.
Once you're subscribed to a high enough plan, then the option to install a "Retargeting Pixel" will be made available to you. You can install the Facebook Pixel, Facebook Standard Events, Google Adwords Remarketing, Twitter Pixel, Google Analytics, and whatever other pixel you see fit to make it a cohesive experience between a different website and your own.
Once the pixel is installed, then it will automatically be applied to every Sniply snip that is created under that brand, without any further steps.
Whenever you create a new snip with Sniply, then make sure you remember the URL that Sniply gives you, that's what will show up in your Facebook Ads Manager that you can create custom conversions and audiences with. Once you paste that into the URL, it expands much wider to pull in the actual website that is underneath it. Make sure for the Facebook Ads Custom Conversion or the Audience that you only use the initial URL that Sniply gives you.
Then you're free to retarget those people all day long if they didn't already take action on your call-to-action on the Snip itself.
Got any more questions? Leave them below and I"ll watch this.
Otherwise - happy marketing! And enjoy retargeting Facebook Ads from other blogs by using Sniply.
See you next time!
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Instagram - www.instagram.com/matthewrtims
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Web - www.matthewtims.com
Work with me? - matt(at)matthewtims.com
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I don't know if I've had the chance to watch a good SubmitHub tutorial before I got started, so I'm happy to share this with you guys before you do. SubmitHub is an easy way to be posted by A LOT of playlists, blogs, labels, influencers, and more! In this video, will show you a few simple strategies I use to get my music heard by the right platforms, reaching the right audience, and performing way better!
I share about the importance of using the "genre match high to low" search filter, and balancing out the types of platforms you submit to (you'll find out what I mean in the video). Feel free to reach out to me for any questions!
Link to my free Spotify Playlist Promotion Training:
Link to my music:
Influencer marketing is important for any music artist on the rise. They can help you scale along with Music blogs spreading the word about you. Use these music industry tips to get farther in your career.
Influencer marketing is for every music artist, finding the perfect influencer for your music will boost your career. Using their creative marketing ways will get you fans you have never seen.
Music blogs help you become creditable in the future, if blogs are talking about you then your music has to be doing something good. Using this tool music blogs will boost your career to the next level.
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Bloggers - 2:41
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If your wondering how to set your videos to autoplay on YouTube or website this is the video for you, Have you ever land on a YouTube channel and wonder how their video is set to play automatically? It's much easier to do than you may think. Here is a quick video to show you how easy it is. You can also set up your video to play automatically on your blog or website. Just in case you didn't catch it on the video the code for auto play on a website is this:
In the embed code where you see this: &rel=0 (remember its in there twice) replace it with this: &autoplay=1
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Be prepared to learn the secret ingredient to Regina's Deviled Eggs. She's going to tell you her life story, beg you to subscribe, or else she will cease to exist.
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0:00 How do Blogs Actually Help a Website
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This one is for small bloggers out there, but moreso for small business owners that don’t quite understand the full value that a blog brings to a website. Simply put, if you’re trying to use marketing to grow your business and want to have a decent presence on Google and other search engines, a blog is absolutely essential to your success.
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This was a conference session titled Creating Authority Blogs and Passive Monthly Income from Affiliate Summit East 2013, which took place August 18-20, 2013 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia.
Session speakers:
Syed Balkhi, Founder, WPBeginner.com (Moderator)
John Chow, Titles Are For Wimps, John Chow dot Com
Zac Johnson, President/CEO, MoneyReign Inc
John Rampton, Editor, Search Engine Journal
Session description: 99% of blogs fail. Three top bloggers and online marketers will share their tips, tricks and secrets to creating authority blogs that make real money, and show you how to do the same.
Experience level: Intermediate
Target audience: Affiliate/Publisher
Niche/vertical: Blogging
Note: the companies and positions listed above were current as of the time of the conference. Some of this information may have changed since then.
Affiliate Summit is the premier affiliate marketing conference.
This three day conference included an exhibit hall with affiliate merchants, vendors, and networks, as well as multiple tracks of educational sessions covering the latest trends and information from affiliate marketing experts.
Get more information on Affiliate Summit at http://www.affiliatesummit.com
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Regarding Kate's comment of 'INNOCENT' or 'COMPLICIT' not 50/50.
"...it was somewhat stunning when a YouGov poll published in the Sunday Times of London this week found that only 20% of Britons think Gerry and Kate McCann are completely innocent." Sept 2007
Read more: http://www.time.com/time/world..../article/0,8599,1663
Read the Official Police Files and More: THE MADDIE CASE FILES http://themaddiecasefiles.com/
Follow the discussion on this video: COMPLETE MYSTERY OF MADELEINE MCCANN http://jillhavern.forumotion.n....et/t5331-video-nasty
MISSING MADELEINE: http://missingmadeleine.forumo....tion.net/f1-main-mad
Thanks to News Winnow for the links to all the blogs and forums:
The goal is to help people "new" to the case to find resources for further research. Thank you to Joana and others who originally listed these sites.
Police DVD Files Translations
Maddie Case Files
Gerry McCanns Blog
Pamalam "The purpose of this site is for information and a record of Gerry McCann's Blog Archives. As most people will appreciate GM deleted all past blogs from the official website."
Interpol on Madeleine
Maddie Case Files
Reports, translations, news and discussion forum
McCann Files ~Nige
Considered by many to be the most useful and complete factual research site regarding the McCann case.
Released to the public on 4 August 2008 in accordance with Portuguese Law. Originals (Portuguese) and English translations.
PJ on Madeleine
Official Madeleine page on PJ (Portuguese police) website
Algarve Newswatch
Len Port, veteran journalist
Blacksmith's Bureau
"What we're about Free speech, that's what. The focus of which is the McCanns' attempt to silence a Portuguese police officer, Goncalo Amaral."
Dogs Don't Lie
"Dedicated to the hard work and effort put in to training the cadaver and blood sniffing dogs Eddie and Keela."
Forum (Dutch)
From My Big Desk
Anna Andress
Gazeta Digital
Editor: Paulo Reis
Good Quality Wristbands
"himself" Tales of the Grotesque
Hasta que se sepa la Verdad
Spanish - "Un lugar donde informarse sobre las últimas noticias de la desaparición más mediática de todos los tiempos"
Joana Morais
Blog devoted to McCann case (English, many translations and up-to-date news from Portugal.)
Little Morsals
Sasha "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will know true peace"
Maddie Abduction Mystery
Maddie Blijft een Mysterie
Maddie Case Files
Research, discussion forum, etc.
Madeleine Foundation
Mariana Faithful
Videos and comments
McCann Archive
McCann Gallery image archive ~"himself"
McCann Exposure
"Exposing myth, distortion, corruption and the TRUTH"
McCann Gallery: A Satirical and Irreverent View of Two Serial Child Neglecters
McCanns Abuse of Power
Mike's Other Place
mike (fotdmike)
Missing Forum
Discussion forum
Missing Madeleine
Discussion forum
News from my Big Desk
Anna Esse
Notes from a Potting Shedder
O Mistério da Praia da Luz
Proud of the PJ
Claudia "...a little corner of cyberspace where people who wish to do so, can leave a message of support to the PJ and express their views on the Madeleine case."
"Those that defend the indefensible can only use reason beyond reason itself."
The Truth About The Lie / A Verdade da Mentira
"The reading of this publication is only made possible by the tireless and voluntary efforts of Anna Andress."
Unter Den Teppich Gekehrt / "Swept Under the Carpet"
Johanna "Die Wahrheit und nichts als die Wahrheit / The truth and nothing but the truth" (German)
Until you know the Truth"
Mercedes (Spanish) "Un lugar donde informarse sobre las últimas noticias de la desaparición más mediática de todos los tiempo"
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Is Guest Posting At Other People's Blogs Worth the Effort? Find out in today's episode of Serve No Master podcast.
Usually when people are just starting their business will write a blog post for someone's website and give them the free content in exchange for a link to their own website in hopes to generate more traffic (https://servenomaster.com/3-se....o-tricks-to-make-mor .
The benefits of writing a blog post for others are more visibility, traffic, and authority - Yahoo and Google still love that kind of content, even though the rules of the game change. As guest posting becomes more structured it is one of many ways you can grow your business.
So the question is not whether or not you should write that blog post, it is how to do it strategically. To find out more listen to today's episode of Serve No Master podcast.
Resources mentioned:
• Easy Pay (https://servenomaster.com/easypay)
Leave some feedback. We would love to hear from you!
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• Jonathan Green books on Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/Jonatha....n-Green/e/B01HW75AYO
The post SNM172: Is Guest Posting At Other People's Blogs Worth the Effort? appeared first on Serve No Master: Be Your Own Boss - Live Free (https://servenomaster.com/)
Connect with Jonathan Green
• The Bestseller: ChatGPT Profits (https://servenomaster.com/chatgptprofits)
• Free Gift: The Master Prompt for ChatGPT (https://servenomaster.com/master)
• Free Book on Amazon: Fire Your Boss (https://servenomaster.com/getfire)
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• Video Episodes: https://www.youtube.com/@Artif....icialIntelligencePod
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Have a question or idea for a video? Or maybe you want your site or a specific article reviewed. Let me know here: https://forms.office.com/r/9VYNvRUzaN
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Project 24 is a product of Income School LLC. Results mentioned are not typical. The trademark “Project 24” refers to the goal of some people to create a successful business in 24 months, but is not a promise or guarantee of that success. Many online businesses fail because, like any business, it requires hard work, skill, and dedication. Before making business decisions, consult financial and legal professionals licensed in your jurisdiction.